Chased Page 19

He pulled down a long road toward the lake and parked. “Those are some pretty shoes so I won’t make you walk too far. It’s just down the path. I saw this little spot when I came out to row the other day. Shane and Cassie’s place is just across the way.”

Rowing must be why his upper body looked so damned good. “Well, it’s working for you. Maybe I’ll give it a try sometime. I’ve only used the machine but it seems like it’d be fun.”

“It is. The water is nice and if you come out early enough, it’s quiet and beautiful and the water is smooth as glass. Hang on a sec.”

He got out and grabbed the ice chest from the bed of the truck and met her around on her side where, he was pleased to see, she’d waited for him. Instead of waiting for her to get out, he banded her waist with his arm and pulled her down, sliding her body against his until her toes touched the ground.

“Mmm, you feel good,” he murmured, nuzzling the hollow of her throat instead of kissing those lips. He’d wanted to but he’d save it. Savor it. “Come on.”

She took his hand and they walked down a path to a grassy slope that led to the shoreline. He spread a blanket down and she kicked off her shoes before sitting.

He joined her, sitting next to her instead of across from her. With a small smile, he unloaded the cooler, placing the food out in front of them.

“Wow. Impressive. Did you make all this?” Liv swept her hand, indicating the array of goodies.

“Hell no. I wish. This is from that new deli that opened up on Elm and Fourth. Roasted vegetables, fresh feta cheese, fruit of all kinds, I got the bread from the bakery, it’s some sort of flatbread the guy said. Turkey, olives and oh…” he pulled out a white bakery box, “…cupcakes. Two of them. Butter cream frosting. Because if you can’t splurge, life isn’t worth living.”

“Cupcakes?” Liv sighed dreamily. “I love cupcakes. My goodness, you’re perfect. And you got to me just before the food came so I’m starving.”

Insanely pleased she’d liked such a small gesture, he grinned as he pulled out some bottled water. “I have wine too if you’d prefer. But when I kiss you, and I will, I want you to be clearheaded.”

“Awfully sure of yourself.”

He nodded, making himself a sandwich. “I am. Because I want you so much it makes my skin itch. And because I know you want me too.”

Her only reply was an intake of breath. He let her hide from answering. For now. They ate in companionable silence as the night deepened. It was clear and warm and the stars and three quarter moon gave off plenty of light. She took a sip of water, nervous. What an effect he had on her! No man had ever made her speechless, not even Matt and she had loved him. But this man pushed every button and she wasn’t sure why or how. Six months ago he’d been a pretty face she liked to see every few weeks here and there around town and all the sudden she thought of him all the time. Imagined his hands on her, his mouth, wondered about how the heat of his naked skin would feel against hers.

In truth, she should be running back to that truck of his. But her body and libido had firmly refused to comply with her brain and she decided to ride it out, see where things went.

He shifted beside her and her heart kicked in her chest.

“Liv,” he said softly and it was as if another woman’s hands screwed the top of the water on and placed the bottle aside. She turned to face him and couldn’t stop a gasp when she found him so very close.

“There you are.” He smiled lazily. “You’re damned sexy I don’t quite know where to start. But I figure the lips are the best first step.”

Surely, he moved, closing the last few inches between them. Warm, lush lips covered hers. His hand slid up her back, fingertips teasing her spine and then to her neck and into her hair. He cradled her head, holding her just how he wanted as he deepened the kiss from slow exploration to hungry plunder. His tongue feathered the seam of her lips and flowed inside when she opened to him. Warm and sinuous, his tongue slid along hers. He wasn’t aggressive, but Marc Chase knew what he was about and he kissed her without hesitation. He took what he wanted and gave back in spades.

Liv wasn’t shy sexually, she believed very strongly that women had to be in charge of themselves and their pleasure and to demand it if necessary from a partner. But Marc needed no guidance on that score. No wonder the women on his arm always looked happy.

He guided her back to the blanket, his upper body settling against hers. His teeth nipped her bottom lip in short succession, once, twice and then again, his tongue laved the sting away.

She slid her hands under his shirt, exploring the miles of hot, hard muscle there, loving the flex and bunch as she touched him. This was dangerous. Marc wasn’t some jovial hunk like Brody had been. This was happening at his pace although he wasn’t forcing anything, he was firmly in charge. She normally held the sexual upper hand in the relationship. Damn, perhaps that was why Brody cheated and Matt walked away. Okay, that wasn’t something to think on at that moment.

Marc broke the kiss, looking into her face. “You okay? You with me?”

Breathless, she nodded and grabbed his hair, pulling his mouth back to her own.

Marc had to hold his lower body away from hers. If he touched her with his c**k she might run away. No, gauging by the way she kissed back, she wouldn’t run. But he wanted to f**k her right then, press himself deep into her body and ride her until she begged him to let her come. And it wasn’t time for that just yet. They’d make love, he had no doubt of that. But not out there. He wanted to explore her first. Take his time and make it good. He couldn’t do that where they were even if the idea of being caught didn’t turn him right on.

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