Chased Page 17

“Good job, Liv. Your stamina has really increased.” Marc came over and noted her progress.

“Yes, well. I’m through for the night. I’ll see you Wednesday. Oh and thank you for the book. I love that poem.”

He insisted she cool down and stretch before going to change. “I’m glad. I heard her read it on Oprah or something a few years ago. I always thought it was a great poem and I’m fortunate to have many wonderful women in my life. But it seemed perfect for you.”

The hand he’d been using to make sure she extended her back properly continued to rest there as she finished up.

“I’m sorry we got interrupted last night,” he murmured. “I have two more clients to see tonight or I’d walk you home.”

She smiled. “Do your work. I’ll see you Wednesday.”

“What? No comment on being interrupted?” He pouted and it was pretty devastating.

“My goodness. I bet that face got you out of a lot of trouble over your life.”

He chuckled. “Some. Come on, Liv. I’m fishing here. Give a guy a break.”

She softened. He was very bad for her self control. “Okay. I’m sorry we got interrupted too. But it’s probably for the best.”

“It’s not for the best, Olivia. In any case, it was only a temporary reprieve. I’m coming for you.” He grinned.

“Oh man. Go on, your little booster club is waiting. I’ll see you Wednesday.” She turned and put a little extra sway in her walk. She knew she was teasing but she wanted him to think of her instead of those two bimbettes. All the way home she thought of how his eyes darkened just a bit every time he made a move. They didn’t change when he flirted. But when he was down to serious business, they darkened from a blue-green to a deep mossy color. She could not allow this silly flirtation to derail her plans. She needed to find Mister Right and keep her eyes on the prize. It was libido versus brain, she had to keep her brain in charge.

* * *

“So, now that we know you’re having a boy, I can tell you I went on a date last night.” Liv sipped her tea and looked at Cassie and Maggie. They’d had the ultrasound appointment and it had been pretty clear right away that the bundle of Chase in Maggie’s belly came with a crank handle.

“Kyle will be begging to know in a week.” Cassie laughed and then turned to Liv. “Date with who?”

“Rancher Bill. I also signed up with one of those computer dating places. Of course I got like six hundred emails this morning. Man. You should see some of the stuff they sent me. I wanted to hose off with Lysol afterward.”

“Well that’s what? Date number three with Bill? How’d it go? Any action yet?”

Maggie stole a fry from Cassie’s plate. “It totally sucks that you’re healthy girl all the sudden, Liv. Less fries to steal. You do, however, look even better than you did before and that was pretty smokin’ hot to start with. Thank goodness I’m spoken for or I’d be jealous.”

Liv fluttered her lashes. “Why thank you. Marc has really worked me hard. Heh, okay that sounds dirty. Some action with Bill. He’s a very good kisser. There was, erm, third base type stuff going on.”

“Third base, huh? And how are his hands?” Cassie asked without a blush.

“Lawd you women are deviants. Sheesh.” Liv winked. “He’s fine. I mean, he’s got nice sized equipment. He seemed kind of shy about it.” Liv shrugged. “I’m sure when we do sleep together it’ll be nice.”

“Nice? Since when did you settle for nice? And what about Marc working you hard? What’s going on with that?” Maggie demanded.

“What about it? Look, I want to be married, damn it. I want forever. A house. Kids. Pancakes every Sunday. You have that, Maggie and your whole life changed. You’re having a child with the man you love. I want that too. I’ve wasted nearly thirty-five years on men who don’t f**king care about me enough to make a baby with me. It’s easy for you to sit there and judge, damn it. You have forever.” She looked to Cassie. “And you too. Yes, Marc is still wooing and all that but I have a plan. And yes, it’s sexy and flattering and he and I have major chemistry. I can’t deny it any more than I can stop looking because Marc Chase may be interested in f**king me. Letting myself be distracted by the shiny of hot men like Marc instead of focusing on men who are ready to offer me forever like Bill.”

The rigidity in Maggie’s spine eased and she sighed. “It’s more than that. Liv, I’ve seen the way he watches you. If all he wanted was to f**k, he’d have moved on by now because you haven’t given him any. He hasn’t dated in months. I asked Kyle. Don’t settle for heaven’s sake. You don’t have to choose Marc if that’s not what you want but if Rancher Bill doesn’t rev your motor, there are other men out there. Marriage is forever. If the sex is mundane, it’s forever mundane. You’re an awfully sexual woman to just accept mediocre.” Maggie stared at her, exasperated.

“I’ve gone that route. Chosen the hot guy with the great chemistry in bed. And it got me nothing but heartache. Maybe I need someone calm. Something calm.”

“Fuck that. You don’t need something calm. You’re lively and you need a man who appreciates that. A laid back man? Sure, given your level of activity and your personality, that might be a good idea. But Liv, you can have great sex and love. Maggie and I do. Dee and Penny do. Not with each other, that sounded dirty.” Cassie winked at Maggie, who laughed. “You don’t have to settle on forever. I understand you want to be married. I support your plan and I love you. But don’t just roll over and give up.”

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