Crave Page 130

“I didn’t say that,” Andrew had replied dryly. “After all, I still have my reputation as a stick-up-his-ass bastard to maintain.” At Tessa’s expression of disbelief, he’d given her a scathing look. “You think I didn’t know? I know everything that goes on in that office, eyes in the back of my head and all that.”

Ian had nodded in agreement. “Can’t argue with that assessment. He knows far more than I do about what goes on.”

Andrew, who’d consumed a pre-dinner Mai Tai and several glasses of wine during the meal, had evidently been feeling bold as he’d smirked at his boss. “Well, I did learn from the very best, sir. Watching how you observed people without them being aware of it taught me a great deal. In fact, I was even able to turn the tables on you and use those exact same tactics.”

Ian had regarded his PA warily. “And what precisely does that mean?”

Andrew, who never smiled, had - wonder of wonders - actually given Ian a cheeky grin. “I knew the moment Tessa walked into your office that first day that you fell for her like a ton of bricks. No offense, sir, but you were a real open book that day.”

It had been Tessa’s turn to frown. “Well, I never noticed a thing. Of course, that’s probably because you’d already made me a nervous wreck about meeting him - all of your rules and instructions about what I could and couldn’t say. How did you know? I mean, Ian seemed as in control and professional that day as he always does.”

Andrew had shaken his head. “Oh, he didn’t give anything away when he met you. It was right after, when he called me back into his office to rip me a new one that he gave himself away. I’d worked for you three years already, sir, and had never once seen you actually pacing or using any form of sarcasm, and there you were doing both at the same time. But the real giveaway was when I told you Tessa was married. You looked like the floor had given way beneath you.”

Ian had nodded at his PA’s observations. “You’re spot on, as usual. Especially about the latter issue. I’d never in my life felt helpless before, never been in a situation where I couldn’t make something happen if I tried hard enough.” He’d turned to Tessa at that point, taking her hand in his. “When I learned you already belonged to another man, that I’d have to keep what I felt for you under strict wraps, I swear that was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life.”

When he and Tessa had continued to hold hands and stare dreamily into each other’s eyes, Andrew had cleared his throat until they had somewhat guiltily broken apart.

Andrew had seemed more than a bit hesitant to broach the next subject, a fact that had surprised Tessa since he never seemed uncertain about anything. But once he’d uttered that name, a sudden chill had traveled up her spine, despite the tropical climate, and Ian had scowled in annoyance.

“I hate to bring up such an unpleasant topic, Mr. Gregson, but both you and Tessa need to be aware that Jason Baldwin will be attending the meeting. Along with his wife - your cousin - of course.”

Tessa had glanced at Ian anxiously. “He wouldn’t do or say anything with your cousin along, would he?”

“He’d better not, if he knows what’s good for him,” Ian had muttered darkly. “I haven’t spoken to the bastard since I kicked him out of my office last fall, save for a brief hello at the office holiday party. But gossip travels quickly, and between co-workers and our family, I’m certain Jason has heard that Tessa and I are together.”

Tessa had shuddered. “All I know is that he gives me the creeps more than anyone I’ve ever met. How does your cousin put up with his, er, antics?”

Ian had shrugged. “Charlotte is a sweet, lovely woman but not especially bright. My aunt and uncle also coddled her well into adulthood, and she’s used to getting whatever she wants. And when she met Jason, she decided he was exactly what she wanted. I’m afraid she deliberately turns a blind eye to his antics so that she doesn’t have to admit to her parents - or to herself - that they were right about him.”

“So your aunt and uncle don’t like Jason?”

“That’s putting it mildly. Unlike Charlotte, Uncle Richard is a very wise man and he saw through Jason from the very first. But, as I mentioned, once Charlotte made up her mind she wanted something, her parents had a very difficult time ever saying no.”

“What I never quite understood, sir,” Andrew had interjected, “was why Jason wound up working for you. I would have assumed he and your cousin met and married in England.”

A look of disgust had crossed Ian’s features. “They did. But after three complaints about the bastard from female employees, Richard thought a change of scenery would do him good. So he sent him my way.”

“You know there have been a couple of close calls with him down in Scotts Valley, don’t you?” Andrew had asked soberly. “One was a hotel guest who called our head of HR to complain that Jason made some very suggestive comments to her. And one of the office staff confided to the night manager that Jason has been getting a bit too touchy feely for her liking.”

Ian had shook his head. “Well, apparently this leopard hasn’t changed his spots, has he? Looks like I’ll have to pay him a visit when we return home. In the meanwhile,” he added sternly, “that little shit is not to get anywhere near Tessa over the next few days. I don’t want her left alone where he might be able to harass her.”

She’d patted his hand and tried to smile reassuringly. “Hey, I can take care of myself. You’ve been showing me some moves, after all.”

Ian had been working with her at the gym to learn a few basic boxing techniques, and she also continued to take some kickboxing classes. He’d also arranged for her to work out with a personal trainer - a female one, of course - and she knew she was in the best physical shape of her life right now.

Ian had smiled at her rather indulgently. “And you’ve been a very apt pupil. But I still don’t want you having to confront Jason. The safest solution is just to keep you as far away from him as possible.”

Tessa couldn’t help the tiny shudder that rippled through her body as she thought of having to see Jason again. And there was no doubt she would have to at least acknowledge him. Tomorrow evening a lavish cocktail reception and buffet dinner had been planned for all the managers and their guests, and it went without saying that Ian’s cousin Charlotte would seek him out to say hello. There would be no polite way to avoid her for the entire duration of the meeting.

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