Giving Chase Page 13

“Muster. As in, am I second date material?”

“Ask me and find out.”

“Maggie, can I take you out again? Like say, for ice cream on Tuesday night?”

“Ice cream, huh? It seems you’ve found out my secret. Throw something sweet at me and I’m putty.”

He pulled up in her drive way and started to get out but she patted his arm. “No, go on your call, I can walk to the door.”

He rolled his eyes at her before getting out and walking around the car to help her down. “It’s not so urgent that I’d just throw you at your door.” At her door he kissed her quickly. “I’ll see you Tuesday then? I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“Okay, be safe,” she called out and waved at him as he drove away.

Maggie walked into the restaurant where she met Dee and Liv for brunch every Sunday and her smile was apparent from across the room.

“So?” Liv asked before Maggie had even finished sitting down.

Maggie looked at both her friends. “So, it was great. We had a lovely dinner and then we went to the drive-in. We watched most of both movies, had a major, major kiss but then he got a work call and had to go. He did ask me out again. We’re having ice cream on Tuesday.”

“Oh my god! Of course you said yes.” Dee grinned back at Maggie.

“Of course she did!” Liv waved her hand as if it were a done deal. “So, is he a good kisser or what? Details, Maggie, we want details.”

“Duh! I tell you I’ve been dreaming about kissing Shane Chase since I was in the fifth grade and he was in the seventh. It was better than any of the times I kissed my pillow, I can tell you that.”

“Dreamy. It’s so romantic, Maggie. You’ve got the man you’ve always wanted.” Dee sighed.

“I don’t have him. I’m dating him. Big difference, especially to a man like Shane Chase. I need to remember that superhot lust is not the same as love.” Maggie shrugged. She had a tendency to wear her heart on her sleeve and she knew Shane Chase had warning signs all over his very delicious body.

Liv nodded. “I’m glad you said it. It’s good to remember that, Maggie. Sam was a dolt but Shane is big league because he’s a player. Not in a bad way, he’s not a mimbo, but he’s not a one woman man either. And he’s one of those men who’s sort of overwhelming with all that testosterone rolling off him. It’s really hot, but heck, it would fry my circuits, too!”

“I know. And I feel like a total hoochie for saying this, but I want to have sex with him. I don’t think I’ve been this horny. Ever.”

“You’re the farthest thing from a hoochie that I can think of. Jeez, woman, you haven’t had sex in a year! And this big old hard-bodied studmuffin strolls into your life. What woman wouldn’t want to have sex with Shane Chase?”

“Hey, if I didn’t have Arthur, I’d totally agree. But I do agree with the assessment that Shane is a nice boy to play with but he’s not the kind to set up housekeeping. You’re old enough to eat dessert first every once in a while, Maggie.” Dee laughed and turned to Liv. “And how was your date with Tom?”

“It was all right. I’d give the date a six and a half out of ten. Speaking of Chase brothers, I bumped into Matt this morning. He’s gotten even better looking since high school.”

“Yes indeed. He’s grown into his looks.” Dee waggled her eyebrows.

“Certainly doesn’t hurt that he works with his body a lot as a firefighter.”

“I’ve contemplated setting my back deck on fire to get him over to my place,” Liv said around a mouthful of waffle.

They all laughed at the idea of Liv in her backyard with lighter fluid and a negligee on, waiting for Matt Chase to arrive.

“Why don’t you just ask him out?”

“Nah, he’s the kind of guy that needs to be in the lead.”

“Hmm, well, I’ll have to think of something to bring the two of you together,” Maggie said thoughtfully.

“Don’t you dare mention this to Shane!” Liv actually colored at the idea.

“Why not? Oh my god, did you just blush?”

“Because! Jeez, I’m not desperate, Maggie! I can trap a man without having you tell Matt’s brother that I like him. That’s so eighth grade.”

“I guess a Halloween party at my house and a game of spin the bottle is out then?”

They all laughed at the memory of the Halloween party that Dee had at her house when they were in the ninth grade. “That was my first official French kiss. Andrew Johnson, in Dee’s mom’s broom closet. Good times,” Liv said dreamily.

“Yeah well look what you did to him, Liv, he’s g*y.” Maggie laughed. “Clearly you were too much woman for him and it spoiled him forever for the rest of us.

“Seriously, Liv, I’m on it. I’m going to think of something because let me attest that a taste of Chase is worth the work.” Maggie waggled her brows suggestively and the laughter started anew.

Across the room, Matt and Kyle Chase ate their brunch while they watched the women laughing at their table. “What do you suppose all of that is about?” Kyle couldn’t stop himself from looking at Maggie Wright. Damn, he liked the way she looked when she laughed. But his brother liked her first and so he backed off. There were rules about this sort of thing.

“Looks like trouble but the kind of trouble a man enjoys in the end.” Matt sipped his coffee.

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