Chased Page 18

“And has it ever occurred to you, Liv, that you wimp out when it comes to the men you choose? I mean, you choose the Rancher Bills of the world over the guys who could be the real thing for some reason? Protecting yourself or something?” Maggie sighed.

“And has it ever occurred to you that not everyone has a wham-pow connection like you and Kyle? Bill is a nice man. I said his hands were nice. He’s a good kisser. He hasn’t proposed, it’s just been three dates. Yes there are other men out there. I’m not settling. I’m simply asking myself if I’ve been looking for the wrong thing. And what, choosing a marriage minded man over a man like Marc is me protecting myself? That’s just dumb. I’m choosing better than I have before. People live without grand passion and have spouses they admire and respect and live quite happily.”

“I see your chin getting all stubborn, Olivia Davis. Stop it. We’re your friends. If we don’t tell you like it is, who will? All I’m saying is that you can have great sex, great chemistry and forever,” Maggie said, one eyebrow rising. Liv waved it away. “I’m not stubborn. I have to get back to work. I’ll see you all Friday if not before.”

“Not stubborn my ass,” Cassie murmured. “I only know one person more stubborn than you and I’m married to him.”

Liv drank the last of her tea and stood. “I am not even in Shane’s league, stubborn wise. You however, are right up there, missy.” She kissed the top of Maggie’s head and blew one to Cassie. “I’ll see you all later. I appreciate the honesty. I do.”

And she did. They were right, she knew. But it was just three dates with Bill, she’d see him again if he called. It wouldn’t kill her to give the man another chance.

* * *

The Pumphouse was packed to the gills, which only agitated Marc more than he already was. He kept looking toward the front and seeing Liv there, laughing with his sisters-in-law.

He also kept seeing various men stop by the table to flirt with her. Oh how he hated that. Everywhere she went she turned heads with that smile. And the bright red, very small top and the white pants she wore that night only highlighted the pale beauty of her skin and the darkness of her hair, which she’d changed again; this time it stood up in a sort of spiky disarray. A bit rock and roll. One of her shoes, a high heeled slide, dangled from her toes as she slowly kicked her foot back and forth under the table.

“You look like a lovesick puppy. I’d be snickering that a woman finally turned the tables on you but I feel too sorry for you. What’s the next step in Plan Woo?” Matt clapped him on the shoulder.

“Picnic. I’ve got the stuff out in my truck. I want to take her out to the lake under the stars. Good heavens, look at Frank Gillchrist. He’s making a damned fool out of himself with her. Practically taking up residence in the front of her shirt.”

“Go on. Get out of here. You’re miserable and you’re going to start a fight with someone if you don’t just make your move already.” Shane took his shot and bumped Marc hip to hip.

“If it brings you any comfort, she’s been sneaking looks back here for the last hour.” Matt smirked.

“Some. Okay, I’m gone. Wish me luck.” Marc put his cue back on the wall and headed toward her booth, single mindedly ignoring the women who put themselves in his path.

She looked up at him with a tentative smile. “Hey there, Marc Chase.”

“You and me, picnic under the stars. What do you say?” He held out a hand. A moment passed and he wanted to kick himself for putting it that way until she grabbed her purse and took his hand. “All right then.”

Well, that was pleasant. If only she let him have his way in everything. Maggie looked up at him through her lashes, a smile playing on her lips. Retribution lay just beyond the encouragement. If he damaged Liv, Maggie would kick his ass. And then Cassie would have a go.

Marc smiled at Maggie and blew her a kiss and, as he didn’t play favorites with his gorgeous sisters-in-law, he sent one Cassie’s way as well. “See y’all later.”

Placing Liv’s hand in the crook of his arm, he escorted her out and to his truck.

“What is it with you boys and these trucks? I mean, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you all were overcompensating for other things that weren’t so big.”

Surprised, Marc snorted a laugh. “How do you know better, Miz Liv? You been peeking into the men’s locker room?”

Opening the passenger door for her, he watched appreciatively as she scrambled up into the seat.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Liv replied with a smug smirk, making him laugh again. Damn he liked her attitude.

He jogged around to the driver’s side and got in. As they drove away from the center of town, he snuck a look at her. He’d like to know, hell yes. But he’d show her himself and he hoped like hell it would be soon or his c**k would fall off from disuse.

Liv sat in the giant truck, watching the skies darken into evening. She should not be there with this man. A picnic under the stars alone was a very bad idea. Alone with him was a bad idea but when he’d stalked over and got all bossy, it made her weaken inside. Something about it when he took charge made her all gooey.

He’d looked commanding in those snug jeans and the cowboy boots. His brothers didn’t wear boots very often but he did and she thought it was sexy. His shirt flowed over the muscles of his upper body like a caress. Not tight, that would have been tacky, but the material definitely showcased his strength. She didn’t like to be bossed around and she hadn’t met a man who could ably take charge of her in the bedroom. She managed her life quite well and was happy being an independent woman. That didn’t mean a very in charge, dominant man wasn’t the most delicious fantasy she had. And an unfulfilled one too.

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