Inside Out Page 53

Elise came in, and Cope realized, not for the first time, just how beautiful and special the women in their circle were. She saw them and headed over with hugs for everyone.

And speaking of beautiful, Ella came back to put a latte and his sandwich on the table. “Here you go.”

Erin snorted. “You’re off duty. Sheesh, I can’t get rid of you.”

“I’m hard to shake off. Like the flu.” Ella fluttered her lashes. “Why don’t you have lunch with Andrew and Mrs. Copeland? Elise and I will just be over there.” She pointed to a table in the corner where they all usually sat.

Cope liked Ella even more just then. It had taken a lot of time, but his mother and Erin were truly trying to be close, especially for Ben’s sake. It made him happy to see Ella get that and try to help foster it.

“I’ll be over in a bit. I’m sure Cope and his mom have a lot to talk about. But I’ll grab both of them for some visiting while I can.” Erin grinned and settled back into her seat.

“Hang on. I’ll bring you some soup.”

With that, Ella swayed off.

“She’s a nice girl, that Ella.” His mother sent him a raised brow, and he laughed.

“You don’t have to put on a show, Mom. I totally agree with you.”

“Not a show. But she’s going to be work.”

Ella came back and put some soup and bread in front of Erin. “Eat,” she said, before going over to where Elise had settled in.

Cope watched her, hungrily taking in the way she moved.

“Jeez. Hello! Mother and pregnant sister-in-law here. Remember the other women in your life.”

When he turned back, Erin was grinning at his mother.

“Anything worth having takes work,” he quoted to his mother.

His mother reached out, squeezing his hand. “That’s very true, Andrew. It makes me glad to hear you say that about a woman. A woman who’s worthy of you for a change.”

“Amen. All these floozies you’ve chosen, not a one has been good enough. Ella though, well, she’s got guts. Style. Courage.” Erin spooned up some soup.

“The women I’ve been with in the past were not bad people!” No, they weren’t Ella, but no way was he going to have a conversation about sexual prowess and loving women who were in charge of their sexuality with his mother sitting there. “Anyway, I’ve already said it several times; I totally agree with all the compliments about Ella. I’m the one who’s probably not worthy of her.”

“Andrew, now you’re talking crazy.” His mother tsked his way, shaking her head. “When you finally realize a woman of substance is worth the work, you’re taking yourself seriously too. Lord knows I’ve been waiting for that. You’re worthy. I promise. I’m your mother, who else would know better than me?”

Erin laughed and nodded.

Had he been the only one not to see it?

Elise took a bite of her sandwich and leaned forward after shooting a look toward Cope. “You’d best tell me every last dirty detail. I know it had to be dirty, because he’s a dirty, dirty boy.”

They had seen each other over the weekend, but Rennie had been along, so it wasn’t the time to share any sex details. They’d spoken on the phone, but again either Rennie or Brody had been around.

Ella looked over her shoulder, and they both laughed, catching Cope’s attention. He sent her a raised brow and then blew her a kiss.

“My god, he’s like, lethal,” Elise whispered.

“You should see him naked.”

The laughing started again.

“So? Like, hotter than the sun?”

“His body is so spectacular I think I forgot my address just because my brain stopped thinking of anything else but the way his abs look. He’s all muscular and tight. Golden brown. Both ni**les pierced.” She fanned herself with her napkin. “I feel bad for talking about him when his mother is just over there.”

Elise rolled her eyes. “Pffft. It’s not like she can hear us. Keep it going. What else? Obviously you two did the deed.”


“Nice! Brody has excellent recovery time too. He clearly knows what he’s about. No man walks the way he does without being the shit in the sack.”

“Such a way with words, Elise. Yes, yes, he knows what he’s about. He’s so, god, overwhelming. He’s got such a sweet side to him. Did you know he was restoring a house in Ballard? It’s magnificent. He’s done all this work on it, and it shows. I had no idea.”

Andrew Copeland was a far more complicated man than most would have suspected, though she often felt he liked it that way.

They’d sat in his bed, naked, eating cupcakes and drinking hot chocolate as he’d quoted Neruda. In Spanish. He’d reduced her to a pile of goo after that. More goo. Gooey-er? Whatever, that bad boy exterior had melted away, and she’d realized he had a soft, creamy center. More than that, he was so much smarter and accomplished than she’d ever given him credit for.

“He’s something else, Elise. I felt all weird because, let’s be honest, he’s got way more experience with sex than I do, and he’s so confident and stuff. But he, I don’t know, he made me feel good, confident, like no matter what I did or how I did it, it was awesome. No one has ever made me feel like that.” And she didn’t quite know what to do with it all.

“When Brody and I hit that place where we both had fallen for each other in a big way, I think we sort of reeled with it. How can you process something so intense after not having that connection to anyone before? You and Cope have known each other for years. You’re friends first, and that’s lethal because he knows you. Knows you in ways some new guy you met and dated wouldn’t. That’s something good.”

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