Falling Under Page 33

Duke raised an eyebrow Mick’s way. “When did you get wise on romance?”

The amusement in Mick’s gaze dimmed a little. “Hard lessons are the ones that stick, I guess.”

“You ever going to tell me about it? Whatever happened that sent you back to hell after finally coming home?”

Several years back, Mick had come out of the army and back to Seattle, where Asa and Duke had begun Twisted Steel. He’d come in as the shop manager but he’d been distracted, and then without any warning, he’d reenlisted and left town.

“Yeah.” Mick sighed. “But not here and not today. Come on.” He stood and Duke joined him, dropping a tip on the way out.

The year before, Mick had come back to Seattle, and though Duke saw shadows in Mick’s gaze from time to time, he’d begun to grow some roots, to really take on a leadership role within Twisted Steel.

But he’d never really told Asa and Duke what drove him off to start with, and because both had their own shit to handle, they’d given him time to tell them. Which is what they all did with one another.

“Right on. I’m here when you’re ready. I guess I’ve got some work to do.”

Mick snorted. “You better keep your strength up for all the apologizing you’ll be doing.”

“Fuck off.”

Mick found that hilarious, still laughing when they got back to Twisted Steel. “Don’t do this at work,” his friend warned as they walked inside.

“I’m not a total idiot.” He wanted to rush up there and hash it all out. But he knew Carmella well enough to understand she’d only be embarrassed and close off even more.

Plus, when he groveled, he didn’t need fourteen people watching.

He knew where she lived, after all.


Carmella had gone back to work, keeping her head down, and for the most part, Duke had let her be.

But the man skulked around all day. Just at the edge of her attention and it made her want to cry and punch him and laugh all at once.

PJ strolled in with two coffee cups. “I bring you an offering of caffeine.”

“You’re my favorite. Don’t tell the others, though, or I’ll have to deny it.” Carmella took the cup with a grateful sigh. “Thank you. I was waffling on another pot since it’s so close to quitting time.”

PJ dropped into the chair at the empty desk. “How are you today? We missed you Saturday.”

It hadn’t really occurred to Carmella, until she’d seen PJ walk in, that she’d have to say something about her fight with Duke. And since she and PJ had already discussed Duke before, it was even more natural that she would explain it.

“Ah,” PJ said after taking a long look at Carmella. “There’s trouble? What’d he do?”

Carmella laughed, feeling a little better. She gave PJ a brief overview, not going into a lot of details.

PJ shook her head at the end of the story. “I’ve known Duke a few years, pretty well for the last year and a half. He’s solid. I can’t imagine he’s overly happy you’re mad at him.”

Carmella shrugged. “I’m just hoping we can manage to work together after this.”

“So, you don’t think you can work it out? Do you like him enough to try? Or was this your line that can’t be crossed?”

“The … whatever it was between us isn’t even that serious, for god’s sake. We had sex.” Carmella looked around to be sure no one was within earshot. “Really good sex. But that’s it.”

PJ’s brow rose very slowly. “I’m not going to argue with you. Not because I agree. Because you’re full of it, Carmella.” She gave Carmella one of those I’m keeping an eye on you things with her fingers. “Just know I’m wise to that. I’ve seen the two of you together. But I’m not going to call you on it because you’re not ready to share. Or face it or whatever. I know what that feels like. Plus I don’t want to scare you away because I want sex details and you won’t give them to me if we’re not friends.”

“You’re a shit stirrer, PJ.” But Carmella wasn’t mad. It was sort of endearing.

“I’m an active friend, silly.”

“So being your friend is, like, a contact sport?”

PJ laughed and laughed. “Only for Asa. I just want you to know that I like you and, as your friend, am always available when you need to talk. Or share sex details. I’ll tell you up front, I’m really nosy.”

“I might have noticed.”

“Come out to drinks at the Ditch with me and my friends on Thursday night,” PJ said. “You know most everyone already anyway. It’s totally casual. Wings and beer with fun people for a few hours.”

“Will Asa and Duke be there?”

“They have their boy club thing until about ten or so. Come early if you want.” PJ’s smile was so sweet and full of hope Carmella didn’t have the heart to say no. And she liked the group of women PJ hung out with so it wasn’t a hardship to get to know them better.

And as she could avoid Duke by leaving before ten, she agreed.

They chatted awhile more until Asa caught sight of PJ and the two of them went off to have dinner.

Half the guys were still working when Carmella headed out for the night. They called out their good-byes and she waved, realizing that she’d begun to really consider Twisted Steel a home and its employees her family in a sense.

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