Crave Page 88

Tessa bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to stifle a knowing smile. If Ian was still in recovery mode, she couldn’t even imagine what to call her own condition. Upon waking this morning after a night of true rapture in his arms, she’d been a little dismayed to discover not only the whisker burns all over her breasts and belly, but her reddened nipples, a dark purple hickey on her right hip, and a soreness between her thighs that went way beyond tenderness.

She tapped back Ur not the only one. Might B a day or 2 b4 I can walk straight.

His reply came quickly. Poor baby. I know I was too rough with u. That’s what u get when u unleash a wild beast.

Tessa was glad to see her co-workers were all distracted by Alicia’s news and were nosily trying to figure out who Ian’s mystery blonde was. Their preoccupation allowed her to focus on sexting back and forth with her very lusty lover.

It was worth it. Tho a hot bath might help. And we might have 2 stick to oral only for a day or 2.

She slapped a hand over her mouth to suppress a giggle at his response. Well that would be just terrible wouldn’t it. But u can always use more practice.

She stole a glance at the group, satisfied that they were still yakking away. FYI, the cats out of the bag. Alicia’s mom told her all about u and your mystery blonde.

Ah, no surprise there. Is Alicia in super bitch mode?

Tessa’s shoulders shook with barely suppressed mirth. More than ever especially since she wanted the dress I had on last night.

She couldn’t begin to do it justice. Lavender is one of your best colors. Especially that very fetching bra.

Glad u liked it. Oh, apparently we were spotted canoodling over dinner.

Good thing no one noticed how I was canoodling u under the table.

She stifled a groan as she recalled exactly how he’d done just that - his long fingers slipping up under the dress and then beneath the crotch of her panties. She’d had to dig her nails into her palm to keep from moaning right there in the restaurant.

Maybe I’m not 2 sore 4 a repeat performance 2night after all.

There was a longer than usual delay before his reply. But I might need a transfusion first. U wiped me out, luv. Especially that last time.

Tessa bit down on her lip and tried very hard not to squirm as his text called forth the very pleasurable memory of the third and final time he’d taken her last night, or - in actuality, about three a.m. this morning. He’d flipped her onto her belly, keeping her torso pressed into the mattress with a hand against her lower back, before urging her onto her knees with her ass in the air. Kneeling behind her, he’d slid so deep inside her body that she’d cried out in half pleasure, half pain. He’d been relentless, commanding, the dominant lover she’d enticed him into being, and she had shattered into a thousand pieces from the orgasm he’d wrung from her body.

A smile played about her features as she slowly tapped out her reply. U can do that again anytime. Carte blanche whenever u like.

But it was his response a moment or two later than brought forth a burst of laughter, one that caused her co-workers to look over at her in surprise. Red-faced, Tessa tried valiantly to shrug it off. “Uh, just a friend of mine trying to cheer me up by sending me a dirty joke. But don’t even ask - I’d be way too embarrassed to share.”

When she was certain they weren’t paying attention to her, she snuck another peek at Ian’s most recent reply and grinned.

Calling the doctor’s office now to schedule that transfusion. Maybe a Viagra prescription 2. U r going to kill me u know.

She couldn’t resist tapping out one final retort. At least we’ll have fun trying.



Chapter Seventeen

April – Naples, Florida

The smartly uniformed chauffeur tipped his cap as he held the back door to the limousine open for his passengers. “Good evening, Mr. Gregson. Madam”.

Ian nodded at the slim, dark-haired Hispanic man who looked to be in his early thirties. “Good evening, Carlos.”

All of the Gregson hotel employees were required to wear name badges, and Ian always made it a point during his visits to address everyone by their first name. He had learned way back when he was a young boy to treat every employee with respect and gratitude, and never as though they were beneath him.

But as Carlos moved to assist Tessa into the limo for the short drive to the executive airport, Ian forestalled him. “I’ll tend to Miss Lockwood, thank you.”

Carlos looked a bit taken aback, but wasn’t about to argue with the big boss - as most of the hotel staff here at the Naples, Florida resort referred to Mr. Gregson. He’d heard the gossip - very discreetly spread, of course, since gossip was highly frowned upon by the company - about Mr. Gregson’s new assistant, but hadn’t believed all of it until he’d seen the beautiful blonde with his own eyes a few moments ago.

Miss Lockwood, who was Mr. Gregson’s girlfriend as well as his PA, was a knockout, and Carlos could easily understand why the normally austere, standoffish Brit had apparently fallen head over heels for the much younger woman.

And they made quite a pair - both of them tall, well-dressed, and with movie-star good looks. The two of them had caused a major stir around the resort today, and seeing them together now Carlos could clearly see why.

Mr. Gregson was evidently extremely possessive about his very lovely lady, so much that he wouldn’t allow Carlos to so much as touch her arm to assist her inside the limo. Not that Carlos could blame the big boss, for the beautiful blonde was an irresistible combination of classy elegance and screaming sex appeal. The chauffeur thought with a wry smile that it was a wonder Mr. Gregson didn’t keep his inamorata chained to his side in an attempt to keep other men away from her.

As soon as the back door to the limo was firmly shut, Ian didn’t waste even a second before sliding a hand to Tessa’s nape and smiling down at her very deliberately.

“Hello, beautiful,” he murmured, and then took her mouth in a long, leisurely kiss. He felt an immense sense of satisfaction as he heard her sigh of pleasure beneath the relentless pressure of his lips. Their tongues tangled lazily, both of them savoring the deep, devouring kiss. Groaning, Ian yanked her into his arms, gradually easing her back onto the plush leather seat, his body looming over hers. He’d been fully aroused and aching to have her from the second their lips had touched, and from the way she was clutching him to her it was evident that Tessa was equally as needy.

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