Crave Page 98

“Wait a moment there, son.’ Edward’s tone had changed abruptly from that of concerned father to stern CEO. “Do you mean to tell me this girl, who not only lives in your home but shares your bed when you travel on company business, is an employee? Ian - for Christ’s sake, you of all people ought to know better than that.”

“She’s no longer an official employee, Father,” he’d retorted. “And, yes, I most certainly know the rules. You might as well hear all of it, though I’m shocked that weasel Rodney hasn’t already ratted me out.”

Ian had explained to his father in painstaking detail about how Tessa had worked on his team for more than two years; how he’d fallen for her from the very first day but had been forced to keep his distance because she’d been a married woman; how he’d learned she was getting a divorce and how they had eventually begun seeing each other. He’d hedged over the dates as to when Tessa had actually left the company, but Edward had been mollified enough to realize she wasn’t technically an employee any longer.

“So you’ve been carrying a torch for the girl for some time, eh? Interesting,” his father had murmured. “Now that I think of it, I seem to recall that you kept staring over at the other side of the room during that last Christmas party we attended. And - ah, I see now. She was the sweet young thing that arsehole Jason was sniffing around, wasn’t she? The one you sent young Andrew over to rescue?”

Ian had been dumbfounded. “How did you - I mean, I was extremely -”

“Discreet? Of course you were, you’re my son after all. Discretion could be our middle name. Well, except for your brother Colin, of course, though that situation finally seems to have settled down nicely. But don’t forget, son, who taught you how to observe people when they had no idea they were being watched. You learned that skill from a higher master, my boy.”

Ian had chuckled, reminded never to underestimate his wily father, even though Edward was very close to turning seventy. “I concede to your mastery, Father. Now, come, let’s have it.”

“My opinion of the girl? Does it matter to you that much, Ian?”

“Not enough to change my feelings,” Ian had replied truthfully. “I haven’t been a boy of fourteen for a great many years, Father, and I’m more than capable of making my own decisions. And,” he’d added firmly, “before you ask, I’m also not a man who lets his dick make these types of decisions for him.”

“Never doubted it for a moment. And as for your Tessa, I do seem to recall that she was quite stunning. But I’ll give you a more definitive opinion when I meet her face to face next month.”

Ian had changed the subject at that point, not willing to discuss his relationship with Tessa in any greater detail. But he’d felt reasonably certain that his parents would at least keep an open mind when they met her next month. The tricky part would be breaking the news to Tessa about their impending visit. As shy and insecure as she still was, she would most likely work herself into a frenzy in anticipation, fretting unnecessarily about whether his parents would like her or not. He was going to have his work cut out for him to calm her down.

But for now, he refused to dwell on his parents and whether or not they would like Tessa. He liked her a great deal, especially tonight when she was laughing and having fun and when she couldn’t keep her hands off of him. Grinning, he slid his hand to the nape of her neck, giving her the sort of little massage he knew she loved.

Tessa purred like a kitten beneath his touch and slipped her hand inside his jacket to latch onto his waist. “You’re wearing my favorite suit,” she whispered in his ear. “And you look super hot in it.”

He touched his lips to her rosy cheek. “Glad you like it, love,” he whispered back. “Dare I hope you’ve got my favorite undies on beneath that very sexy dress?”

She pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Perhaps. Then again, maybe I’m not wearing any undies at all.”

Ian bit his lip to stifle a groan, and was belatedly aware that they weren’t alone at the table. He glanced up to find both Nathan and Julia grinning at him knowingly.

“If you two need a room, Ian, I’m guessing that won’t be a problem given that you own this hotel,” joked Nathan.

Tessa blushed profusely, and stared down into her wine glass as she took a sip. There was an awkward silence for a few moments until Julia stood, picking up her clutch bag.

“I think you gentlemen should order us some coffee and dessert while we visit the ladies room,” she announced. “Tessa, let’s go, shall we?”

Nathan and Ian were very well aware that theirs were far from the only pairs of admiring male eyes that followed the two gorgeous women as they left the restaurant.

Nathan lifted his wine glass in a salute. “We’re lucky bastards, you and I, aren’t we? As much of a jerk as I was to Julia for so long, she still kept on loving me. I know I damned well don’t deserve her, but I’ll spend my life worshipping the ground she walks on.”

“I think she would disagree with the first part of that statement, mate,” replied Ian. “But you’re right about the other. You and I are bloody lucky to have two such beautiful women. And I cherish Tessa every bit as much as you do Julia.”

Nathan sipped his wine slowly. “You going to marry her?”

Ian laughed. “You’re the second person in as many days to ask me that question. And the answer is yes, but not just yet. Tessa - she’s been through a lot in her young life. I’m trying to give her some time to get used to all this,” he waved a hand around to indicate the splendor of their surroundings, “to make sure it’s what she really wants.”

“She loves you, Ian,” Nathan told him quietly. “That’s not going to change anytime soon.”

Ian sighed. “Sometimes I wonder about that. She’s so young, so damned young, and she’s seen absolutely nothing of the world. We’ve talked about her going back to college in the fall, getting her degree. One of my greatest fears is that she meets someone closer to her age, decides I’m too old for her.”

“Hmm. So that’s really why you’re giving her time. To make sure her feelings for you are real.” Nathan shook his head. “The way she looks at you - it’s the same way Julia looks at me. It’s the real deal, my friend, never doubt that.”

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