True Page 95

“We aren’t even sure if there are other humans he’s deceived or other locations Species are being kept,” Flame stated. “We do know he is a direct threat to True’s mate.”

“Exactly,” True agreed.

“He’s gotten money from us twice by using her to verify where New Species are being held and my team is still searching for other transactions he could have been behind.” Tim frowned at True. “Her idea is better than just grabbing him. I have a lot of faith in Darkness but hell, this guy has nothing to lose. He doesn’t have family to use against him. We can keep her safe. I’d also like a chance at seeing where he stashes his cash so we can get it back. He’ll create an escape plan and that means accessing that money.”

“She shouldn’t be in danger at all,” True growled, not liking the idea.

“Please?” Jeanie turned in his arms and peered up at him.

He looked down at her and knew he would give in. It was the sight of her unshed tears, something that affected him strongly. “I just want you safe.”

“I know. I want that too but I also want to make sure there aren’t people out there who could be saved. I’d rather be at risk for a bit longer than always have to wonder if safeguarding me cost lives.”

True bit back a snarl and lifted his head, staring over the top of hers at Tim. “Do it.” He glanced at Justice. “We need a better plan to keep her safe than just more officers. I want her taken to a new location where it’s more secure and he has no chance of discovering where she is. Perhaps Reservation in the middle of the Wild Zone.”

Justice slid off the edge of the table to stand. “Tiger? What is your suggestion?”

The feline male frowned, giving it some thought. “The house next to yours is empty. Director Boris obviously had more access to our computers than we knew about and may have kept tabs on what we’ve done since we took over Homeland. He’ll suspect we’ll transfer the couple to Reservation since it’s what we’ve done in the past. I think we should keep them here.”

“Agreed,” Fury sighed. “I don’t like that ass**le running free either.” He held True’s gaze. “But your female has made valid points and so has Tim. We can keep her safe and give Boris enough room to hang himself at the same time.” He smirked at Tim. “Is that the right saying? Hang himself?”

“Yeah.” Tim grinned. “That’s what we’re hoping he’ll do. I’ll have my teams on it ASAP. I want to borrow a couple of your guys with good noses when we enter his house. They might find things we can’t on visual inspections. We have to make damn sure we’re super careful so he doesn’t suspect we’ve been there and that means barely touching anything.”

“Done.” Tiger pointed to the door. “Let’s gather your males together and work out assignments, Tim.” He glanced at Slade. “You can handle getting the couple safe and settled.”

“No problem.” Slade grinned as he glanced at Fury. “Enjoy the drive. I know you’re going with the team to Boris’ house.”

The canine chuckled. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

True blew out a frustrated breath and pulled Jeanie back into his embrace, hugging her to his body. It seemed everyone was on board with the plan but him. He just wanted to keep her safe.

“I want detailed updates,” he demanded. It wasn’t a request.

Justice lifted an eyebrow but then nodded. “I understand. I would too if it were Jessie. Keep him apprised of everything, Slade.”

“Done.” The male stood. “Let’s get you both settled in a new home.”

The doors opened again and Jinx sauntered into the conference room, smiling. True hadn’t noticed the male had been absent from the meeting until that moment. He stepped around a few Species until he paused before them and the arm behind his back moved. He held out a manila folder with a pen clipped to it.

True glanced at it and frowned, then met the male’s amused gaze.

“Mating papers,” Jinx said and chuckled. “Just so you’re assured that I’ve come to terms with who she chose. So much is going on that I knew you wouldn’t have time to make the call. I personally had them drawn up for you and printed out. Sign them and I’ll return them for filing. I won’t leave until it’s done.”

A lump formed inside True’s chest. It meant a lot that the male had gone to the trouble. Silence had him glancing around the room. He looked at the faces of his friends and fellow Species, seeing that most smiled, while a few appeared a little envious. He understood.

“If you’ve changed your mind…” Jinx teased.

He released Jeanie and grabbed the folder. He looked down at her and she smiled at him. He grinned back.

“Never. Jeanie is my mate. Thank you.”

“I am,” she agreed. “Where do I sign?”

He took her hand and led her to the nearest table and opened the folder. He signed without reading the document and was pleased when Jeanie accepted the pen and just signed as well. They were mates already but now it became official.

“We’ll celebrate with a party as soon as she’s safe and Boris is locked inside Fuller,” Justice decreed.

True looked at the male, full of gratitude. “We’d appreciate that.”

Justice chuckled. “I have a feeling what you do in private will be more fun. Get them out of here, Slade.”

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