Chased Page 38

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Liv walked out of Maggie’s room, face bright with tears. “He’s here. Nicholas Edward Chase is now ready to see two people at a time. Maggie is tired but she knows you all want to meet him. Polly, why don’t you and Grandpa go first?”

Liv collapsed into a chair next to Marc and he hugged her. “You okay?”

“Oh my God. I’ve never in my life seen anything more amazing. Maggie deserves a medal. And Nicholas is the most beautiful boy. Looks an awful lot like your dad.” She stood. “I need to call Dee and Penny. Maggie’s dad is on his way here from the airport. I bet he’s kicking himself for having to take a business trip when Maggie had the baby.”

“Can I help with the calls?”

She smiled at him. “Thank you, darlin’, but I need you to be the gatekeeper. You’ll need to wrestle your parents out of there in about five minutes. Then Cassie and Shane can go in. Hopefully I’ll be back but I need to go outside to call. Only two people and only five minutes. She needs to sleep. They all do.”

She made her calls in the early afternoon heat. Smiling and crying as she relayed the details to Penny and Dee. Maggie would be so happy to see the flowers her students were going to send and Kyle’s employees would take care of their accounts for the next two weeks so he could focus on Maggie and the baby.

It was then she saw Lindsay Cole walking out of the building across the street from the hospital. She looked up and flinched when she saw Liv. Liv expected to feel fury but she didn’t. Instead she just felt sad that anyone could be so cold as Brody had been and Lindsay deserved him.

Liv had just been in the room to help her best friend deliver a new life into the world. No silly skank could ruin that. Not when she had Marc Chase in her bed and her heart.

She turned and went back inside.

Chapter Ten

Liv swayed in Marc’s arms on the dance floor. The Honky Tonk on a Friday night and the place was packed. The Dixie Chicks played and Marc was lazily propositioning her in her ear. Shivers ran up and down her spine as he described in great detail just how he was going to make her come. They’d foregone pool and beer at The Pumphouse and had gone on an actual date instead. Liv saw Shane and Cassie nearby and Matt sat with Amy Jackson at their table.

“What do you say?” Marc pulled away from her ear to look into her face.

“I’m not sure that’s even physically possible but I’m up for it if you are.”

He laughed and she felt light and dizzy with happy. Could have been the lack of sleep because Marc had slept over the last two nights and she’d been over at Kyle and Maggie’s several times to check in. She wanted to bring by food but Polly had prepared enough food to keep them fed until Christmas.

“Okay. But a beer first to fortify me. Plus you realize this is our first actual out on the town date now that we’re an official couple?”

“You mean all the times you came over to have sex didn’t count?” Liv winked at him.

“Well, now yes they did. They did very fine. But this lets all these dimwits know you’re mine. So no more sniffing around you every damned time you’re out in public.” He frowned as he led her off the dance floor.

“Me? You’ve got to be kidding. Marc, a stream of women follows you by scent. Everywhere you go there’s some bimbo nearby fluttering her lashes and thrusting her boobies at you.”


“Yes, that’s how I think of them when their owner is twenty-two.”

He blushed and it was her turn to laugh.

“Olivia Jean, are you jealous?”

“I don’t like it, no.”

He stopped right in the middle of the aisle they were walking on. “Do you think I’d do you like Brody?”

“No. No I don’t. I wouldn’t be with you if I did, Marc.” She shrugged. “I didn’t accuse you of cheating on me. You made a comment about men sniffing around and I countered with your harem. Every Chase brother comes equipped with one apparently. You asked if I was jealous and I answered you honestly. Don’t ask a question if you don’t want to hear the answer.”

He relaxed and kissed her lightly. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I just hate that you might compare me to Brody.”

“I can understand that. But I wasn’t. I don’t like it that I have to wade through a bunch of women to get to you all the time.”

“Doesn’t signify. The only woman who matters is you.” He took her hand and tucked it into his arm and continued to walk her to the table. When they got there, he pulled out her chair, enjoying the view as she plopped into it.

“Nice jiggle.” He sat and poured her a beer from the pitcher.

“Hmpf. Hey, Matt.”

“Hey Liv, how are you tonight? Looking mighty fine.” Matt winked and Marc growled.

Matt just laughed. “It’s payback for all you’ve done to Kyle and Shane.”

“Just wait. You’re the last one.” Marc drank his beer while drawing circles on the back of Liv’s neck with the other hand, loving the way she shivered in response. He noted the stares that Liv attracted but also the way she ignored it. Until Brody came in with Lyndsay.

Everyone at the table froze except for Amy who waved and called out Lyndsay’s name.

“No.” Matt shook his head and put his hand on Amy’s. “Neither of them is welcome at this table.”

Amy looked confused and then her face changed when she caught sight of Liv, blushing. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”

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