Chased Page 22

Chuckling, he unzipped her pants and shoved them down, letting her lean on him as she stepped out of them and her shoes.

“Good gracious.” He stalked around her, taking in every inch of her body. A body he’d helped her shape and strengthen. She’d never been ashamed of her nudity but she certainly felt a lot better about her overall tone and shape now that he’d kicked her ass for two and a half months.

“Now you. I want to see all of you.”

He stopped in front of her and slowly undid the buttons at the front of his jeans. Each pop of the seven buttons drew her nerves, and her ni**les, tighter. He shoved his jeans down and off his body, taking his socks off with them and then stood gloriously naked in front of her.

“Wow.” Her mouth dried up. Flat, hard stomach with an enchanting line of hair leading to his very healthy equipment. Listing to the left. She liked that, liked how it’d felt inside her. Right then it was very hard. “I do so love a man with such a good recovery time.”

He laughed but made no move to stop her as she took her time looking him over, taking in every inch of his body. Unable to stop herself, she skimmed her palms down his back and over his muscled ass. “This is even nicer unclothed.”

When she reached his front again, his eyes were a deep, dark green and a very naughty grin had taken residence on his lips. A thrill worked through her at the sight of that face. Shit, she totally should have started doing younger men years ago. Even as she thought it, she knew it was a lie. It wasn’t about his relative youth, it was about him.

“By the way? You’re not overcompensating. Not at all.”

Surprise overtook his features for a moment and he threw his head back to laugh. The floor swept out beneath her and she landed with a laugh on the bed, Marc looming over her.

“Did you like what you saw?”

“I like what I see very much. I’d like it even more if you got busy with all those arms and legs, your mouth and hands and that verra fine c**k you’ve got there.”

“On your hands and knees then. Face the other way. I want to f**k you from behind but this way I can see your face in the mirror. See you come with those beautiful cat eyes looking up at me so you don’t forget who’s bringing you such pleasure.”

Holy shit, the man was lethal with the talking. Who knew? Ugh, again with the surprises. He was like the ultimate Pandora’s box of naughty. She moved quickly and he settled himself behind her. They were well matched height wise, his groin pressed against her ass and the back of her pu**y. But he didn’t plunge in. Instead he bent and licked the length of her spine until a soft squeal of surprised pleasure came from her.

“I don’t have any neighbors and the shoe store is closed. Feel free to make as much noise as you like.” The edge of his teeth found her hip, biting her gently.

“I just want to eat you up.” He paused and met her eyes in the mirror. “Again.”

She moaned as shivers of delight broke over her. She looked back, under the line of her body, watching as he sheathed himself.

“Now then.” He pressed the head of his c**k just inside her body and waited. One of his hands gripped her hip, keeping her from ramming herself back against him to take him inside. The other stole around her body and palmed a breast, moving to slowly tug and roll the nipple until she writhed as much as she could.


“Please what? Tell me what you want, Liv.”

“Fuck me. Please. Stop teasing me and f**k me.”

“My pleasure.” He slid deeply into her in one strong push before pulling out nearly all the way.

If Marc hadn’t already loved her, watching her as he f**ked her would have sealed the deal. It took a lot of trust for a woman to let herself be taken from behind like that. More trust to tell a man what she wanted and then to receive it with utter erotic abandon.

Her br**sts swayed as she moved back to meet his thrusts, soft sounds broke from her as he played with her incredibly sensitive ni**les. She was wet and creamy and he’d never felt anything as good as being deep inside her. His fingertips found her clit again, coaxing her into another orgasm. And when she came? Holy moley she looked absolutely luscious. Her face flushed, eyes glassy, lips wet from her tongue. He’d seen a lot of women orgasm, but this one was beyond compare.

He loved how easy it was to make her climax as well. Once when he’d gone down on her, another as he made love to her in the truck, a third time with his hands just moments before and now he’d have her do it herself.


“Mmmmmm?” she responded, lazily, sexily, making him smile.

“I want you to make yourself come.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“Do it for me, Liv. I know you’ve got another in you, give it to me.”

She hesitated a moment but keeping her eyes locked with his, slid her hand over her belly and her fingertips met the place where their bodies were joined. Her eyelids slid halfway closed as she began to touch her clit and he watched, fascinated as the muscles in her arm and wrist corded and he felt the telltale flutters of the walls of her pu**y around him.

Sweat broke out on his temples as he struggled not to come yet. He wanted her to go first but the carnality of what she was doing, the way she felt around him, the scent of their sex on the air beat at his control.

“Come, Liv. Come,” he urged through clenched teeth as he quickened his pace, f**king into her harder and deeper. Climax gathered in his balls, in the soles of his feet and the top of his head.

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