Crave Page 52

He hadn’t told her just yet about his feelings, not wanting to put pressure on her to reciprocate when he wasn’t absolutely certain that she returned his sentiments. He was quite confident that she was, at the very least, infatuated with him, based on the way she stared at him with adoration, and how she responded so eagerly to his every touch and kiss. But he fully intended to tell her exactly how he felt, and much sooner than later. He had, in fact, already begun planning out when it would happen.

As the waiter cleared away their dinner plates, Ian took her hand again, interlacing their fingers. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something these past few days, love. I was hoping you’d like to go away with me in a couple of weeks for the long weekend. We’d leave on Friday, which happens to be Valentine’s Day, and return on the Monday since the office is closed for the President’s Day holiday.”

Tessa beamed at him. “Yes, of course. I’d love that.”

He chuckled. “But you haven’t even asked where we’re going. For all you know, I could be planning to lock you inside my wine cellar for three days.”

“Well, now, that’s just silly,” she giggled. “And I don’t care where you take me. I’d go anywhere with you, Ian.”

He brushed his thumb over her knuckles, marveling anew at how sweet she was, how agreeable to whatever he suggested. And, he thought more soberly, how excited she seemed at the prospect of a weekend getaway because it was highly likely she’d never been on a real vacation before, given what he knew of her very frugal lifestyle.

“I thought we could spend the weekend at the company’s resort up in Lake Tahoe. It’s quite spectacular, a very luxurious mountain lodge with excellent ski facilities. Do you ski?”

Tessa shook her head. “No. I’ve only ever seen actual snow once, one winter when my mother and I lived in Sedona. She - well, she didn’t like the cold weather. That’s why we mostly lived in desert areas. Do you like it? Skiing, I mean.”

Ian nodded. “Yes, very much. Growing up in England it was very easy for my family to make weekend trips to our resorts in Switzerland or the French Alps to ski. Though since I moved to San Francisco I’ve rarely had the opportunity.” He squeezed her hand. “And we’ll make sure you get a lesson or two while we’re in Lake Tahoe. The ski school there is very highly regarded, and I’m confident the instructors will have you out on the slopes in no time.”

She smiled. “Okay. I’ll give it a try at least. I like most sports, actually.”

His gaze roved over her slim but shapely body assessingly. “And you’re in very, very good shape, darling. Very fit. Once I get you a membership to my gym I’ll arrange for a personal trainer to work with you. A female one,” he added teasingly.

“You’re really going to make my head spin if you keep spoiling me this way, you know,” she laughed. “Weekend trips to luxury ski resorts, personal trainers, diamond jewelry. That sounds like the lifestyle of the rich and famous, certainly not someone like me.”

He cupped her cheek in his palm. “I fully intend for you to live that exact sort of lifestyle, darling. I told you that first weekend that I was going to treat you like a princess, and I meant every word.”

Whatever protest she was going to make was interrupted by the arrival of the waiter with their tea. They had declined dessert, but a complimentary plate of small cookies, macarons, and chocolates was set in the middle of the table nonetheless. Tessa quietly brewed his tea for him, a little indulgence that he knew gave her a sense of satisfaction to perform, and he smiled his thanks. He was well aware that she enjoyed finding small ways to spoil him, perhaps trying to repay his own generosity towards her, and it gave him a little thrill to receive such attention.

He picked up one of the tiny chocolate truffles and held it up to her lips, smiling as she sucked it into her mouth.

“Mmm, that’s delicious. Thank you,” she murmured.

He brushed away the tiny dab of melted chocolate from the corner of her mouth. “My pleasure. Would you care for another?”

Tessa shook her head and picked up her tea. “Not just yet, no, I’m so full from dinner. Which was lovely, by the way. Thank you, Ian.”

Her sweetly spoken words of gratitude tugged at his heart, reminding him yet again what a deprived life she’d lived. “You’re very welcome, love. But the pleasure of your company is all the thanks I’ll ever need. Having you here with me like this - you have no idea how many times I daydreamed about a night just like this one.”

“And I never in my wildest dreams pictured myself in this sort of situation - eating in a four star restaurant, wearing designer clothing. And especially not with a man like you.”

Ian frowned at her quizzically. “A man like me?”

Tessa shrugged. “You know. You’re so elegant and sophisticated and, well, just so - special. You’re so different from anyone else I’ve ever known, so totally different from me. I still don’t quite understand what you see in me.”

He made a small sound of disapproval. “What I see in you is very, very clear. You are a rare and precious jewel, darling, and I’ve never met anyone quite like you before. You, Tessa, are the one who’s truly special.”

She reached across the table and placed her hand on his forearm. “You make me feel special,” she whispered. “You make me want to believe I’m all the things you say I am. Because I know a man like you wouldn’t settle for anything less.”

Ian stared at her, mesmerized by the soft glow of her blue eyes. “Jesus,” he muttered, shaking his head as if to clear it out. “Let’s get out of here. I’ve already broken enough rules for you today, and the way I feel right now I’m not sure how much longer I can resist kissing you in front of all these people.”

They didn’t break eye contact for even a second while Ian signaled the waiter for their check and handed over his credit card. As soon as the bill was settled, he surged to his feet and pulled her chair out, wrapping an arm firmly about her waist as they walked towards the front door.

While they were waiting for the valet to bring Ian’s Jaguar around, what was left of his self-control swiftly disappeared as he pulled her into a fierce embrace, his tongue invading her mouth in a hot, hungry kiss. She moaned beneath his lips, those sensuous little sounds that drove him insane with lust, and he increased the pressure of his mouth against hers. Already fully, painfully aroused, he slid a hand inside her unbuttoned coat and found her ripe, swollen breast, his thumb brushing over the hard point of her nipple. She gasped at this contact, certainly loud enough to be overheard, and he swiftly tore his mouth from hers to whisper in her ear urgently.

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