Crave Page 87

Tessa’s fingers froze in midair poised over her keyboard, and she forced herself not to betray even the slightest reaction to Alicia’s gossip. She’d been dreading this moment of revelation all day, and had expected Alicia to bring up the subject long before now. Ian had warned her that it was extremely likely the news would travel very quickly to Alicia, once her parents had spotted him at the restaurant last night.

She’d been instantly concerned when he had rather casually mentioned that Alicia’s mother and father were seated a few tables away with two other couples.

“Aren’t you worried?” she’d whispered urgently. “Alicia talks to her mother every single day and the subject is sure to come up.”

Ian had shrugged, not seeming in the least concerned, and had merely taken a sip of his wine. “Not especially, no. They won’t have the nerve to actually walk over here and say hello, particularly if I continue to ignore them. And you’ve never met her parents, have you?”

She’d shaken her head. “No. Alicia meets her mother for lunch quite a bit but she’s never brought her back up to the office.”

“Then there’s no problem,” he’d replied in a calm manner. “All she’ll be able to tell Alicia is that she saw me here with a young, beautiful blonde who I appeared to be extremely taken with. Alicia is such an egotistical little witch that she’d never begin to imagine that you were the woman I spent the entire evening staring at like a lovesick boy.”

He’d taken her hand in his, bringing it to his lips, and smiled fondly as her cheeks had flushed rosily. He had insisted on taking the seat next to hers, instead of across the table, and so their shoulders had brushed up against each other continually during the meal.

The pre-dinner cocktail and glass of wine she’d already consumed had given Tessa a heady sensation of boldness as she leaned closer against him.

“Maybe we should really give her mother something to gossip about then, hmm?” she’d murmured in his ear, sliding her hand up his muscular thigh beneath the table.

He’d hissed as her fingers brushed teasingly against his crotch before clamping his fingers around her wrist. “Not just her but the entire restaurant,” he’d growled. “And you are entirely too tempting, my love. Especially since I know what you’re wearing underneath that dress. Did Julia help you select what to wear?”

Tessa had nodded. “She said to tell you that you have wonderful taste in clothing, a gift in fact.”

“Did she?” He’d leaned over and given her a soft, lingering kiss on the lips. “I agree that I have exceptional taste - after all, I chose you, didn’t I?”

Gina and the others were all ears at Alicia’s big news, instantly clamoring for more details.

“Another brunette, I take it?” asked Gina. “He does seem to favor them.”

Alicia shook her head. “Uh, uh. A blonde this time. And young. My mother said she’s at least ten to fifteen years younger than he is, maybe more.”

“Ooh, His Hotness is doing some cradle robbing, is he?” cooed Kevin. “Well, he’s such a stud it’s little wonder he needs a piece of sweet young ass. An older woman probably doesn’t have the stamina to keep up with him.”

Tessa couldn’t help the flush that seemed to spread throughout her entire body at Kevin’s ribald comment. At fifteen years Ian’s junior, she was constantly amazed at his sexual prowess and at the way he wore her out in bed.

Last night had been a revelation. Given free rein to take her any way he chose, Ian had twisted and contorted her body into sexual positions she hadn’t dreamed existed. Tessa fidgeted in her chair and felt her panties grow damp when she remembered how he’d dragged her to the edge of the bed - her back on the mattress, her long legs locked at the ankles around his neck, as he’d fucked her while standing on the side of the bed. He’d been so deep that way, had been able to thrust into her so hard, that she’d very nearly blacked out for a few moments.

Gina waved a hand in dismissal at this bit of news. “Probably just a quick fling. I doubt he’d be serious about a much younger woman.”

Alicia made a little sound of displeasure. “Not according to what my mother said. Apparently the Boss Man was completely enraptured by this woman, and totally ignored everyone else in the place. My father wanted to go over and say hello, but when he saw thepair of them were - how did my mother so charmingly phrase it, ah, yes, “canoodling” - he decided he’d better stay put.”

Shelby giggled in her high, chirpy manner. “What does that even mean - canoodling? Were they eating noodles or something?”

Kevin rolled his eyes and gave Shelby an indulgent pat on the head. “Can you really be that dumb?” he muttered, half under his breath. “No, sweetie pie, they weren’t eating noodles. More like eating face. You know, kissing, cuddling, that sort of thing.”

“Oh.” Shelby nodded in understanding. “I get it now. But - really? Somehow I can’t picture Mr. Gregson actually, uh, engaging in PDA.”

Tessa, too, had been in something resembling disbelief when Ian had seemed to be touching her constantly during their meal - caressing her cheek, holding her hand, giving her a series of sweet, soft kisses. He’d acted very much like a man in love, and one who didn’t give a damn if the entire world was watching. His affectionate, attentive behavior had made Tessa almost swoon with desire, and made her fall even deeper under his spell.

Kevin grinned wickedly. “She must be some real hot piece of booty to get him to loosen up a little. Lucky bitch.”

Alicia grimaced. “You said it, I didn’t. And to top it off, my mother said Blondie was dressed to kill. Louboutins, that lavender Moschino dress I was coveting at Barneys last week, a triple strand pearl choker. Whoever she is, the girl’s got great fashion sense.”

‘Or a rich boyfriend with great fashion sense’ added Tessa to herself. But it gave her a great feeling of satisfaction to realize that the beautiful dress she’d worn to dinner last night had been on Alicia’s own wish list. Almost maliciously, Tessa wished she had the nerve to wear the dress to the office one day and flaunt it in her co-worker’s face.

She heard her cell phone ping, signaling an incoming text, and gave it a discreet peek, knowing it had to be from Ian.

Hello, luv. Sorry I’ve been so busy today. Just wanted to say I love u and that last night was amazing. I’m still recovering.

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