Crave Page 129

Ian’s phone rang, and he scowled at it before reluctantly checking the screen. His phone seemed to have been ringing off the hook these past few days, and she knew he must be growing weary of all the calls.

“Damn it, I’ve got to take this unfortunately,” he told her. “It shouldn’t be long.”

She waved her fingers at him. “It’s okay. I’m not planning on moving from this spot for a good long while.”

He squeezed her shoulder as he answered the call, walking to the edge of their private patio as he did so. From behind the lenses of her oversized sunglasses, Tessa smiled in satisfaction at the truly awe inspiring sight of him clad in just a pair of swim trunks. His heavily muscled upper body was bared to her admiring gaze, and she noted with interest at how deeply tanned his skin had become in just a few days. She loved the raw, primitive beauty of his ripped biceps, broad chest, and huge shoulders. She liked that he wasn’t overly hairy, just a wide strip of hair down the middle of his chest that tapered down past his waist and disappeared beneath his dark blue swim trunks. Tessa continued her unabashed inspection of his body, lusting at the sight of his long, muscular legs and taut buttocks. He was unshaven today, giving him that dark and dangerous look she loved, and his hazel eyes were covered by a pair of aviator sunglasses.

Beneath her red bandeau bikini top, her nipples peaked and her breasts felt achy and full as she continued to watch him. It had been over a week since they’d had sex, due to another of her heavy, painful periods. That hadn’t prevented them from enjoying each other in alternate ways, though the pleasure had been largely on Ian’s side. Despite his half-hearted protests that he could wait until she was over her cycle, in the end he hadn’t resisted when she’d taken him into her mouth, or stroked him with her hands, or guided his fully erect cock between her breasts. She had done the latter just last night, and could still picture the look on his face as he’d come all over her breasts, the thick streams of semen marking her in a different way as she’d rubbed his essence into her skin. He had groaned as he’d watched her, taking her mouth in a soul-stealing kiss, and then whispered to her urgently that he’d been keeping very careful tally all week of how many orgasms he owed her.

Tessa smiled as she recalled those heated words, and squirmed a bit as she realized how aroused she was. Her period had finally ended this morning, to her great relief, and she’d been sorely tempted to wake him up and give him the good news. But he’d been in a deep slumber, worn out from the demands of the last few days, and she’d let him continue sleeping while she took an early yoga class at the resort’s health club. But as stimulated as she was becoming now, she was beginning to regret her earlier decision.

As Ian’s phone conversation continued, she flipped onto her stomach, hoping that her arousal might ebb if she stopped watching him for awhile. It didn’t take long at all for her to become pleasantly drowsy, loving the feel of the warm sun heating her skin, while at the same time one of Hawaii’s famous tradewinds kept the temperature from feeling too unbearably hot.

Like almost all of the other owner’s suites she’d stayed in with Ian, this one was opulent and spacious, though decorated in a slightly more casual island motif. The real attraction of this particular suite, though, was its expansive outdoor space – the huge, partially covered patio, sunken hot tub, and large, private pool. The beach was mere steps away, and each night the sound of the surf had lulled her to sleep.

She felt a little guilty lazing the afternoon away, but consoled herself with the fact that she had certainly earned her keep these past few days, and would be working even harder once the manager’s meeting commenced. Andrew had flown in late yesterday afternoon, and had eaten dinner with her and Ian last night. But even during dinner, Andrew had been all business, discussing the many things that still had to get done for the meeting, and Tessa had longed to tell him to chill out and just relax for once. Truthfully, though, she was still more than a little intimidated by him, even if she no longer officially worked for the company, and had kept her mouth shut.

Employee or not, Andrew hadn’t hesitated in bossing her around this morning, assigning her tasks just as he’d done for over two years. But Tessa hadn’t minded, for she liked to keep busy and feel useful, and was relieved that Andrew hadn’t gone soft on her just because she was the boss’s girlfriend. He had looked a little taken aback when she’d somewhat teasingly told him just that during dinner last night.

“You’re a bright girl, Tessa,” he’d told her. “I would never dream of insulting your intelligence by treating you like some brainless bimbo. No offense, Mr. Gregson. I know better than anyone that you’d never be interested in a - uh -”

“Brainless bimbo?” finished Ian with an arched brow. “Yes, I appreciate your unwavering faith in me, Andrew. And you’re right. Tessa is exceptionally bright and you should continue to make use of her skills in whatever way you see fit.”

Andrew had grimaced. “Well, I certainly miss her at the office, especially since both hers and Alicia’s replacements have proven something of a disappointment so far. I think I might be losing my touch after all this time.”

Tessa hadn’t been able to suppress a grin at his last statement. “Keep that up and pretty soon Shelby will be one of your top team members.”

Andrew had looked a little sheepish. “Actually, she’s flying over tomorrow to help out this year.”

Tessa had very nearly spewed out the mouthful of water she’d just sipped, and Ian had had to pat her vigorously on the back. With watery eyes, she’d gaped at Andrew in disbelief. “Shelby? The same Shelby you used to grouse about not having more than three functioning brain cells?”

Andrew had nodded reluctantly. “Believe it or not, she’s stepped up her game these past few months. When Alicia, ahem, left, Shelby volunteered to take over doing the travel arrangements. It turns out her aunt owns a travel agency, and Shelby worked there part time during high school and college - who knew? And she’s actually done a decent job. I think - well, it seems that Alicia wasn’t very nice to Shelby over the years - would make fun of her and outright insult her on a regular basis. Since she’s left, Shelby seems happier and has more confidence.”

Tessa had grinned at her former supervisor. “So she doesn’t quake in her boots whenever you walk by?”

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