Taking Chase Page 22

“Are you blushing? Don’t tell me you aren’t used to women falling over themselves to compliment you, Shane Chase.”

“I’m not going to answer that. I’ve been a man long enough to know better than that. But I will say that what matters is that you’re the one complimenting me.”

They ate a leisurely dinner and got to know each other better. Cassie found herself more able to relax with him each time they got together. Those lunches had made a difference because he wasn’t really a stranger.

“You ready to go grab a dance or five with me? I have to show you off. I bet you’ll fit against me just right.” He stood and they walked out to his car.

“Do you write all this stuff down? Seriously, you’re smooth.”

He laughed and avoided the answer as he navigated into a spot to park. “Wow, crowded tonight. It’s not usually this bad on a Tuesday.”

“We can do it another night if you like.”

“Oh hell no. You owe me a dance. Come on now. Let’s show ‘em how it’s done.”

He sprang out and walked around but she’d gotten her door open. He frowned and she took his arm.

“I can open a door, Shane. Stop pouting. I already see you have nice lips.”

“I don’t pout. And I like to do things for you.”

She stiffened and halted. “Let’s get this straight before we go inside. I can do things for myself. I’m a grown woman. I am capable of opening doors, making phone calls, ordering my food, buying my clothes and generally living my day-to-day life without being managed and done for.”

He narrowed his eyes, ready to argue but saw her eyes and took a step back instead. Fear and anger. He’d pushed a button and his cop brain began to piece together whatever the hell her ex must have done.

But he wasn’t going to be put in the same category as some control freak ass**le who f**ked her over either. “I never said you weren’t capable of doing things and I didn’t order your food or manage you. I just wanted to open your door. But if it bothers you, I won’t.”

She sighed and looked him up and down. “Listen, maybe you should just take me home.”

He closed the distance between them slowly, careful not to spook her or frighten her with his body. Gently, he took her hands in his own. “Cassie, clearly I’ve struck a nerve. I didn’t mean to upset you. And I didn’t mean to sound pissy. You have a right to be treated how you want to be treated. It wasn’t my intention to offend you. I am a bossy guy, it’s just how I am, but I’m not trying to control you. Come on, let’s go inside. Okay?” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the inside of her wrist.

Slowly, he felt the tension leave her body and she nodded.

Inside, the place was chaos. Cassie was thankful for his size when he plowed his way through the crowd and led her to the table where their friends had gathered.

Matt’s eyes widened and he whistled when he saw her. “You look fantastic, Cassie.”

Shane pulled a chair out and then indicated that she sit. She appreciated that he didn’t do it all for her. Appreciated his control and the fact that he seemed to be trying hard to let her be.

She chatted with Maggie and the others and tried to ignore Matt teasing his brother.

Shane leaned over and spoke in a low voice. “Eyes back in your head, Matt. Don’t let the fact that you’re my baby brother stop you from understanding I’ll hurt you if you continue staring at Cassie.”

Matt threw back his head and laughed so loud and hard that everyone turned to look at him.

“Shall we dance, darlin’?” Shane murmured in Cassie’s ear.

“Uh, sure. What was that all about?” She looked back at Matt, who was wiping his eyes, as they walked to the floor.

“He’s just being Matt. A dumbass.”

“Mmm hmmm. If you say so.”

“I do, darlin’, I do.” He winked and pulled her against his body, resting his arm around her waist, holding her hand with the other. They fit together perfectly. He was a big, tall man but she was tall, too, and in her heels, it was softness to hardness in all the right ways.

So right, Cassie was pretty sure she’d need to think about it. With her eyes closed. In the dark, in her bedroom, after he dropped her home that night.

Relaxing, she put her head on his chest and melted into his body, breathing him in.

Their rhythm matched. Both with such long legs they moved over the floor gracefully, sinuously. She was aware the music changed here and there but really, it was all about Shane holding her against his chest.

Until they got bumped into. First and then again. The floor got crowded and they had to stop moving and just sway. Which was all right to start. But the people began to press in.

Every few minutes she’d get jostled again and she felt the edges of the panic encroach. Her hands started to sweat and the trembling built up in her muscles as she tried to hold it back.

But she couldn’t calm it with breathing or meditation.

Shane stopped and leaned in. “Cassie? Darlin’, are you all right?”

She shook her head, lips tight. Breaking from him, she headed off the dance floor to their table but people kept getting in the way. And being Petal, she was handled over and over as the men kept saying “excuse me” and helping her past. They weren’t manhandling her, it was all to help her and be neighborly but it wasn’t good.

By the time she reached the table the panic was gray at the edges of her vision. She knew she had to get home fast.

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