Crave Page 97

But there was no denying the obvious benefits of loosening up his shy little love just a bit. Not only did she appear to be greatly enjoying herself - laughing and giggling like a young woman of her age ought to be doing - but she was also extremely affectionate, even more so than usual. He absolutely adored all of the little ways she kept touching him - a soft caress on his cheek, the way she would rest her golden head on his shoulder, how she would slip her arm through his and hug it against her breast. In his life, Ian had always been extremely reserved, even standoffish, and he couldn’t recall ever showing real affection towards a woman in public before Tessa. He knew he gave off the impression of being a rather cold, unfeeling bastard - an image he’d admittedly worked very hard to cultivate. But anyone seeing him here tonight with his beloved Tessa would never believe he was that same formal, proper man, the one who would never dream of kissing a young, gorgeous blonde in front of dozens of other diners.

His own father, in fact, had been in utter disbelief when he’d heard about Ian’s very new and very beautiful traveling companion slash assistant. After visiting the hotel in Palm Beach, Florida, Ian knew it would only be a matter of time before he heard from Edward. The manager of the property was a very ambitious younger man by the name of Rodney Horton. He was also a former protégé of Edward’s, having worked at the home office in London for several years, and was especially loyal to the elder Gregson. Ian had been well aware from the moment he’d walked into the hotel with Tessa at his side that Rodney would waste precious little time in updating Edward about this extremely interesting development.

His mother had called him at the office yesterday to wish him a slightly early happy birthday before passing the phone to Edward. His father had barely been able to conceal his rather obvious amusement.

“Well, I’d wish you a happy birthday, son, but it sounds like you’ve already begun the celebration. And given yourself quite a present to boot,” Edward had joked.

Ian had sighed. “Good old Rodney. I’m just surprised it took him this long to broadcast the news. He must be losing his touch.”

Edward had chuckled. “Oh, never fear. He called me within an hour from the time you checked in. I’ve just been biding my time here, waiting to see if I’d ever hear the news directly from you.”

“Nosy bastard,” Ian had grumbled. “Never did understand what you saw in that weasel. What exactly did the gossipy little shit say to you?”

His father’s mirth had been almost impossible to contain. “That my very reserved, very stuffy old bachelor son seemed to have finally landed himself a – er - hot one, as Rodney referred to her. As you know, his language can be a bit coarse at times. I’ll clean it up as we go along.”

“Yes, be sure to do that, Father,” Ian had retorted. “Otherwise, I might be tempted to pay old Rodney a return visit very soon. This time I guarantee he won’t be tattling on me to my daddy.”

“Oh, lighten up a bit, son,” Edward had chided. “Rodney wasn’t insulting or crude, for God’s sake. However, he did say that your very charming companion was - let’s see if I have this in the right order - ah, yes, blonde, beautiful, and busty.”

Ian’s jaw had tightened in displeasure. “There’s no denying that Tessa is blonde and very, very beautiful. And, ah, rather spectacularly endowed. But she’s also kind, warm, affectionate, unselfish, and I’m absolutely mad about her.”

There had been silence on the other end of the line for long moments, until Edward had replied in a rather awestruck voice, “My God, it’s finally happened, hasn’t it? You’ve fallen in love. Your mother and I feared we might not live to see that happy day. I’ll have to tell Joanna that sometimes prayer does work.”

Ian had had the good graces to laugh. “Has she been praying for me, then? I hadn’t realized she’d nearly given up hope. Well, you can assure Mother that yes, I am obsessively, completely in love with this girl and that both of you are going to love her, too.”

Edward’s tone had grown more serious at that point. “Rodney was also bubbling over with the revelation that your companion - er, Tessa, is it? - is quite a bit younger than you are. Is this true, Ian?”

Ian had sworn beneath his breath, cursing the weasily hotel manager for his loose lips. “It is, yes. And before you ask, Tessa is twenty-four, Father.”

There had been another lengthy pause before Edward had burst out laughing. “Christ, boy, you’ve been robbing the bloody cradle, haven’t you? Well, fortunately you’ve kept yourself in prime shape. You’ll need to be to keep up with your hot young blonde. Good for you, son. Might as well enjoy her for awhile.”

Ian hadn’t been in the least amused. “You don’t get it, Father,” he’d replied sternly. “I’m entirely, one hundred percent serious about this girl. She’s the love of my life, and I plan on keeping her with me for a very, very long time - as in forever.”

“Jesus.” Edward’s disbelief had been evident. “You’re really serious, aren’t you? This isn’t some wild, middle aged fling for you. You actually mean to marry the girl?”

“Not yet,” Ian had corrected. “It’s too soon for all that. She needs to get to know me better, and time to adjust living in our world. The last thing I want to do is overwhelm her. But in due time, yes, I mean to make her my wife. Tessa is most assuredly not a fling, as you so charmingly phrased it. I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.”

There had been more silence on the other end, and this time when Edward spoke it was with an almost reverent tone. “Well, then. When do your mother and I get to meet our future daughter-in-law?”

His good humor restored, Ian had chuckled. “You’re planning a visit towards the end of May, aren’t you? You’ll meet my Tessa then. She’s, ah, moved in with me.”

Edward had made something resembling a strangling sound. “Ian, have a care, son. The men in our family have traditionally had very strong hearts, but there’s always a first time. Now, this question will no doubt get your knickers in a twist but it has to be asked. Are you quite certain this girl isn’t just after your money?”

The question hadn’t angered Ian, and he’d only marveled that his father had not already asked it. “Very certain. I have to buy her things behind her back, make sure every damned price tag is removed, otherwise I get a very stern lecture along with threats to return everything. If you knew of Tessa’s background - which she’ll likely share with you at some point - you’d understand, Father. She’s not some ambitious young fortune seeker. That’s why she’s also acting as my traveling PA, so that she feels as though she’s earning her keep.”

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