Giving Chase Page 14

“So what did Shane say about their date last night?”

“I haven’t seen him yet. Maggie looks pretty glowing though.”

Maggie looked over and saw them. Smiling, she waved. The other two looked around and waved hello as well before huddling together, the laughter starting again.

“Hmm.” Kyle grinned. “I do believe we’re the object of some female giggling, Matt. I think I like it.”

“Hell, Kyle, I know I like it.”

When the women left they waved again. Kyle enjoyed the view through the big front windows as the three women walked together down the street.

Alex melted back into the doorway of the hardware store so he wouldn’t be seen. Someone had to watch over her.

He’d wanted to get Maggie alone but she was always with her damned friends. Or with that jerk Shane Chase. Oh he’d seen the man pick up his fiancée the night before. Saw the kiss when Maggie returned. But she did not let Shane in. His Maggie was still saving herself just for him. And Shane Chase was just a momentary distraction. Alex would make sure of that.

Olivia and Maggie decided to grab a bite at The Pumphouse before Maggie’s ice cream date with Shane.

Arriving a bit early, Maggie saw Matt Chase across the street with Johnny Prentice. She gave a friendly wave hello and they returned the greeting with a few shouted hellos.

Still smiling as she turned back toward the door, she bumped into Alex. Fear slithered through her as she realized she hadn’t even seen his approach.

Shit. She really hadn’t wanted to deal with him that night. She’d tried to call him to arrange to see him face to face to break things off. But he hadn’t returned any of her calls. It wasn’t like she was avoiding the issue but she certainly didn’t want to have the discussion in public in the middle of the sidewalk.

“Hi, Alex.” She gave him a wary smile, not at all liking the look on his face.

He grabbed her arm in a grip so tight she winced. “Hi, Alex? Is that all you’ve got to say?”

“What the heck are you talking about?” Her voice rose as she struggled to get free.

“The way you can’t help but talk to every man you see. I told you, you’re with me. You don’t need to talk to any other man. Are you trying to make me jealous, Maggie? You don’t need to play games. All it’s doing is really pissing me off. I don’t like my woman to act that way.”

Still keeping a tight grip on her arm, he steered her into The Pumphouse. That grip was the only thing that prevented him from getting slapped as she tried to get free and keep her balance.

“What the hell are you talking about? I don’t need to talk to other men?” she demanded through clenched teeth. “Let me go this instant!”

“You heard me, Maggie. You’re my girl, I don’t want you all over other men like a slut.” He hissed and his grip on her arm tightened and caused her to gasp in pain.

Hearing the words, she stilled for a moment. Fury replaced the fear. “You did not just call me a slut!” Her eyes narrowed at him. “And I said—Let. Me. Go. Now or I’m going to kick you in the junk!”

By that point, the conversations around them had gotten quiet and for the second time in a few weeks, she was the subject of attention at The Pumphouse.

Noting that they were being watched, he let go and she took the opportunity to move away from him. But he stepped closer, filling the space between them. “You don’t need to be hanging all over other men.”

“I waved at them. I didn’t flash my boobs at them or blow a kiss. I waved hello. But even if I had, you don’t get to decide what I need to be doing, Alex.”

He grabbed her arm again and moved her toward her usual table. “You’re making a scene. Sit down.” He shoved her into the booth.

Her eyes widened at that. “In the first place, you will not touch me ever again or you’ll draw back a stump. In the second place, you need to get a hold of yourself right now, Alex. No one talks to me this way. You don’t own me. Hell, we’ve only gone on three dates.”

“You don’t tell me to get a hold of myself when you’re the one acting like a whore!” he said in a stage whisper.

“What?” Grasping the water glass on the table, she dashed it in his face, taking his moment of surprise to push him back and scoot out of the booth. “I know you didn’t just call me a whore! How dare you!” She pushed up into his face, seemingly undaunted by the fact that he was several inches taller than she was.

Liv and Dee came rushing in with the Chase boys right behind them. For a moment, they all stood and looked in the direction of the fracas. Kyle’s face turned so red it was purple. He and his brothers, together with Arthur stalked over.

“How dare I? You’re a tease, Maggie Wright. You come on to every man you meet and now you don’t like it when you get called what you really are.” The viciousness in his voice made her skin crawl. He was like a completely different person. Reaching out, he grabbed her arm and yanked her to sit back down.

Shane stalked forward and grabbed Alex’s wrist, squeezing tightly until he blanched and let go of Maggie. “You need to let the lady go now, Alex,” he said in a voice that was low and threatening

“Are you all right, Maggie?” Kyle had moved around Shane so he could kneel in front of her. Slowly, he reached out and took her hand.

“That ass**le called me a whore!” Maggie fumed but she knew her trembling was so bad that anyone looking could see it.

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