Making Chase Page 47

“Enough! If one more person asks me if I’m all right like I’m a hunchback who lives in a cave I’m gonna lose it. It’s over. I want it to stay over. Please. Now I really do need to get home. Thank you, Liv. It was a lovely shower and I’m glad we were able to chat.”

“I’ll drive you home. We can talk.” Matt moved to the door with her.

“No. I drove here with my sisters. I’ll get them home. Visit with your family. I’ll talk to you later.”

Nothing made him angrier than when she tried to pull herself away from him like that. As if he were associated with those stupid people, or like he believed it. Well, as he’d done every other time, he simply ignored her attempts as he pulled her to him.

“You go and take your sisters home. I’ll see you at the house in an hour. I haven’t eaten. Won’t you take pity on me and feed me?”

He loved the way she got flustered when he didn’t let her win her silly attempts to hold him away. And when she knew he’d be licking her from head to toe when he saw her next.


He laughed, kissing her quickly, and walked her and her sisters to the car, seeing them off.

When he’d come back inside Liv had moved to the couch, her feet in Marc’s lap. Maggie looked pissed off and Cassie was in a heated discussion with Polly on the deck.

“What the hell happened here?” Matt sat down across from Liv and Marc.

“It was fine until Sal came over. I can’t believe that. I feel so bad.” Liv’s color had returned to normal but Matt didn’t want her getting upset again.

“It’s not your fault, honey. Tate doesn’t blame you, I know she doesn’t. I just can’t understand all this stuff. Just a few days ago, Ron Moore cornered me in the hardware store about it. Some bunch of bull about Tate’s mom and how I should watch my pockets. I’ve known this guy since third grade! He’s met Tate one time and when I asked him for specifics he said he’d heard it around. Apparently Melanie has been saying stuff all over town.” Matt exhaled sharply. “I didn’t mention it to Tate so I’d appreciate it if none of you did either. Now what’s all this about Tate not liking you?”

Cassie and Polly came inside.

“Tate and I had a very long talk, cleared the air. I’ve been dying that she likes Cassie better than me.”

Cassie laughed.

“I still think she does, hmpf. But she’s been feeling insecure about any comparisons between us and I’ve been feeling a bit, oh I don’t know jealous maybe? Not like that.” She looked quickly at Marc who rolled his eyes, apparently unconcerned. “But you know, you look at her in a way you never looked at me or anyone. It’s hard at first. But she and I got past it and were visiting and laughing but Sal kept on staring. Lots of people stared. They’re curious, Matt. Most of it wasn’t hostile. You came in right after she’d asked about Sal.”

“And you told her?”

“Look, Matt, it’s no damned secret you tasted the nectar of many a flower here in Petal and the tri-state area. Tate’s not stupid. But she wasn’t upset about it either. She didn’t like the attention but she laughed about it and it wasn’t her covering up for being uncomfortable. She and I talked about the big issue for all Chase wives.”

“Ugh, the constant female attention,” Maggie spoke from the chair near the doors.

“Yes. But she’s okay. She gets that Matt isn’t interested in any flower in the garden but her.” Liv shook her head. “But the thing with Sal wasn’t just about her jealousy that Matt had settled down with one woman. This whole oh there’s an outsider in town, quick hide the silver! thing is just weird. I don’t know exactly what to do about this. But I do know we have to make a stand.”

“Yes, we do.” Polly sat down. “Cassie and I have been talking and we thought it would be good to make Homecoming our big exclamation point about Tate being part of our family. That is if Liv hasn’t gone into labor by then.”

“You’ll have to excuse me if I most fervently hope to have given birth by next Tuesday much less two weeks from now.”

They all began to plan.

“I can’t believe that bitch!” Anne exclaimed as they drove away. “Sal has some nerve.”

“Every f**king time I’m with the Chases some kind of drama ensues. It’s downright embarrassing. I hate it.” The f**k habit was back.

“It’s not your fault, Tate. Sal was way, way out of line.” Beth turned to her. “Don’t let it get to you. That’s what she wants. That’s what they want.”

“I’ve been thinking on this a lot. Matt was the last single Chase brother, they all wanted him. But you landed him. They can’t stand it. In truth, they’d find fault with anyone who snatched the last Chase standing,” Anne mused. “So screw them all. They can suck it. Who cares about them, Tate? You’re the important one. You’re the one he loves. You’re better than the Sals of the world.”

“Every time I’m with him in larger social settings I feel totally out of my depth. Beautiful ex-girlfriends every three feet. All his friends don’t trust me and they talk about stuff I don’t know a damned thing about. I’m not one of them and they know it.”

They pulled into Anne’s driveway. “Tate, Matt loves you.” She shrugged. “He wants to be with you. You love him. I’ve never seen you so happy. Who cares about them? His family adores you. We adore him. It’s all good.” She hugged her before getting out. “I’ll see you later. Call me if you need me. Love you.”

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