Taking Chase Page 14

“Shane would,” Penny said as she locked up the back door and came toward them.

Cassie blushed and Penny chuckled. “Come on, Cassie. Anyone with eyes can see how he looks at you. He’s smitten.”

“I uh. Well, he’s just being nice. And I think he suspects I’m up to no good. But yes, I love pool. Or I did. I haven’t in a few years. I used to be pretty good.”

“Well then I think some beer, gossip and watching you play pool with some handsome boys is just the ticket.” Maggie grinned and they all headed out.

Liv and Dee were already waiting at a table near the doors when they arrived. Once seated, Cassie tried to pretend that she wasn’t watching every move Shane Chase made. The man was so big and bad but there wasn’t anything threatening about him despite that. She loved the color of his hair, sort of coffee brown with a hint of blond. He had a savage kind of handsome that she found herself thinking of during the day. Many times during the day.

Forcing herself to focus on the women at the table, she tried to put him out of her mind. She did not need any more men.

As if he felt her gaze on his skin, Shane turned and noticed her there with Maggie and the others. So tall and striking. She stood out every time he saw her. The woman was seriously beautiful.

“Oh for cripes sake! Just go over there already.” Kyle took his shot and rolled his eyes as he straightened. “You look like a starving man. It’s pathetic.”

“Yeah, the last time I saw that look you were wearing it.” Marc chuckled. “Go on, Shane.”

“I will, only because you three won’t shut up until I do. Bunch of old women.” He leaned his cue off to the side and headed toward their table.

“Hi, Cassie. Nice to see you here.”

Cassie looked up at him and smiled hesitantly. She’d lost most of her fear with him but there was still a shadow of it in her eyes. He wanted to wipe it away.

“Hi, Shane. How are you all tonight? Who’s winning?”

The sound of her voice, smoky sex and velvet seduction, stroked over his skin and made his gut tighten.

“Cassie here loves to play pool,” Maggie said with a grin.

Shane adored his meddling sister-in-law at that moment. “That so? Well, show me what you’ve got, then.” He held out his hand and Cassie scooted out of the booth, grabbing his forearm instead to help herself stand.

The shock of the cool, soft skin of her hand touching his arm shot through his body. As always, she seemed so many things at once. Strong and independent, yet vulnerable and scared. And he was seriously messed up if a woman’s hand on his arm made him cow eyed. He was so pathetic he wanted to kick his own ass.

He motioned toward the table in the back and she walked ahead of him. Which was fine with him. He had no problem at all watching the delectable sway of her denim-clad ass. And it was a mighty fine ass, Round and high and juicy. Did she wear a thong? Boyshort type panties would look nice too, just a nice little slice of her cheeks showing out the bottom. Okay that had to stop or he’d be embarrassed in about a minute or so.

“Cassie’s gonna play a game with us. She says she used to be pretty good. So let’s take it easy on her.” Shane cleared his throat and thought about the college football scores to get rid of the substantial hard on she’d given him.

Rolling her eyes, she grabbed a cue and chalked the tip. All four men watched, rapt, as she blew off the excess. Annoyed, Shane elbowed Matt and glared daggers at Marc but both men just shrugged and Kyle laughed.

“Rack ‘em up, boys.”

Oh, the way she said that made his heart stutter. Didn’t matter what she said, he was sure she’d sound drop dead sexy ordering a grilled cheese sandwich.

“Ante’s ten bucks,” Matt said with a wink.

Cassie snorted, pulled a ten out of her jeans and slapped it down on the side of the table.

“Ladies first,” Shane said, motioning for her to go ahead.

“You sure about that?” She stood, hand on her hip.

“Of course. Guests and ladies first.”

Cassie shrugged and took her first shot and proceeded to wipe the floor with them. Shot after shot, she’d call and sink it. She cleared the table without breaking a sweat.

Turning back to them, a sexy grin broke over her lips. Satisfied, she grabbed the money and tucked it into her pocket. “Thanks boys. That was a very profitable few minutes.”

“You’re a pool shark!” Shane had been dumbfounded but now he found himself even more attracted by this mystery woman. Okay, so watching her bent over the table as she played helped a bit too.

“Nah, not anymore. See I could have played dumb and suckered you in until the pot was much bigger and then kicked your asses. But I played true from the first shot. I wasn’t even sure I could still play this well. I’m glad I still have it.” She smiled and Shane’s c**k sprang from hard to impossibly hard.

“You guys underestimated me.” She patted her pocket. “The element of surprise, boys. Kept me in milk money.” Her laugh was honeyed sexual heat.

“Another game?” Shane wanted her there longer.

“I need to be getting home. I have to be up early to get all of my stock ready for the Sunday market day after tomorrow. It was a pleasure taking your money, though. Enjoy the evening.” She waved back over her shoulder as she walked away.

“Totally devious.” He shook his head in wonder. “She’s the perfect woman.” Shane watched her go to the table and say her goodbyes to the women there. “I’m going to be sure she gets home okay.” Blindly, he shoved his cue at one of his brothers, heading toward the door that she’d just walked out of.

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