Giving Chase Page 16

He went back to his place at the table and watched her as she moved through her kitchen. She pulled out vegetables, rice, some chicken and started preparing things. “How does chicken and rice sound?” She poked her head around the refrigerator door to ask.

“It sounds really good. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather get take out? Or be alone? I don’t want to impose.”

She grinned at him. “Hey, it’s no problem now that the scotch has kicked in. I’d love to cook for you as a thank you for coming home with me.”

He laughed. “Okay then, lay it on me. Can I help?”

“Nah, I’ve got it down to a science.”

And so he watched her as she moved with efficiency around her kitchen, chopping and sautéing. They made small talk but he let her lead, not pushing her to fill in every moment of the silence. He could tell she was still processing the events from earlier.

With a start, he realized he wanted to know her more. Wanted to spend time with her. And god, did he ever want to kiss her. He’d known he had an attraction to her but this was more.

Kyle knew in his gut that Shane would f**k up. He was of two minds about it. The mercenary side of him wanted Shane out of the way so he could take her out. Freely express to her just how much he enjoyed her company. But he also knew a woman as sweet as Maggie would be hurt when the inevitable happened and he hated the thought.

So he put his feelings away and decided that fate would out in the end. He had to step back. He didn’t like it, but brothers had rules and he would not betray that.

After dinner he walked to her front door. “Are you going to be all right? He’s wrong, you know.” Kyle said quietly, touching her chin.

A lump formed in Maggie’s throat, words couldn’t get past it.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re a good person, Maggie. A kind, beautiful woman. Alex is twisted, broken. This is about him, not you.”

Swallowing her tears she nodded. “Thank you. Thank you so much for saying it. I’ll be fine. My doors will be locked up tight and I have no problem calling 911 if I have to.”

He smiled and leaned in, kissing her forehead. “If you need anything, you can call me. I’ll talk you through or come over, whatever.”

“That’s very sweet. I appreciate it.”

“Goodnight, Maggie Wright.”

“Goodnight, Kyle Chase.”

Maggie cleaned up the kitchen, grateful to have something to do. Leaving a few lights on downstairs, she trudged toward her bathroom and took a long hot shower. With a butcher knife, her cell phone and a baseball bat all within reach.

It might have been an overreaction but she was alone and you got to overreact when some creep attacked you.

Clean and warm, she crawled between her sheets and left her bedside lamp burning. But as she lay there, it wasn’t Alex she thought of, or Shane, it was Kyle.

He’d been so gentle with her, so kind and funny and considerate. On top of being marvelously handsome, he was such a beautiful person on the inside. She really liked his company.

For long moments, there with her eyes closed, she imagined that his attentions that evening had been more than a man helping out a woman in distress. He’d seemed attracted to her but that couldn’t be right. It was absurd enough that Shane was attracted to her, there was simply no way that two Chases were interested in her. And anyway, she was dating Shane, she should be thinking about that.


Maggie had to admit that she was slightly bothered by the fact that Shane hadn’t really checked in with her after the incident at The Pumphouse. Not that night when he was supposed to have taken her out and only one brief phone call in the week after. It was an effort but she reminded herself that they were just casual and that she’d be a broken hearted fool to get attached. That way lay pain and anguish.

So she’d told herself until Friday night. She and her friends sat at their normal Friday night table, drinking beers and talking when she saw Shane walk in the front door. Her heart skipped a beat and she smiled at him. A smile that quickly faded when she saw he was with Kendra Fosse. Tall, blonde regal Kendra. Maggie turned back to the table quickly.

“What?” Liv looked toward the door. A frown marred her face when she sighted Shane and Kendra. “Maggie, I’m sorry, hon. Don’t worry about it. I was thinking that we should go and kick up our heels at the Honky Tonk tonight. What do you say?”

Dee nodded, standing up and throwing some money on the table. “Sounds good, I haven’t danced in forever. Let’s go!” She tugged on Maggie’s arm and got a smile and an eye roll. Still, she thought it best to leave and allowed them to pull her out the front door.

In the back room, Kyle saw Shane’s entrance with Kendra and Maggie’s reaction and subsequent retreat. “You are some piece of work, Shane,” he murmured as Kendra walked past them to hit the ladies’ room, probably to apply more hairspray.


“What? Jeez, you said you were going out with Maggie, right?”

“Yeah? So? It’s not like we’re serious. I like her and all but I’m not planning to marry the girl.” Shane’s voice was gruff. Kyle knew it was just to hide how freaked his brother was about being hurt again like he’d been with Sandra. But at the same time, it was bullshit that his brother protected his heart by being an ass**le.

“I never made promises, Kyle. Stop making me out to be the bad guy here. I honestly didn’t remember about her being in here on Fridays until I was already through the door. I’m not trying to hurt her.”

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