Taking Chase Page 21

Maggie shook her head as she stared. “Don’t take this the wrong way or anything but I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman in person before. Cassie, you’re long and curvy and your features are seriously perfectly proportioned. And your hair, who has Elvis blue-black hair all thick and shiny? And back to the not taking it the wrong way thing? Your voice is so sexy it kind makes me all tingly and I’m as straight as they come. You were stunning without makeup and in jeans but now, all dressed up and polished—you’re a knockout.”

“Girl, you must have hit your head if you can’t see it. You’re like, ‘Top Ten Most Gorgeous People’ beautiful. So shaddup. And take a compliment. And look in the mirror without whatever the hell happened to you. Because it’s robbing you of your life,” Liv said seriously.

Cassie spun and looked at Liv, heart pounding. “I wish I could,” she whispered. “You have no idea how much.”

Liv went to Cassie, bringing her into a tight hug. “Honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be flip. It’s obvious whatever it was, it was bad and I shouldn’t make light. I just don’t want you to hide your light under a bushel. Even if you are big time competition.” Liv winked.

“Thank you. I appreciate all of you coming over here and being my friends. It means so much to me.”

“Well, that’s what friends are for. And now I have to get home and get ready. Kyle is making me dinner before we meet you guys at The Tonk. You look fabulous, Cassie.” Maggie kissed her cheek quickly.

“And I have to meet Brody at his place, we’re having…uh, okay, we’re having sex before we meet you all at The Tonk.”

Cassie grinned and shook her head.

“And I have dinner in the crock-pot. I will see you at The Tonk later on. You look beautiful, Cassie.” Penny joined Maggie and Liv at the door and they all headed out, leaving Cassie in the quiet, alone with her thoughts and her racing nerves.

Luckily, they’d all eaten up so much time, it was just a few minutes until the doorbell sounded and after a peek through the peephole, she saw Shane standing there.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. It would be step one of the challenge to be comfortable with him alone in her apartment. She hadn’t had a panic attack in a few weeks and the mental exercises her therapist had given her really seemed to help.

His smile fell off his face as he stared at her.

“What?” She smoothed down the front of her dress. “Do I look awful?”

He shook his head slowly. “No. You look f**king amazing.” He blinked quickly. “Oh shit, I’m sorry. Oh,” he grimaced, “sorry, I tend to get a bit profane when I’m nervous or agitated. That outfit has me in both states. You look beautiful. Sexy. Outrageously hot.”

His flattery washed over her, making her feel warm and tingly. She smiled, blushing. “What are you standing out there for?”

“I was waiting for you to invite me in. I know you’ve been uncomfortable alone with Matt, I didn’t want to scare you.”

Her euphoric mood was cut by the reality of her insane life. “Come on in, I’m sorry. My manners are bad. I’m all right. I didn’t know Matt then, I do now. I’m really not crazy, I swear.”

He caught her hand and raised it to his lips. “I don’t think you’re crazy, Cassie.”

They stayed long enough for her to gather her wrap and a bag and they were on their way to the restaurant.

Vincent’s was a small, family-owned Italian restaurant. The interior was beautifully intimate. Candles in pretty glass holders cast a golden glow about the room, bouncing off the sheen of the polished wood furniture. The place smelled of garlic, marinara and roses from the two large bouquets at the hostess stand at the front door.

The hostess smiled at Shane, her expression all but turning into a snarl when her eyes reached Cassie.

“I had reservations, Stella. For seven.” Shane was crisp and efficient and kept his arm around Cassie’s waist. It wasn’t possessive, though, so Cassie relaxed a bit and walked ahead of him with his hand, warm and solid at the small of her back as they went to their table in a far back corner.

The hostess was ready to break her own neck as she vascillated between flirting and simpering at Shane, who did his best to ignore it, and shooting daggers at Cassie. At last, seeing she didn’t have a chance, she flounced off.

Cassie smirked at Shane. “My. I think I’ve upset your admirer. Is she an ex?”

“Stella?” Shane’s voice was shocked. “Cassie, the girl is barely twenty. I’m thirty-four years old. I assure you, I don’t date women who are fourteen years my junior. I’m not a letch.”

Cassie laughed then and he stilled, closing his eyes a moment. “You do know that your laugh should be a registered aphrodisiac, right? Your voice in general but your laugh…well, if I could bottle it, we’d make a million dollars.”

“You’re full of compliments tonight and I haven’t even told you how handsome you look. I really like that color on you.”

She did. The dark blue dress T-shirt he had on brought out the chocolate hues in his hair and the blue in his eyes. The Tommy jeans were a rust color and hugged a very nice ass and hard thighs. He was a seriously dreamy man. And he smelled good, too.

“What cologne are you wearing? I like it.”

“Oh, it’s Ralph Lauren Black. A birthday present from my momma, believe it or not.” He blushed.

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