Chased Page 30

“Oh hang on, let me walk with you.”

She leaned against the sink, watching him as he pulled on his clothes.

“Wait a sec.” She went into her bedroom and came back out a few moments later. “I can’t help you with underwear. Not that I want to, I like knowing you’re naked under there. But here’s a pair of gym socks and a clean T-shirt. It’s way too big for me but it should fit you.”

Smiling he took the shirt and pulled it over his head and got the clean socks on. The dirty stuff went into his bag. He hadn’t the heart to tell her he had clean shirts and underwear in the messenger bag. He liked wearing something of hers. If they were hers.

“Hey, whose clothes are these?”

“Mine, silly. The shirt was some contest win and they just gave everyone extralarges And everyone has gym socks don’t they? Do you think I’d be so tacky as to give you some other man’s clothes?”

He laughed. “No. I don’t think you’re tacky. I think you’re fabulous.”

They walked hand in hand to city hall and parted ways at the front steps with a quick kiss. He liked that she didn’t shy away from the public affection and he really liked the sway of her ass as she took the steps toward the front doors.

“Saucy.” Grinning, he turned and jogged toward his place.

Chapter Eight

Friday night some weeks later found Liv staring at him as he played pool. And the damned little chickies who seemed to follow him around everywhere.

“It sucks. Just get used to it now.”

Liv looked back at Maggie. “What are you talking about?”

Maggie snorted. “Puhleeze. Girl, don’t you play coy with me. I’ve watched this thing blossom between you and Marc. You’re watching him with hungry eyes right now. But you see the fan club too. Chase brothers come with a fan club. You’re going to have to accept it. If you let it agitate you, you’re going to be agitated all the time.”

“I’m not agitated.”

“Yeah, I can tell. Olivia Jean, you have got to stop lying to yourself or this is never going to work. All these women can do is look. He’s not doing a thing to lead them on, not giving them any attention other than a how do you do.”

“Don’t you let this silliness hold you away from something real with him. Speaking of silliness, how’d the date with Rancher Bill go?”

Liv turned to Cassie, ready to be upset but just let out her breath in a sigh.

“Fine. I don’t think we’ll have any more dates.”

“What? I mean aside from the fact that you’re in love with Marc and all?”

“You’re on a roll tonight aren’t ya, California girl? Sheesh.”

“It’s July again. I freaking hate July in Petal. It’s so hot. Makes me pissy.”

Liv laughed. “Not as hot as August.”

“I hate August even more than July. But there are plusses to August. Nice parties. Thank goodness we have good air conditioning. Back to Rancher Bill?”

Cassie’s face was amused as she munched on her fries.

“He’s a nice guy but he’s not right for me. He doesn’t do anything for me physically. It’s not like he’s bad or anything, he’s just got no moves.”

“You had sex with him?” Maggie’s mouth dropped open.

Liv’s eyes went wide, offended. “No. I’m having sex with Marc. I’m not a skank. Jeez. But I wasn’t even tempted. I mean, he can’t be Mister Right if I’m not even tempted can he? I don’t think so.”

“Is that the new standard then? If you feel like tossing Marc out of bed for him, that’s the dude? Sounds pretty crass, Liv. Oh, I know! How about you just stop this and admit Marc is Mister Right?”

“A few years in town and you’re suddenly all uppity,” Liv grumbled into her beer.

“I was uppity before I came to Petal.” Cassie laughed.

“It’s why I like you so much. Anyway, Bill and I had a talk at the restaurant.”

Maggie’s eyes widened. “Really now? What about? He didn’t ask you to marry him?”

Liv laughed. “No.”

As a matter of fact, she and Bill had been sitting there at dinner, drinking some wine and listening to the piano music when he’d looked her straight in the eye and said, “This can’t work, you know.”

“What do you mean?”

“Liv, I like you an awful lot and you’re nice to me. Sweet. I like your laugh. Sexy even. But you’re in love with Marc Chase. Any fool could see it.”

She’d nearly choked on her wine then. “What? He and I are friends. We date. I’m not in love with him.”

Bill laughed then. “Olivia, one of the most attractive things about you is how straightforward you are. Blunt. You’re take charge, you don’t play games like other women do. But if you can’t see you’re in love with the man, you’re not as straightforward as I thought. Or maybe you’re defending your heart so hard you can’t see your nose to spite your face. Is that it?”

Liv wished then that she’d been attracted to him. He was compassionate and smart. But not Marc. Damn. He was right.

He’d waited, watching her as she scrambled to process what he’d said, trying to deny it.

He smiled a bit sadly. “I do wish you and I had something because you’re going to make Marc a fine wife. He’s a lucky man. You’re beautiful but scared aren’t you?”

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