Chased Page 40

She hummed her approval around him and he cursed under his breath before he groaned low and long while he came.

He sank to the carpet beside her, bringing her to lie across his body as he caught his breath.

“Yeah. Better than the fantasy. Not that it’ll stop me from having more fantasies about you or anything. Now I’ll have more fodder.”

She laughed and he rolled her over onto her back, looming over her. “That was spectacular, Liv. Now, I think it’s your turn.”

“Like I’m gonna argue?”

Marc looked down at her, lying there beneath him, naked but for some seriously sexy heels. The look in her eyes made his heart sing. Trust. Love. Openness.

The long line of her neck called to his lips and he didn’t resist. Leaning in, he licked from shoulder to earlobe, loving the way she arched into him, giving him more of her neck.

No shy miss here. She widened her thighs and rolled her hips. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, urging him on.

Taking his time, he meandered over the hills and curves of her body, licking across her collarbone, laving his tongue through the warmth at the hollow of her throat. His fingers kneaded her muscles as he moved down, kissing the curve of her breast until he reached the nipple, swirling his tongue around it and sliding the edge of his teeth across it until she gasped.

“You like that?”

“Yes, oh yes. More, please, Marc.”

“Since you asked so pretty.” He continued to kiss down the bottom slope of her breast, over each rib, down the soft plane of her belly, pausing to dip his tongue in the sweet well of her navel.

Her low moan of encouragement made him grin as he sat back on his heels. Grabbing her ankles, he pushed her knees up and pressed them wide, opening her up to him completely.

She gasped and caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

“You need to keep your thighs wide for me. If you move them I’ll stop. Can you do that for me, sugar?”

She blinked rapidly, licking her lips before managing a nod. Satisfied, he slid his palms down her thighs and pulled her labia apart just before lowering his mouth to her and taking a leisurely lick. He felt her thigh muscles tense under his hands but she relaxed, keeping her legs open. Sliding his tongue through her pu**y, he reveled in the pleasure he brought her. He loved her taste, the way she responded so totally to him. The fingertip he’d had circling her gate slowly pushed into her and he closed his eyes against the way her body clasped around him.

A second finger followed the first and she arched her back. He paused and she moved her legs back in place.

“I find it quite erotic to control you, sugar. The way you just got even hotter and wetter says you do too.”

She exhaled around a soft whimper and he got back to work, his tongue swirling and flicking around her clit over and over as he f**ked into her with his fingers.

Her clit bloomed against his tongue as she cried out softly, her thighs wrapping around his shoulders as she came.

Finally she went lax, her thighs falling open and he put his head on her belly, looking up the line of her body at her face, a relaxed smile on her lips. He kissed her belly and stood, holding a hand out to her. She took it and he helped her up.

“Condoms in my bathroom. Just bought a new box today. You keep me very busy.” He pulled her down his hallway but she stopped at the doorway when he went inside.

He saw her reflection in the mirrors over the sink, saw the mirrored doors on the closet and realized the entire room was walled by mirrors. He smiled. “Come on in here.” He patted the counter. “I think this is the perfect height.”

Shucking his jeans and socks, he hoisted her up on the counter, stepping between her thighs and going in for a kiss.

“I like this view. I can see your ass and the muscles in your back. You have a very sexy behind.”

“Why thank you, ma’am. I do try.” He winked, sheathing himself quickly and testing her for readiness before slowly pushing himself into her. Liv watched him make love to her from every angle, really appreciating the mirrors on the closet door fully. Watched the clutch of his glutes as he pushed his c**k into her, the flex of his shoulders and down the long line of his back. She caught sight of her body wrapped around his, the paler skin of her legs contrasted with the more golden hues of his. Her eyes, slumberous, lips parted. They were beautiful together, linked.

It was almost as if she watched someone else there in the mirror. Perhaps through his eyes? In the mirror she was confident and trusted him completely as he stoked her desire that he’d just sated scant minutes before. His body was made to fit into hers and he did it so very well. His cock, wide with a blunt head, brushed over her sweet spot over and over. He knew just where it was and took great care to give it attention. That’s how their sex was. Mindblowing yes, but because he wanted it to be. For her.

“I like seeing you from all these angles. So pretty.” A fingertip traced around her ni**les, feather light. “These are luscious. When I see you my mouth waters to taste them.”

His head bent then, the warmth of his tongue sent shivers up her spine as he flicked over the nipple quickly, in time with his thrusts. How he did it she didn’t know but it was a form of erotic torture and he devastated her with it time and again. Each flick was followed by a sucking pull that brought a throb from her clit.

“I love the way your pu**y flutters around me when I do that. Such sensitive ni**les.”

“For you.”

He looked into her eyes then, pausing. “I love you, Liv.”

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