Taking Chase Page 66

“I used to hate her. I don’t even have that anymore. I just feel bad. We weren’t right for each other, I should have seen it sooner. Hell, I miss Ron, my old best friend, more than I do her. Anyway, I hope it didn’t upset you and I don’t know why you didn’t tell me.”

“It upset me because she hurt you.”

“She’s married now, to Ron. It’s all in the past.” Shane shrugged. “If it had worked out with her and me, there’d be no you and I. So I can’t be sad about it. Everything happens for a reason.”

“She’s sorry you know.”

He raised a brow. “And you know that how?”

“She told me.”

He sat up and pushed a hand through his hair in that way he did when he was agitated. It made her smile.

“You talked to her?”

“Of course I did.” She snorted. “She f**ked you over. I walked right out of that shoe store, Penny ran behind me trying to stop me. I called out Sandra’s name and she turned and when she saw Penny she paled but waited. That took guts. Anyway, I told her who I was and she looked me up and down and nodded her head. Congratulated me, told me what a bitch she’d been and how sorry she was for breaking up two best friends and for hurting you so much. She’s happy now with your old friend but he misses you too, talks about you all the time according to Sandra. He apparently stood in the back at the last two swearing in ceremonies when you were re-elected. By the way, even with saggy boobs and stab scars, I am way hotter.”

He burst into laughter and pulled her against him, kissing the top of her head. “You are indeed way hotter, darlin’. I can’t believe you confronted my ex on the street.” He snorted. “Thanks for defending my honor.”

“I was ready to smack the spit out of that woman but I have to say, after talking to her, I believe that she is sorry and while she hurt you and that can’t be taken back, she did me a favor. But I’ll tell you if I ever see Maggie’s mother or sister on the street? Oh it’s going down!”

“Look at you, like a gorgeous badger. If I weren’t a man, I’d have smacked the crap out of Maggie’s mother and sister too. Two more callous women I’ve yet to meet. But you’d have to stand in line behind my momma.”

“Oh I know. I talked to her about the Sandra thing. She was hopping mad at me for a bit. It’s okay now, she still hates Sandra and I can’t blame her but she knows why I did it and I hope you do too. I want you to have closure on this. I want you to let it go because she’s not worth it.”

“A smart badger too.” He kissed her upturned lips. “I have to admit that it does feel good to know she’s sorry and also that Ron came to my swearing in. I can’t say that I’d ever share a beer with him again but it hurts a little bit less now. No more going all Terminator on my ex-girlfriends though.”

“Worried about your fan club president? Man does she hate me.”

“Kendra? She does? Honestly, Cassie, I dated her a few times. I haven’t in several years now.”

“Shane, if I were threatened by every woman in this town with a torch burning for you, I’d be miserable. I trust you. That’s all I can do.” She shrugged.

“Well, if I get face to face with your ex things won’t be so nice.”


Summer broke with ridiculous fury. Cassie was pretty sure that she’d never been so damned hot in her life. It was only late June and she felt like melting candle wax every time she walked out onto the street.

But things were going well otherwise. No more contact from Terry, her job at the bookstore made her happy and she’d expanded her jewelry business to include several local stores as well as her booming market stall.

Shane’s house was hers now. She no longer felt like a guest but comfortable enough to change around furniture and hang pictures on the walls.

“I’m out of here, Penny.” Cassie called back to her friend as she got ready to leave for the day.

“Okay, see you later tonight at The Pumphouse.” Penny was seeing Ryan every weekend now and he’d looked at houses in a town that was halfway between Atlanta and Petal so he could see her more often. He drove out every Friday night after work or she would stay with him while Cassie handled the store.

Just as she rounded the corner to the courthouse where Shane’s office was, her phone rang. Moving fast now, she saw that the number wasn’t one she recognized.

Picking up, she waved to Shane and pointed to her phone when he saw her. He ran to her as she said, “Hello?”

“And how are you, Carly?”

She took a deep breath and Shane moved the phone so he could hear as well. “I was fine until you called, Terry. Don’t you have somewhere to hide?”

“Oh ho! I see my little mouse has found her roar. Talking tough when you think I don’t know where you are, aren’t you? I can find you. I did before, remember that night?”

Shane’s arm tightened around her and she focused on the people milling around and tried to keep from losing it. She would not let him win.

“Which night, Terry? The one where you were convicted of attempted murder but then you scurried off like a coward? That night?”

“You f**king bitch! I told you you were mine, don’t you forget it. I made you, you whore! I’ll tell you when you can walk away, I’m not ready yet. When I kill you at last I’ll be ready.”

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