Crave Page 13

“Stop it.” His voice was firm and she didn’t dare argue further with him. “You could never, ever embarrass me, Tessa. You’re likely to be the one embarrassed by me. Everyone is sure to wonder what a gorgeous young girl like you sees in an old man like myself.”

“No!” she burst out. “You’re not old at all! And you’re so handsome and wonderful and - and splendid.”

Ian looked extremely pleased at her outburst. “You think I’m splendid?”

“Yes,” she told him earnestly. “And - thank you. For arranging whatever it is you did.”

“You ought to leave the office a bit early today,” he suggested. “Say around three o’clock or so. I’ll plan to meet you at the store at six-thirty and we’ll go to dinner from there.”

Tessa frowned. “That seems like a lot of time just to try on a few clothes.”

He winked at her. “Well, perhaps there might be another small surprise or two involved. Now, we need to get back to work, darling. Though I have no idea how I’m going to get a damned thing done when all I can think about is spending time with you tonight.”

“I’ll order lunch.” She stood and started towards the office door. “Would you like some tea, sir?”

The title slipped automatically from her lips, as used as she was to calling him that after more than two years. Ian chuckled and caressed her cheek.

“If you keep calling me that,” he teased, “I’ll start to think you want a very different sort of relationship than what I have in mind. Not that the idea isn’t enticing in certain ways.”

Tessa blinked. “What idea?”

Ian pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. “You are beyond adorable. And surprisingly naïve for a woman who’s been married. I’ll explain it to you another time. And yes, love, tea would be perfect.”

She beamed at him. “I’ll go brew it while ordering lunch, then I’ll get your conference call set up.”

He grinned. “You’ve been taking excellent care of me this week, Tessa. So much that I’ve barely noticed Andrew isn’t here. In fact, maybe I ought to suggest he extend his vacation since I like having you around so much.”

Impulsively, she reached up and kissed his cheek. “Same here.”

Ian growled, then held her head still for another deep, hungry kiss. When he finally lifted his head, it was to mutter in her ear, “How in hell have I kept my hands off of you all this time?”


Marlene Brennan had worked as a personal shopper for going on twenty years, and in the retail fashion business for even longer. She had assisted socialites, businesswomen, politicians, and celebrities, nearly all of them well dressed and well groomed, and many of them very beautiful women.

She had also provided assistance to quite a few male shoppers who needed gifts for their wives, girlfriends, or other women in their lives. One of those men was Ian Gregson, whom she’d first met when he moved to San Francisco several years ago. Marlene may have been a dozen or more years his senior, and a happily married woman, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t fully appreciate what a magnificent man he was - tall, powerfully built, with ruggedly handsome features and the ability to wear a suit like it had been made for him. Which, considering several of his suits were from Savile Row, was an entirely accurate observation.

Over the years, Marlene had helped the debonair, charismatic Mr. Gregson select gifts for his mother, grandmother, aunts, and sisters-in-law. But she had never been asked to help him choose a gift for any of the women he dated. Until this morning.

Mr. Gregson had been - well, glowing might not be far off the mark. He had looked younger, happier, and more relaxed than Marlene had ever seen him. And he’d been intent on picking out a variety of clothing, shoes, handbags, coats, accessories - quite a lot of it considering the relatively short time he’d spent at the store - and all of it apparently for one very lucky woman.

“I’ll send her by this afternoon to try on the blue dress and the Louboutins,” he’d informed Marlene. “The Burberry coat as well. And I think the Coach bag will go nicely with the shoes, do you agree?”

Marlene had nodded, impressed by his fashion sense and quick decision making. “Absolutely, Mr. Gregson.”

“Once you’ve confirmed her sizes, then I’d like to have you deliver the rest of the things to my home. And you’ll be able to arrange for the other services we discussed?”

Her curiosity had been wildly aroused, anxious now to see this woman who had undoubtedly captivated one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. Ian had seemed almost nervous, certainly anxious that what he had chosen would please this woman, and Marlene only hoped she wouldn’t be some haughty diva who was impossible to satisfy.

She was almost shocked speechless, therefore, when the impossibly young and heartbreakingly lovely blonde girl approached her shyly, asking in a timid voice, “Are you Marlene Brennan? I think you’re expecting me. I’m Tessa Lockwood.”

Marlene hoped that all of her years in working with customers had given her the skills to conceal the surprise she felt at meeting this young woman. Her sharp, discerning eye immediately pegged the girl’s raincoat, shoes, and bag as being both well-worn and inexpensive, and she tried very hard not to automatically assume that this ripe, sexy beauty was a gold digger. It was very easy to see why the girl would be attracted to a handsome, wealthy man like Ian Gregson, but Marlene could also understand why he, in turn, would be obsessed with this beautiful girl who stood regarding her uncertainly.

Marlene smiled at her reassuringly. “Yes, my dear. I’m Marlene. Welcome to Neiman Marcus, Tessa. Have you shopped here before?”

Tessa shook her head. “No. I’ve never even been inside. Everything I’ve seen so far is beautiful, though.”

Marlene patted the girl’s arm. “Well, you’re in good hands with me. And as for beautiful things - I think you’ll be pleased with the items Mr. Gregson has picked out for you to try on. He has excellent taste, the things are exquisite.”

Tessa’s cheeks pinkened, and Marlene was startled anew, for in her line of work she seldom saw women blush these days. “I - I told him this wasn’t necessary,” stammered Tessa. “I don’t - I’m not used to anyone buying things for me. This is all - I don’t know what to think.”

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