Taking Chase Page 15

“Cassie.” He’d noticed how prone to spooking she was so he made sure to always make a lot of noise when he approached her.

She turned, a bit startled but relaxed when she saw it was him. “Hello, Shane. What’s wrong?” He looked good coming toward her. Handsome and masculine.

“I just thought I’d offer you a ride home. Police escort and everything.”

“Oh, that’s all right. I have my car just up in front of the bookstore.”

“I’ll walk you to it then.”

He didn’t give her much chance to run away when he fell into step next to her. The heat of his body rolled over her as they walked. The more she was around him, the less he scared her, but still, it was hard to not cringe when he walked so close to her. He just took the world for granted. Lived without fear of being assaulted or raped. Men his size could walk around any time without worry. She wished she knew what that felt like. For even just a few minutes.

He was patient as she unlocked her car but stopped her from getting in with a gentle hand at her shoulder. “Cassie, uh, would you like to get dinner sometime? Maybe go dancing?”

“I…well, I don’t know if I’m ready to date just yet.” Her words came out in a rush and the tenderness she brought out in him bloomed through his heart. Damn, what was it about this woman that got to him so deeply?

“Just yet? Are you with someone? I should have asked.” He knew she was divorced of course. Nothing stayed a secret very long in Petal. Hell, her landlord share that tidbit innocently enough the first night she’d landed in Petal and Shane had done a background check as well.

“Not anymore. I’m divorced.”

He wasn’t sure what emotion was in her voice as she’d said it. Sadness? Did she miss the ex? Pain? Was she afraid? It was petty of him but he far preferred that she hated her ex than her still wanting him. “Oh, it’s still new. I’m sorry.”

He tried to stay patient as possible, watching as she took deep breath and licked her lips before deciding to answer him. “It’s not really new. I’m not pining away for him or anything. It’s…complicated.” Her voice trembled at bit at the end and he locked his knees to keep from moving to her.

The fear was there, unmistakable. “I know you’re afraid of something. You can trust me, you know. I want to help. You can share your story with me. I like you, Cassie.” His voice was soft and he had to grip the top of her car door to keep from reaching out to touch her.

Her big blue eyes looked up at him for long moments, wavering. But at the last minute she looked away for a split second and when she looked back, the moment had passed. “I’m…it’s not something I like to talk about. Anyway, I should be getting home.”

“Just come as my friend then. I won’t rush you. I want to get to know you. Unless you’re not attracted to me at all. In which case, I’ll back off anything other than just being friends.”

She sighed. “I’ll think about it.” She got into the car and then rolled down the window. “And any woman not attracted to you is blind or a damn fool.”

Before he could respond, she’d pulled out and was driving away, leaving him wearing a goofy grin.

He took those words as a sign along with her pool game. Later that night in his bed he stopped pretending he wasn’t totally gone for her and just accepted it. He’d never failed at pursuing a woman and he certainly didn’t plan to start. He wanted Cassie Gambol and not just for a few nights in his bed. At first it had been a mild crush, then an interest and now he’d developed a serious fascination with Cassie. She made him think about her in ways he’d never thought about a woman before.

The very specter of the feelings that had sent him running out on Maggie two years before seemed totally right and he realized he was ready for Cassie. The issue was that he had to make her ready for him.

He’d take it slow even if it killed him.

He made himself promise to not rush up on her as he walked toward Fourth Street the next morning.

She sat there, ebony hair glossy in the sunshine, pretty blue eyes shaded by sporty black sunglasses and he was drawn to her immediately.

He’d thought she was gorgeous as he caught sight of her but the smile she gave him once she’d recognized him made her a goddess.

“Mornin’, Cassie.” He stuck his hands in the front pockets of his shorts to keep from touching her.

“Good morning, Sheriff. What brings you out here on such a sweltering Sunday?”

She did. He’d tossed and turned and finally had to take matters into his own hands in the shower. The woman drove him to distraction, turned him on, electrified him with her presence and it drove him wild. That she apparently had no idea she affected him that way was even more irresistible.

“Oh just looking.” He motioned to her wares on the table. “You made all this?” Her creativity was impressive. He admired her skill and the craftsmanship of the things she’d made.

“I did. What do you think?” Her voice had gone soft and shy.

Reaching out, he fingered a pretty beaded necklace that she’d hung on some sort of stylized branch thing. “I think you’re amazingly talented. This is all beautiful. In fact, I think this would look good on Maggie, don’t you? And this for my momma?”

Her smile returned, brighter than before. “This amber color would go really well with Maggie’s hair, yes. I’ve seen her wear something similar to this before. But this,” she touched the necklace he’d indicated for his mother, “is too delicate for your mother. She’s much bigger than this necklace. Her jewelry should be bolder.”

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