Free Me Page 76

“That’s fabulous!” Ben said.

At the same time, Norma said, “I had a feeling he’d come around.”

“Yeah, he came around all right. And it was fabulous. But then he ruined it this morning. He proposed.”

Norma perked up, but it was Ben who really reacted. “As in marriage? Get out of town.”

“Yep. Wants to go to Vegas and tie the knot. Tonight.” Telling it to my siblings this way, leaving out the strange parts like the phone call he’d received and his desperate behavior made the whole thing seem ridiculous again.

Or maybe I wanted it to sound ridiculous so that was how I told it. Because I really didn’t want to feel like I’d made the wrong choice.

“Are you going to go?” This came from Norma.

“No! I’m more levelheaded than that. Give me some credit. I don’t even know his full name. I really don’t even know his first name.” Excuses, excuses, excuses. I recognized that I was making them. I wondered if Norma saw through these as easily as she saw through every other part of me.

“Anyway.” I picked at the sleeve on my coffee cup. “When I left, he said he was heading to the airport and that he hoped I’d join him. He was so final about his goodbye. Like, if I don’t marry him then it’s over. Which if that’s the case, I definitely don’t want to marry him. But also, if that’s the case, I’m really going to be sad.” My bravado faltered at the end, and I bit my lip to keep from getting any more emotional about it.

I waited for Ben to console me or Norma to lecture me or give me whatever it was that I deserved. I wasn’t quite sure what it was. Maybe nothing. Maybe I deserved nothing at all.

I’d shredded most of the coffee sleeve when Norma finally asked, “He’s headed to Vegas now?”


Norma sat back in her chair. “You should go.”

“I agree,” Ben piped in.

My head flipped up. “I should marry him?”

“No.” Norma said at the same time Ben said, “Why not?”

Norma considered. “Well, if you want to. But I meant you should go to Vegas. Join him. Be with him. He obviously needs you. And, right now, I’d be happier if you were out of town. Might as well go and work all this out with him. Forget about everything here. Get to know the guy. If you end up getting married, hey, that’s fine too.”

“I so appreciate how cavalier you are with the rest of my life.” I said it sarcastically, but really, I kind of did appreciate it.

She sat forward and leaned her forearm on the table. “I’m being anything but cavalier about your life. I’m trying to keep you safe from a man who has hurt you over and over. JC, on the other hand, has done nothing but good for you as far as I’ve seen. If you said it was what you wanted, I’d approve a future with him in a heartbeat.”

I gaped. When I realized it, I shut my mouth, but continued to stare at her incredulously. This was not like my sister. She was even more practical than I was. She was grounded and pragmatic. She looked for the best return on investments. She didn’t suggest risky ventures. Ever.

Perhaps realizing how out of character she sounded, she backed off a little. “All I’m saying is to go to Vegas. Then figure out the rest when you get there.”

“It’s a really good plan,” Ben added. “I’d certainly feel better if you were out of town right now.”

“How is it any different than you being here?” My tone was harsher than I’d intended, but not harsher than I’d meant.

“It’s way different,” Ben said. “Dad doesn’t know I’m here. He doesn’t know where to find me. He doesn’t care to find me. And I’m not the one who he’s already asked to do something for him. Plus I have Eric to protect me.” Both men laughed at that like there may have been an inside joke.

Or maybe they were just that happy together.

And Norma had Boyd.

“You’re thinking about it.” Ben winked. “You’re just as easy to read as you always were.”

I rolled my eyes. “But you just got here. I can’t leave when we haven’t had time to catch up.”

“I’m going to live here, drama queen. We’ll see each other All. The. Time. Besides, Eric and I don’t have time for you. We have to see a million places and decide where to live by Sunday when we leave. You’d be in the way.”

I was too exhausted to make any more excuses. Ben was right—I’d see him later. I’d also feel better away from my father while he was on the loose. It was a good idea, really.

And I did want to be with JC. I didn’t want to marry him, but I wanted things to work out. I needed him to know that I wasn’t going to get scared off by whatever trouble he was in.

I picked up Norma’s phone sitting in front of her and looked at the time on the screen. It was a quarter to twelve. The bubble of excitement that had started to form fizzled and popped. “There’s no way I can make the flight.”

Norma shrugged. “Book the next available. Use my credit card. Do you know where he’s staying?”


“Good.” She looked over at the man who’d driven me there. “You know the man who drove you here?”

“The Tom Selleck wannabe?” I asked.

Ben hit the table with his palm. “That’s who he looks like.”

She couldn’t help but crack a smile at that. “His name is Reynold. He’s one of Hudson’s staff bodyguards. He loaned him to me for the day. He’ll see you home and stay outside the door and then he’ll drive you to the airport.”

“He’ll sit outside the door?” I’d figured he was security, but I’d thought he’d be more undercover. “He already looks like Magnum P.I. Isn’t that a bit obvious?”

“I’m not trying to be discreet,” she said, frustration underlying her words. “I want Dad or any of his friends to know that you are being watched.”

“Okay, okay.” Honestly, I was tired. I should have simply said okay from the beginning.

Another sudden wave of emotion crashed over me. This particular wave was filled primarily with gratitude.

I reached for Norma’s hand with one of mine and one of Ben’s with my other. “Thank you, guys. You especially, Sissy. For everything.”

Norma put her other hand on top of mine. “I love you, Gwen. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.” Her delivery was so matter-of-fact. So plain as day that I had no choice but to truly believe it.

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