Chased Page 20

Her lips were sweet. Made for him. She was incredibly responsive to his touch, returning his kiss with abandon. And she knew her way around a kiss. This was not some young woman waiting for him to make all the moves. Olivia was not just sexy, she was a woman who enjoyed sex, that much was obvious in her response.

He’d never actually been with a woman he could truly loose all his sexual energies with. The thought that he might be able to with Liv was alluring. Her hands moved to the waist of his jeans and then to his fly. Sweet baby Jesus. He groaned when she grasped his cock, sliding her thumb through the slickness at the head.

“Holy shit. Liv wait.” He didn’t want her to stop but they couldn’t go at it out there.

“Why?” She looked up at him, her face colored by moonlight, a smile tipping one corner of that luscious, kiss-swollen mouth.

“Because when I f**k you, I want you spread out on my bed so I can lick and touch every damned inch of your body. Once you stroke me, I lose all sense of proportion and I don’t want the first time you make me come to be out here. I want to come in your mouth, Olivia,” he murmured and she shivered and moaned softly.

Gently, he pushed her hands away and sat up, putting the food and trash away. “Come on back to my place.”

It wasn’t so much a request as an enticing order. Liv’s entire body was on fire for him. She needed him inside her so badly her thighs trembled. The truth was, he’d been a surprise. Who’d known he was capable of such control and deep sexuality? He came off as playfully sexual but the comment about coming in her mouth wasn’t a line, it was a truth, delivered in a desire-roughened voice, and it set her aflame.

So it wouldn’t lead to picket fences but she’d lay good odds it would lead to multiple orgasms and she liked Marc. A lot. What harm could it do at that point to take a little enjoyment in each other until the attraction wore off?

She looked up at him where he stood, cooler in hand. Making up her mind, she grasped his outstretched hand and let him pull her to stand. But he didn’t stop there, he grabbed her around her waist and pulled her flush against him. Lips just a hair’s breadth away from hers, he whispered, “I’m going to make you come so many times you’re going to pass out by the time I’m finished.”

Her heart raced as shivers worked through her body. “Okay.”

Chuckling, he let go to grab the blanket and they headed back to his truck where she settled in, looking out over the water while he tucked the cooler into the back and came around to his side.

The quick drive back to town, back to where his apartment sat over a shoe store, was quiet but not uncomfortably so. He pulled into the alley at the rear and parked.

Before she knew it she was in his lap, her body straddling his. She didn’t even know why she’d done it but there was certainly no reason to waste her situation.

“That’ll do nicely, Liv,” Marc said with a wicked grin as his wide palms slid up her legs, stopping at the back of her thighs just below the swell of her ass. Her lips found his with almost desperate joy. His taste roared through her system, enticing, seductive, making her tremble with need. She swallowed his groan, the sound sliding down her throat as she suckled his tongue. It was probably the lack of sex, but she was pretty sure she’d never wanted a man that desperately before.

She wanted to grind herself over his erection but his hands held her up out of reach. When she whimpered, trying to move down, he chuckled and she found herself on her back on the bench seat.

“That’s more like it.” Quick hands pulled her pants and the tiny wispy panties off. “So beautiful.” His fingertips traced the line of her labia, slick and swollen and she unashamedly widened her thighs to get more of him. She gasped when he brought those fingertips to his lips, closing his eyes at her taste. “Better than I’d imagined. And I’ve imagined a lot. Olivia, I’m going to taste you out here where anyone could catch us. You’re going to scream when I make you come and then I’m going to f**k you. After that we’ll go inside and start again.”

Licking her lips at his words, Liv could only manage a nod. Cripes, the man was sex on legs. No one else she’d ever been with could have gotten away with what he’d just said to her. But he more than got away with it, her body, her mind, yearned for more.

“Hands above your head. Hold onto the door.” Marc insinuated himself between her thighs, pushing them yet wider and spreading her pu**y open before taking a long lick.

Her breath rushed out and pleasure, bright and hot, made her see stars. Her fingers got numb as they dug into the padded door handle. His mouth—tongue, teeth and lips, set about devastating her, driving her toward climax hard and fast.

“Don’t rob me of your voice, Olivia,” he murmured, stopping for a moment. “I want to hear you. I want to know how I’m making you feel. Stop biting your lip and give me what I want.”

All she could do was gasp and then moan when he got back to work. She should be appalled by his behavior but it would be stupid to pretend. And Olivia Davis wasn’t stupid.

Instead she complied and let it come as her body primed itself for orgasm. Letting him hear her soft cries and moans as her hips undulated against his mouth.

Satisfaction roared through him as he eagerly took in each sound she made. He’d been surprised when she hopped into his lap and laid some sugar on him after he’d parked but he wasn’t one to look away when fate dropped a hot woman in his lap.

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