Chased Page 21

He’d push her, see how far she’d let him go, see how much of himself he could be. Embrace the ability to let the full face of his sexuality show and see how hot he could make this beautiful woman spread out on his front seat. She tasted good, salty-sweet, nearly as good as the moans. Many women hesitated with o**l s*x, didn’t want him to do it, feeling uncomfortable or self conscious. But not this woman. She let herself be held wide open and devoured. He loved that about her.

Loved the way her pu**y fluttered around his fingers when he slid them into her, hooking them to stroke over that sweet spot that brought a gasping sob from her lips.

A deep, gut-wrenching groan came from her as she began to come, her back arched, body clenching around his fingers. Gently, he backed away, grabbing a condom from his wallet, freeing his cock, sheathing it and moving to her again.

“Up. I think you need to get back on my lap.”

She looked up at him and then down to his c**k with a smile. “My, I love a man who’s prepared.” Scrambling quickly, she held herself above him, reaching around and holding his c**k before sliding down, inch by inch until he’d embedded himself fully within the heat of her pu**y.

Eye to eye with her, he knew right then. Everything shifted. The noise and chaos in his head, the aching need he felt for her, the confusion that his carefully ordered, commitment free bachelorhood had been discarded and he didn’t seem to be bothered—it all fell away. With a sense of clarity he’d never felt before, he saw it. Absolutely without a doubt. He loved Olivia Davis. It should have scared him, freaked him right the f**k out, but it didn’t. Instead, a sense of calm settled over him and it was all right. He knew then what Kyle and Shane felt and understood the enormity of the gift he’d been given. Now he had to make sure Liv understood it too but with an inward sigh, he had the feeling it wouldn’t be as easy for her.

“Ride me, Liv.”

Taking his lips in a kiss, she lifted herself off his c**k and slid back down. The pleasure of that heated embrace gathered at the base of his spine as she moved on him, her mouth over his, their tongues sliding together. He let himself slide toward climax relatively quickly, to take the edge off. Without vanity, he could admit he had a very fast recovery time and he wanted to get her inside where he could stretch out and give every inch of her body the attention it deserved.

Liv bit his bottom lip, slid her tongue through the dimple on his chin, cruised over the line of his jaw as she took him into her body over and over. She couldn’t quite believe she’d let a man go down on her in the front seat of a truck in an alley and now rode him like a pony. All in relative public. And she liked it. Man, she was a deviant because she loved every minute. Loved it when his fingers found her clit and worked her into another climax and pressed his c**k up into her pu**y hard and deep as he came. Loved it when he gently sat her beside him and handed her her pants.

“Now that I’ve taken the edge off, I can dedicate more time to you in the manner you deserve.” He tucked her panties into his pocket and his c**k back into his pants while she got dressed.

Afterwards, he helped her out of the car and she liked that he kept hold of her hand as they took the stairs up to his place. She’d only been there once before a few years back when Matt had to drop something off.

The first thing she noticed was that it smelled good. She hadn’t expected it to. Couldn’t say she remembered anything from that last visit but she figured it would smell like most bachelor pads, messy, of unwashed laundry and wet towels.

Marc’s place smelled like his cologne and fresh fruit. She saw a set of hanging baskets filled with apples and peaches and knew that’s where the scent had come from. His living room windows were large and looked out over the street. It was nicely furnished with bookshelves on the walls and pictures of his family all around.

He kept surprising her and that made her uncomfortable. In the box marked unavailable bachelor for life, he was non-threatening because it wouldn’t pay to develop feelings for him. But in the box labeled guy way deeper than she’d thought who loved his family? That guy was dangerous to her well being.

“Now.” He flipped the lights off before lighting candles set all around the living room. “I’ll be right back.” He disappeared down the hall, returning after a few moments. “You look gorgeous with candlelight on your skin. I figured you would. Then again, I’ve yet to see you in a situation where you didn’t look gorgeous.”

His hands went to the tie at the right shoulder of her shirt and undid it, letting it fall forward. Her ni**les, already hard at his presence, hardened even more at the cool air and the look on his face.

“Okay, let’s go down the hall before I take you here on the floor of my living room. I’ve already had you in a truck, I need to mind my manners now.”

She laughed and let him drag her down his hallway to his bedroom. A king sized bed dominated the space.

“I’ve been dreaming of this,” he murmured, pulling his shirt up and over his head. Her heart raced at the sight of him, tawny in the candlelight.

“God you’re beautiful.”

He stopped and cocked his head, smiling. “Thank you, sugar. I’ve got nothing on you.”

Her blouse lay around her waist and she removed it, laying it on the arm of a chair.

“Nothing on me.” She snorted. “Puhleeze. Look at yourself in that mirror there. You’re gorgeous. Hard and fit and muscular. I know you know you’re handsome, women fall over you all the time and you catch quite a few too.”

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