Crave Page 12

Despite his vow not to touch her, Ian reached over and grasped her hand firmly in his. “I noticed you every damned day. Too much. I’ve memorized almost every article of clothing you own, noticed that you drink the same blend of tea that I do, and that you tend to wrap a strand of hair around your finger when you’re trying to concentrate on something. I think it’s gone far beyond noticing you, darling, and moved into obsession.” He raised her hand to his lips. “And in my opinion, you’re the most important employee I’ve ever had.”

She was dazzled by his impassioned speech, and by the almost desperate way he gripped her hand. “I don’t know what to say. I just never imagined a man like you would ever be attracted to someone like me.”

He pressed a kiss to her palm. “And I can’t imagine any man not being attracted to you. You’re beyond beautiful, Tessa, enough to tempt a saint. You’re also sweet, kind, hardworking, loyal - well, the list goes on, love. Now, we can continue talking about my no longer secret infatuation with you a little later. I have to be on a conference call in a few minutes and there’s more we have to discuss.”

At her nod, he continued. “First, I would be very pleased if you’d agree to have dinner with me this evening. Around seven o’clock?”

“I’d love to have dinner with you,” she replied in delight. “But should we? I mean, aren’t you afraid someone might see us together? That is - we’re not really allowed to see each other outside of the office, are we?”

“Well, that’s another matter entirely. But don’t worry about anyone from the office seeing us out together tonight. I’ll make certain our privacy is guaranteed. So, it’s a yes then?”

Tessa smiled. “It’s a definite yes.”

Ian beamed at her. “I adore how you never play games, how honest you always are. It’s a refreshing change from all the pretense and social niceties I usually have to navigate through. But since you’ve already mentioned the subject of our working together, it goes without saying that for the time being at least we need to keep our – er, attraction for each other strictly between us.”

She nodded emphatically. “Of course. I wouldn’t dream of saying anything to anyone. I’m usually pretty closed-mouthed about my personal life anyway. That’s why it took me so long to tell anyone here about my divorce.”

“I know I can count on you to be discreet, Tessa. And we’ll discuss the matter in more detail over dinner, hmm? Now, two last things and then afterwards I’d like for you to order a quick lunch for both of us, then help me set up the conference call. Are you on birth control?”

She blinked, a bit taken aback by the question, and more than a little startled by his forthrightness. “Um, yes. I have an IUD.”

Ian seemed relieved by her answer. “Good. I’m - well, I’ve always been extremely careful over the years in my relationships, not that there have been all that many. I get tested every year when I have my annual check-up, and I can promise you that I don’t have any nasty communicable diseases I could possibly pass on to you.”

“I wouldn’t have even imagined it,” she told him earnestly. “And I know you’d never lie to me.”

He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. “Christ, you’re sweet. So damned sweet. And you’re absolutely right - I will never, ever lie to you, Tessa. But if you’re protected and you trust me - I’m hoping you won’t mind if I don’t use a condom when we’re together.” He whispered huskily in her ear, “The first time I make love to you, I want to feel every delicious inch of you bare against me.”

She gulped, feeling her nipples peak at the sensual image his words evoked. “Oh, God. I want that, too.”

Ian shut his eyes tightly and groaned. “You are the most tempting, irresistible – Jesus, let me finish before I do something to make you moan again.” He sat back on the sofa, his hands clasped firmly together. “Now, one final thing, love. The reason I was late getting back to the office today was because I made a stop at Neiman Marcus.” He paused to fish a business card out of his jacket pocket and handed it to her.

Tessa glanced at the card, which bore the name and title Marlene Brennan, Personal Shopper. “I don’t understand.”

“I’ve used Marlene’s services several times since moving to San Francisco. Strictly to buy gifts for the female members of my family,” he clarified. “I’m not in the habit of purchasing personal items for the women I’ve dated in the past. You’ll be the first.”

She frowned. “You bought me something?”

“No. At least, not yet. I took the liberty of selecting a few things for you, things I would very much like you to wear to dinner this evening. But,” he added firmly, “it’s entirely up to you, Tessa. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, I’ll understand.”

Suddenly self-conscious about her inexpensive, well-worn clothing, especially when compared to his elegant designer suit, she plucked at a pulled thread on her skirt. “It’s not that. It’s just, well, no one has ever really given me things before.”

Ian regarded her quizzically. “Not even your parents? Or your husband?”

Tessa shook her head. “Money has always been something of a problem. So I’m not used to receiving gifts.”

He smiled. “Well, then, I will definitely look forward to spoiling you frequently and thoroughly. Starting with tonight.”

She gave him a shy smile in return. “You don’t have to buy me things. I don’t expect or need that.”

“I know that, darling. That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be pampered a bit, though. I’m guessing from the little I know about you that you’ve had a rough go of it. Let me take care of you, Tessa. Care, not control,” he emphasized. “The choice will always - always - be yours.”

Tears shimmered in her eyes at how good he was to her, how kind. “I don’t know what to say.”

“The word is yes, darling. At least to this one small thing. Just go see Marlene and look at the things I had her set aside. If you don’t like them then you’re more than welcome to choose something else. Or nothing at all. I just want to spoil you a little bit, all right?”

She noticed how the heel of her black pump was scuffed and starting to wear away. “All right, I’ll go look. I don’t want to embarrass you at dinner tonight with what I’m wearing. But you really don’t need to buy me anything. I can just go home and change, I’m sure I have -”

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