Chased Page 31

“I’m a big girl. I am, however, sorry if I led you on. I truly wanted it to work. You’re attractive, smart, good. You’re a very good man. But I don’t know if I can overcome my really questionable taste in men. I seem to have a terrible addiction to men who are never going to make a commitment to me.”

Raising a glass to her he shook his head. “As much as I’d like to run Marc down, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. The man is in love with you, Olivia. You’re not like the other women he’s squired around. But if he hurts you? I’ll be here. After I kick his ass.”

He’d taken her home and she’d cried herself to sleep.

But she didn’t tell Cassie and Maggie any of it because she was afraid to say it out loud. Afraid to believe it could be real.

“He knew we weren’t right for each other. He was very nice about it. But as I keep telling you both, this thing with Marc and me is just a nice fling. He’s a wonderful friend and I like him a lot. The sex is amazing but we all know he’s not the forever type.”

“No matter how many times you say that, Liv, it’s only you who thinks so. I watch Marc with you every Sunday, every Friday and I think he looks an awful lot like a man who’s invested in forever. I’ve never pegged you for a woman who would go out of her way to avoid happiness. It’s sort of annoying because you’re damned smart.” Cassie looked over and her face lit up as Shane waved. “That’s my cue. I’m going to go kick their asses at pool. Maggie, honey, you’re looking pale. Go home and rest.” Cassie kissed Maggie’s cheek.

“My due date isn’t for two weeks now. I don’t want to pull Kyle away from his game.”

Liv rolled her eyes at Cassie who shook her head. “You’re full term now they said. I didn’t go to all those birthing classes and watch those films of women squatting while giving birth to have you ignore your health.”

“The shower is tomorrow anyway. A full day with Polly, you’ll need the sleep.”

Cassie winked.

“You’re right. Okay.”

“I’ll send Kyle over and I’ll see you tomorrow,” Cassie called over her shoulder as she headed back.

Marc watched his sister-in-law approach. “Damn, Shane, your wife is something else.”

Shane smacked him on the head with his cue. “Knock it off.”

Cassie stood on tiptoes to kiss Shane and looked around him to Kyle. “Take your wife home. She’s exhausted and the shower is tomorrow.”

“Is she okay?”

The panic in Kyle’s voice tore at Marc. Loving someone that much, so much that you worried for their health and now the health of the life she carried used to scare him. But despite the fear, Marc saw the glow about his brother too. Cassie touched Kyle’s arm gently. “She’s fine. But she’s thirty-eight weeks pregnant, hon. It takes a lot of energy to gestate and it’s hot. Take her home, have her put her feet up and make sure she keeps drinking water. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Kyle put his cue away and said his goodbyes. Marc watched him scoop his wife up with gentle arms and a smile on his face.

An ache built inside him and suddenly this whole thing with him playing along with the looking for Mister Forever seemed utterly stupid. He wanted to be with Liv full time.

Rocking back on his heels a moment, he zeroed in on the object of his thoughts. “Well lookit my girl over there. She’ll be all by her lonesome soon. I best get on over and give her some company.” Marc looked at Liv and when her gaze met his, he felt the connection to his toes.

“So she believe you yet?” Matt asked.

“I’m working on it. I hear she had a date with Bill on Wednesday. Worked out with me, even let me kiss her goodbye and went on a date with that dullard.”

That hurt.

“Marc, she didn’t even let him touch her. She said there’d be no more dates with him. She broke it off. This whole thing is stupid. I’ve never seen her like this but she’s afraid. So afraid.”

Cassie reached out and touched his cheek. “I’m amazed you’re doing this, I truly am. And I admire that you’re giving her this space. But when Maggie asked if she’d had sex with Bill, Liv got pissed. Said she was having sex with you and what did Maggie think she was?” Cassie kissed his cheek. “Hang in there. She’ll see. It’s right in front of her face and for what it’s worth, you’ve got no competition. This thing with Bill was just a way to keep from admitting it to herself. But he’s out of the picture now as an excuse.”

“Oh hell, I know that. I just don’t like her lying to herself. I want to be with her. This is all a waste of time.”

Cassie shrugged. “If she’s worth it, you’ll wait. Only you can decide if she is or not. Everyone has their limits.”

He looked back over at Liv as she blew a kiss at Maggie, smiling. She was worth it. God he loved her. Okay, a little while longer.

“Night all,” he called over his shoulder as he walked through the restaurant toward her. She turned to see him coming toward her and stood, waiting.

“Hi there, handsome.”

Without a word, he pulled her to him and kissed her. Hard and possessive. Satisfaction settled into him as she melted into his embrace, opening her mouth to him.

He took his time, knowing that people watched them. Wanting them to all understand how it was. Liv Davis was his woman.

When he was finished he dropped a small kiss on the tip of her nose and each eyelid. “Hi yourself, gorgeous. You ready to let me rock your world?”

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