Crave Page 51

“I’ve got it,” Ian bit out, and slid the brand new black Burberry trench coat down Tessa’s arms. He’d insisted on buying her a much more suitable rain garment during their shopping spree earlier today, and since the weather was cold and drizzly this evening the purchase had been very timely.

As he drew the coat away and handed it to the host, Ian couldn’t help the small smile of satisfaction that teased the corners of his mouth as he observed the younger man’s expression. He’d had the exact same reaction the host was currently experiencing when he’d seen Tessa for the first time this evening. Though he was fairly certain, at the very least, that his tongue hadn’t been hanging out of his mouth - unlike the young, suddenly silent host’s.

The alluring black dress clung to her ripe, curvy body like a lover without being indecently tight or too revealing. Just as he’d known it would, the off the shoulder neckline displayed just enough cleavage to make her look like a 1940’s screen siren. The ivory skin of her bare shoulders gleamed, and the diamonds he’d bought her sparkled in her ears and at the base of her throat. The rich fabric of the dress skimmed over the high, taut globes of her ass, and he was sorely tempted to squeeze one round, tempting cheek.

As the host escorted them to their table - the one he’d requested, in a prime location that offered up the best possible view of the water - Ian kept a hand on the small of Tessa’s back. His gaze dropped to the endlessly long length of her shapely legs, encased in black silky stockings, her feet shod in a brand new pair of black Louboutin stilettos. From his peripheral vision, his acute skills of observation didn’t miss all the pairs of admiring eyes - both male and female - that stared after Tessa in slack jawed admiration. Ian’s chest swelled with pride, both with the knowledge that she looked like a movie star or a supermodel, and that he was the one lucky enough to have her by his side.

He grudgingly permitted the host - who was practically drooling by now - to hold Tessa’s chair out for her. But Ian didn’t even attempt to disguise the scowl he directed the younger man’s way when his eyes lingered on Tessa’s cleavage a little too long. Flushing, the host mumbled his wishes for a pleasant evening and scurried away.

As Ian took his seat directly across from Tessa, he brought her hand to his lips.

“You’re stunning tonight, darling,” he told her earnestly. “Simply stunning. That dress - the way it fits you ought to be illegal.”

Tessa gave him a shy smile. “I thought you told me it wouldn’t be too much.”

“It’s exactly right,” he assured her. “But there’s no possible way I’d ever want you to wear it if I wasn’t glued to your side. By my conservative estimate, there are at least ten different men staring at you right now. I’m guessing there are an awful lot of unhappy wives and girlfriends here tonight.”

She squeezed his hand. “I doubt that. After all, they have you to feast their eyes on.”

He winked at her. “Let them all look, then. So far as I’m concerned, you and I are the only two people in the entire place right now.”

As the waiter arrived to take their drink order and hand them menus, Ian rather reluctantly released Tessa’s hand. But he found it impossible to keep his hands off of her for very long, and found numerous and frequent opportunities to touch her throughout the evening, albeit in fleeting, indiscreet ways. It was still more than enough, however, to arouse her, given the way she stared at him, her eyes huge and round and very blue, her cheeks flushed, her breathing a little shallow.

As for himself, it was taking nearly every ounce of self-control he possessed not to haul her onto his lap and kiss her senseless in front of the entire restaurant. She was a constant temptation, her sexual allure a heady, irresistible force, and once again what made her even more alluring was the fact that she seemed so completely unaware of her intoxicating sensuality.

Ian sipped his wine leisurely as he watched her from across the table, silently marveling at how quickly their relationship had unfolded. It had been just over three weeks since that fateful evening in his office when he’d walked in on her trying in vain to wash out a stain on her blouse, her fabulous breasts almost pouring out of that lacy bra. He was instantly, uncomfortably hard at the recollection, and shifted awkwardly in his seat.

Tessa glanced up at him, a forkful of her grilled tilapia poised in mid-air. “Is everything all right?” her sweet, breathy voice inquired in concern.

He smiled and brushed his knuckles gently over her rosy cheek. “Yes, love, it’s just fine. More than fine, actually. I was just, ah, realizing that it’s already been over three weeks since our first date.”

She returned his smile brightly. “It has, hasn’t it? I still can’t quite believe it, you know. That you’ve - well, been attracted to me all this time. And that you chose me out of all the other women you could have had over the years.”

Ian shook his head, his palm opening up to cup the side of her face. “What other women? Tessa, you are the only woman I’ve ever felt this way about. And you were damned sure worth waiting for. I would have waited a lifetime for you, darling, because anyone else would have just been a pathetic substitute.”

She stared at him, her fork clattering to her plate, her eyes shiny with tears. “God,” she whispered. “You are the most amazing man. The things you say, the way you look at me…”

“And I mean every word, Tessa,” he told her passionately. “Every single word. Though I fear mere words aren’t enough at times to tell you how I feel. That’s why I plan on showing you exactly how much once we return home.”

Tessa gave a little shiver and her eyes grew even bigger. She was practically panting by now, clearly mesmerized by his impassioned speech, and he had to force himself to change the subject.

“Eat your dinner, Tessa,” he chided her gently. “Here, let me pour you some more wine.”

They ate in relative silence after that, though their awareness of each other practically crackled with electricity. Ian couldn’t take his eyes off of her, even as he drank his wine or chewed a bite of food. Tessa had perfect, exquisitely ladylike manners, and he knew without being told that Mrs. C. had most likely been largely responsible for that. But there was also a fineness, a quiet dignity about her, that came from deep within. She was incredibly sweet, always more than eager to please him, and being with her filled him with almost unbearable joy. And of course he was completely and thoroughly besotted with her, head over heels in love, in a way he’d never dreamed possible.

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