Chased Page 39

Liv shrugged. “It’s okay, Amy. I know you’re friends with her.”

“I know, but I wouldn’t want her at my table either if I were you. Even though I think you got a way better deal.” Amy smiled tentatively and Liv laughed.

“I know I did.”

Lyndsay had been on her way over with Brody until she saw who else was at the table and froze. Brody saw Liv and paled. Marc narrowed his eyes at them both. He was thankful Brody’s stupidity drove Liv to his arms but he hated the bastard for hurting her.

Shane and Cassie came up behind them and Marc noted with some amusement that Shane used a bit more of his body than was necessary to push past Brody. Cassie just stared at them like she smelled something nasty. Brody and Lindsay moved to the other side of the dance floor.

“Asshole,” Cassie muttered as she sat down.

Marc grinned as he looked around the table. His family was hers now too. He loved that she was so close to Cassie and Maggie. His family was important to him and she was already a part of it.

“It’s a small town. We’re bound to see each other. I’m surprised this is the first time I’ve seen him since the end of February.” Liv took a sip of her beer.

“I’m sure he’s been laying low. Everyone knows what he did. I told him what an ass I thought he was when I ran into him two months ago at the hardware store.” Marc thought Brody should have been glad the running into him part wasn’t with Marc’s truck.

“You didn’t tell me you ran into him.” Liv raised an eyebrow at him in question. Marc shrugged. “It didn’t matter enough to mention. He’s a punk and he’s lucky I didn’t put my fist in his face.”

“Damn right,” Cassie said.

“Marc and I are going to be getting out of here. He’s got an ambitious new workout routine he’s promised to show me.”

Choking on his beer a moment, Marc stood with Liv and waved to everyone else as he dragged her out.

In the parking lot, he backed her against the side of his truck. “You’re playing with fire, Liv.” To underline his point, he rolled his hips, grinding his c**k into her, inflamed even more when she half closed her eyes and moaned softly.

“You okay to drive?” Her hands skimmed over his shoulders and back as she writhed against him.

“I only had three sips of my beer before you dangled kinky sex in front of me. I’m as sober as a parson. If we don’t get going right now, I’m going to do you right here in the parking lot.”

“As tempting as that is, the family watching us through the window of the diner across the way might not appreciate it.”

He stepped back and opened the door. She climbed up and in and he smiled, catching the flash of bare leg he got as she scooted across the seat to her side.

“My place is closer.” He fastened his seatbelt quickly and put his keys in the ignition.

“Cool. I like having sex in your monument to bachelorhood.”

“Where do you get the stuff you say?”

“I’m naturally gifted that way.” She lifted her shoulders nonchalantly. He drove safely but quickly to his apartment. Parking somewhat haphazardly, he dragged her up the stairs, pushed her inside and kicked the door closed behind him.

“Clothes off. Now.”

She took a deep breath and undid the ties at the shoulder of her dress. It fell to the floor, pooling in a spill of deep blue at her feet.

“You had no panties on that whole time.” He swallowed hard. She shook her head. “Not a stitch.”

“Damned sexy. And oh so naughty.” He stalked toward her, yanking his shirt over his head, toeing his boots off when he reached her and tossing them back with the shirt.

“I have this recurring fantasy.” He looked down at her, liking the way her mouth turned up at the corner when he said it.

“Oh? Do tell.”

“It involves you, on your knees.”

She dropped to her knees and he sucked in a breath.

“Like this?” She looked up at him.

“That’ll do nicely. And then you suck my cock. Afterwards, we make love nice and slow. This after I go down on you of course.”

She reached up and unzipped his jeans, freeing his cock. “Of course.” Her tongue darted out to lick around the ridge of the head. Swirling her tongue around him as she took him farther and farther into her mouth. The heat built in him. Her mouth, hot and wet, surrounded him fully as her nails lightly scored his balls. Pleasure so intense he had to lock his knees to keep from crumbling, burst through him.

Liv thought she was pretty darned good at o**l s*x. Because she loved it. Loved making him squirm and groan, loved the feel of his c**k in her mouth as it got harder and harder. There was power there, even on her knees, because it was her and no one else who made him feel that way.

Over and over again, she took him into her mouth, rocking back and sliding forward on him, keeping him wet and the pressure even. Every few passes she added a flick of her tongue just beneath the head.

His hands squeezed her shoulders, guiding her movements. No other man would have been allowed to do that but with him it seemed natural. Not overly aggressive or controlling in a negative sense but more like he couldn’t resist because he needed her that much.

“You feel so good, sugar. I don’t know what I did to deserve a gorgeous creature at my feet, sucking my cock, but I’m thankful to the powers that be for you. Fuck. Fuck. I’m close.”

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