Taking Chase Page 65

His chuckle vibrated through them both. “Okay, the talking portion of the show that doesn’t include, oh f**k me harder is now over.” With that, he dragged out and pressed back into her, delighting in the flutter of those inner muscles around his cock.

“Oh f**k me harder!”

Laughing together, he set a rhythm as he thrust into her body, her hips rolling to meet him, take him back inside her as deeply as possible. The smooth skin on the inside of her thighs stroked against the hard muscle of his hips as she wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her feet at the small of his back. Each time he was inside her like this, the hot flesh of her pu**y pulling at him as if she couldn’t bear to let him go, her body there laid out before him as she gave of herself, he knew he was home.

Cassie still had trouble believing this man was hers but he proved it to her every day. She hadn’t exaggerated, he was the most handsome man she’d ever clapped eyes on. His size had been daunting at first, Terry was very tall as well. The similarities were scary in the beginning until she realized Shane would never use his size against her, not physically and not mentally to threaten her. They’d been in some heated arguments and he’d never made a move that scared her even when he was clearly losing his temper.

But this? His size dominating her as he sliced into her body with his cock? It was delicious and touched parts of her she was sure were long dead. She loved it when he took her hard and all she could do was hold on. Loved it that he desired her so much his eyes glazed over and his muscles bunched as he wrestled for control. It made her feel beautiful and special.

She’d never loved sex so much in her life. Simply put, she could not get enough of Shane. Except for those rare times when one didn’t feel well, they made love at least once a day in some way. All he had to do was look at her and her body responded.

He’d chased away the demons and helped her slay them. Yes, the threat was still there but her response was different. When she’d first heard Terry’s voice she’d lost it but by just a few minutes later she’d recovered and had a plan. The old Cassie, no Carly, would have hidden and fallen apart because she didn’t know what else to do or experience, Terry had taken all emotion and response from her but fear. But Shane had pushed that away and helped her remember love and hope and courage and she’d be damned if Carly would come back now.

“You’re thinking. Is that good or bad?”

His voice was low, nearly a growl and it caressed her skin. “Good. But it wasn’t a f**k me harder thought so I’ll save it for later.” She grinned.

He rolled his eyes and lifted her ass, changing his angle and she gasped as the wide head of his c**k stroked over her sweet spot. “Ah, I found it.”

“Yes, ohgodyes you did. More. More, please.”

“My hands are full of your luscious ass, darlin’. I think I need you to make yourself come.”

Months ago it would have embarrassed her but now he’d freed her, made her feel so sexy that it didn’t bother her. She did it not only because it felt wonderful but because she knew he loved to see it.

Eyes locked with his, her hand slid down her stomach to her clit. Still sensitive from the climax he’d given her just minutes before, she kept an easy touch while watching his face. His gaze broke from hers and moved to watch her hand on herself.

“I’ve never seen anything sexier than you making yourself come. The way you feel around me, when you start to get close, it’s heaven. So hot and wet, your sweet pu**y hugs me. Even right now I can feel it coming. I love that.”

Her teeth caught her lip at the carnality of his words even has her body began to move toward orgasm. Each thrust brought a stroke over her sweet spot, lit up the nerve endings as he filled her and withdrew.

A low moan broke from her lips as a rolling, deep orgasm spread through her. Her head moved back and her eyes closed as she heard his muttered curse, felt his rhythm speed and deepen. As her body calmed from climax she opened her eyes to find him watching her with such an intensity that she wanted to sob with it. That look said so much, how much he loved and desired her, what she meant to him. It was utterly unguarded and a gift like none she’d ever received before.

Unable to find words she put her fingers over his lips and smiled, tears in her eyes.

“I almost hate to come, you feel so good. I want to feel this forever, right here on the edge…” he murmured against her fingers as he pressed deep one last time and came.

After a shower, they snuggled back in bed as they waited for sleep to come. “You want to tell me what the non oh f**k me harder thought was?” He nuzzled her neck.

“I was just thinking about how much I love and trust you. How you’ve helped me be a person I was pretty sure would never exist again.”

She felt his smile against her skin. “That’s a good one. You know, you’ve done that for me as well. For the last years I haven’t trusted anyone, least of all myself. I kept my heart walled off and only allowed myself to love my family. I had this missing piece of myself, turns out that piece was you.”

“You know I saw her. Sandra.”

He stiffened and moved so he could look into her face. “When?”

“Last week. Penny and I were in Riverton, shoe shopping, and she walked past. Penny pointed her out.”

“She’s nothing to me. You know that right?”

Cassie laughed. “Shane, you were going to marry her at one point in time. You two lived together. She hurt and betrayed you with your best friend. Of course she’s something to you. But I’m not threatened by that. I know it’s in your past but I don’t expect that not to have made a dent in your heart. It’s okay to have feelings about her.”

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