One Dom to Love Page 8

She hesitated, then plopped down on the bed, looking somewhere between embarrassed and miserable. “I thought that before I could really consider your offer, I had to see if there was any chance that Hammer could...” She stopped, sighed. “But there isn’t. I went to his room dressed in a lot less and tried to seduce him. Even when I had my mouth on his—” She looked away with a grimace, and Liam had a vivid mental picture of what she’d done to get Hammer’s attention. “He still turned me down. It hurt. We fought. I lost my temper. It got ugly.” She shrugged. “Here we are.”

A smile pulled at his lips. “No doubt you startled the hell out of him. Awakening to the soft, wet heat of a woman’s mouth wrapped around one’s John Thomas is generally something to appreciate. I’d say you surprised him, and he reacted poorly. Surely you’d not hold that against him.”

She jumped to her feet. “I should have known you’d take your pal’s side. I surprised Hammer, all right. And I aroused him. But he didn’t want to deal with me, so he tossed me out of the room and jacked off. He had the nerve to shout my name when...well, you get it. You’ll probably say it’s his Dom’s right or whatever, but I got so mad, I saw a red haze. I went to the dungeon and threw everything I could find on the floor. Okay, so it was stupid. But from that, Hammer decided that I needed a spanking. And to stick his fingers up my—” She shook her head. “He’s not dictating to me when I can have an orgasm, and I made that clear.”

Raine was like an angry wee bird, feathers bristling as she emphasized her words, her hands waving and breasts heaving. She was glorious.

He gave her a genuine smile, picturing only too well the scene she described.

She rolled her eyes. “And you think it’s funny. Fuck, I am so leaving.”

When she marched for the door, Liam leapt up, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her back against him. He surrounded her completely, stroking her back lazily to offset his unyielding hold.

“There now, lass. Christ, I’ll bet the orgasm he gave himself was an empty regret compared to one he’d much rather have had between your lips.”

She snorted. “No. I’m like a sister to him. He doesn’t want me. He never will, and I don’t think I can stay and watch him with women like Marlie anymore.” She fidgeted in his grasp. “Can you let me go?”

Not a chance in hell, and if she thought Hammer truly wanted anyone but her, then someone had to pull back the man’s curtain and show her the truth. Words wouldn’t do it, but actions… Hammer in a jealous rage ought to convince her.

“You can’t really want to leave home and all you know?” he said softly. “My offer still stands. Hammer hasn’t done a good job teaching you or making you feel valued as a woman. So let me do that. Aren’t you even a little curious to see what you might gain?”

She hesitated, considering. Liam wanted to push, but he didn’t. The time wasn’t right. Instead, he cajoled.

“C’mon lass. You’re ready. Any responsible Dom gives the sub what she needs, and you’ve gone too long without that since Hammer has stifled you.”

Raine stared at him, biting her lip. He could practically see her thoughts working. Time to lean on her a bit.

“Be brave, lovely. Take what I’m offering. I’d be good to you.”

“That sounds great and all, but you’re Hammer’s best friend. And it’s taken you a couple of months to reach the conclusion that I need...whatever it is you think I’m doing without. Plus, you never really told me what’s in it for you. Yeah, you said I’m pretty, but I don’t think that alone would motivate you to spend the weeks or months it will likely take to train me. Not to mention that you danced around telling me what you said to Hammer a few minutes ago. So forgive me if I’m a little suspicious.”

Clever girl. She was smart to be wary. But he couldn’t allow it to continue.

“It seems to me that you have more to gain than to lose by giving me a go. Hammer has already rejected you, and I’m sorry for it. But should you have to lose your home, as well? Rather than leaving, why not take this opportunity to try something new? Test your limits and grow.” He stepped back and put a bit of distance between them so she wouldn’t feel crowded or threatened. “You seem to think I have some ulterior motive, but I’d be lying if I said your plight doesn’t grate at my need to protect and teach you what I believe you crave.”

She sent him a considering stare. “If you have nothing to hide, then what did you two talk about before you came in here?”

He forced a casual shrug. “I’d have thought that would be obvious. We discussed why he was allowing you to get under his skin and create an uproar. Both of you were hot enough to fry eggs. He’s my friend. Why wouldn’t I be concerned?”

“About him, sure. That makes sense. But me? I’m nothing to you.”

Just like Hammer had said, trust was going to be a major issue for her. Earning it while he wasn’t being totally honest was an added challenge. But his plan would ultimately benefit Raine and Hammer both, if it worked. While he trained her, he would have to separate his ploy from her progress and focus on giving her exactly what she needed. She would eventually trust that he wanted her happiness.

“Because my concern for Hammer extends to his responsibilities as a Dominant. If he’s unable to manage them, for whatever reason, then I will. That includes you.”

Her nose wrinkled in distaste. “I’m tired of being someone’s responsibility.”

“That’s not all you are to him. You’re wrong if you think he doesn’t love you. It may not be the way you want him to, but he cares.” He cocked his head. Talking to her was a bit like playing a chess match. He had to carefully consider his every move. “I’ll be more honest than I should when I say you won’t be simply a responsibility to me. You’re an untested submissive. That makes you a very attractive proposition. I’ll enjoy coaxing your surrender. You’ll be a lovely challenge.”

She flushed. “And it won’t bother you that I love him?”

Liam crafted his words carefully, then took a half step closer to cup her cheek and delve deep into her eyes. “I don’t need your love, lass, just your trust. I’ve said I’d be willing to help you become the submissive you’re wanting to be. Leave, don’t leave. The choice is yours. But know this, Raine: Regrets are a heavy albatross to carry around your neck for the rest of your life.”

She turned her attention from him to her own thoughts. He watched her face, practically saw her mind start to spin and race. Fascinating, really. He’d grown so used to women with towering walls guarding their thoughts, especially his ex-wife. Raine was so new, a blank slate in so many ways. Fresh. The idea of molding her excited him. The idea of touching her excited him, too—far more than it should.

“I see your point,” she finally conceded. “What’s the catch to your offer?”

Slowly, but surely, he was reaching her. “Hammer insists that he’ll have his pound of flesh. I can’t stop Beck from punishing you on his behalf. But if you agree to let me train you, I won’t let him touch you. Either way, I’ll be by your side to lend what support I may.”

She lifted her chin. “If I stay, I’ll manage Beck. I’m not a coward.”

Liam fought a smile. Raine was many things—a minx, a smart girl trapped in a woman’s body, a submissive without a Dominant to guide her—but he would never call her a coward.

“That you’re not. Come.” He took her hand. “Let me give you a taste of what I think you need. You can hardly say yes to what you don’t fully understand.”

He gave her a gentle tug. This time, she hesitated only an instant before she complied. He settled back on the side of the bed, pulling her onto his lap, facing the dresser mirror. She diverted her gaze.

“Look at us,” he commanded, his words barely above a whisper.

This time, she didn’t hesitate, but peered through the shadowy room to meet his stare in the mirror. As he held her back against his chest, he felt how small she was in his lap. When he brushed the shell of her ear with his lips, she shivered.

“Excellent,” he told her. “You need discipline, and I don’t disagree with Hammer’s idea of giving you a red ass for your antics earlier.”

When she stiffened and opened her mouth to protest, he held up a finger and sent her a stern glance. “Not a word. Let me finish.”

When Raine sagged against him with a sulky little pout, he fought another smile. She’d be a handful, this girl. Something about her enchanted him. God knew that looking at her scantily-clad curves in the mirror was taking an uncomfortable toll on his self-control. He had the urge to find every one of her defenses and plow through them as fast as possible so he’d have her entire soul open to him. The idea was exhilarating. The mental image of her naked and bound, looking up at him with trust and longing… Fuck if that didn’t make him hard. Well, harder.

“What you need more than discipline is understanding and affection. When was the last time you had someone you could truly talk to?”

Panic flitted across her face. “Don’t you just want to tie me down and spank me and…”

Oh, he did, eventually. “Without trust, that’s just abuse. And I’ll never be treating you like that.”

She fidgeted again. “But talking?”

Pain creased her features, as if he’d said he intended to drive stakes under her wee fingernails. He smothered another smile. The amusing little vixen was going to keep him on his toes. “How do you think trust is accomplished?”

Now Raine openly winced, and he didn’t bother to hold in his laugh.

“Oh, that’s right. Laugh it up at my expense.” She gently elbowed him.

But her tart words didn’t hold any heat. She teased rather than sassed. The ghost of a smile on her face pleased him.

“I said I intended to split you wide open like a ripe peach, didn’t I?” He raised a brow.

Her smile fell. Slowly, she nodded.

“If you accept my offer, you’ll quickly learn that if I say it, I mean it.” Liam drilled his stare into her through the mirror, willing her to believe him. But he knew that would come in time. “And I need you to be honest with me as well. Can you do that, lass?”

“I’ll try.” She sounded hesitant.

Any other sub, he might punish. This one needed a different approach. As Hammer had admitted, she was fragile. Beneath her sometimes-saucy surface lay a woman who could easily break, and he wouldn’t risk that. Raine was a potent mix of vulnerable femininity, intelligence, and strong will unlike any he’d met.

“You’ll do more than try. If you feel you can’t be honest, you’ll say that. But you will not lie to me. Can you agree to that?”

“But if I tell you I can’t be honest, you’re only going to want to talk about it.”

“I am.”

“Ugh!” She rolled her eyes and sighed like a teenager talking to a probing parent. “I don’t like to talk.”

Neither did Hammer, and that was part of their problem. Both found it painful. Both were going to have to change if they wanted more in life than they had now.

“I gathered that.” A smile tugged at his lips. “But that doesn’t change anything. Tell me, when was the last time you had pleasure you didn’t give yourself?”

“Ouch!” Her jaw dropped. “Don’t go for the jugular or anything.”

“Neither of us gains a damn thing if I dance around your pretty feet. Answer me.”

She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. Before his very eyes, he could see her walls rising, watch her forming a flippant answer.

“Whatever you’re thinking now, stop.” He infused the words with a sharp whip of demand. “Honesty. Not whatever you were digging out of your sleeve. Now, the last time a man gave you pleasure?”

Raine hesitated for a very long time, her face anxious. The truth was on the tip of her tongue. He just had to work it out of her.

Liam eased a hand under her little cotton halter and rubbed a thumb over her nipple. It hardened in seconds under his touch. She gasped but didn’t push him away. Her pulse began hammering at the base of her neck. His body surged. Earning her trust an inch at a time was going to be arousing as fuck. And he didn’t dare let up. As long as he did this, she would be too distracted to think up smart-assed replies.

“Tell me,” he breathed in her ear.

With a little whimper, her head fell back, and she melted into him. Bloody hell if that wasn’t one of the most arousing sights he’d ever seen.

“Two years ago.”

“Where is he now?” He pinched her nipple, then soothed it with a caress.

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