Dragon Storm Page 52

He decided then and there that he would spend his life trying to thank her for everything she’d done for him, for bringing warmth back into his life, for reminding him that even he had a future, and most of all, for standing by him despite all the trials they’d endured. And with that thought, the world seemed to contract before suddenly releasing its breath and sending him staggering backward a few steps.

Ysolde and Baltic did the same.

Gary cheered.

Bee slumped for a moment before straightening her shoulders and lifting her chin. She shook her hand, and Constantine was pleased to see the black color slowly fade away. “And that, lady and gentlemen, is how we Charm a curse. Even one made by a bastard murdering demon lord. If you will forgive me for referring to him like that, Constantine.”

“He is a murdering bastard, at least in the sense of his character,” Constantine said, taking his first free breath in what seemed like a lifetime of bondage. He looked down at his chest. The curse itself was no more, the dark discoloration having evaporated away with the movement of Bee’s finger, but his flesh still bore faint scarred traces of it. He touched his skin, not feeling anything but a profound sense of relief. And joy. So much joy he couldn’t contain it.

“Ow!” Gary protested when Constantine hoisted up Bee and spun her around jubilantly, Gary caught between them.

He kissed her hard, his lips softening almost immediately. “Thank you,” he whispered before reluctantly setting her down. “Is your hand damaged?”

She flexed her fingers, making a rueful face. “No, just a bit stiff. Curses are always cold on the hand. Your fire helped a lot, though. Thank you for that.”

The passersby had reached them, mostly denizens of the Otherworld, but enough mortals that Constantine did not wish to have to explain what happened. He pulled off the tattered remains of his shirt and wrapped Gary in it before escorting Bee out of the debris.

“It’s done? It’s over?” he heard Ysolde ask before she whooped with joy. She flung herself on Baltic, the sight of which would have normally sent him spiraling into depression, but now he simply gave Baltic a nod and lifted Bee over a large chunk of splintered wall.

“I have to say I’m glad that’s done,” Bee said, lightly touching his chest. Her pleased expression melted into one of regret. “The curse has scarred you, though. I’m sorry, Constantine.”

“Sorry about what?” He stopped beside the remains of his motorcycle, mentally sighed, and took Bee’s hand to lead her to the street in search of a cab. “You lifted the curse that has plagued all of dragonkin for more than two years. You have done that which we doubted could ever be done. You have given back to us a future, one where we can restore the weyr and live in peace.”

“I did my job, and that was only after screwing it up big-time first. And now we’ve lost the light sword.” She rubbed a hand across her head, looking so tired that it wrung Constantine’s heart. He stepped out into the street, stopped a passing cab, and demanded service.

“I am just going back to the depot—” the driver started to say in French, but Constantine cut him off with a particularly potent look.

“You may do so after taking us to my rooms,” he said firmly, urging Bee into the cab. She was clearly too exhausted to protest and slumped against the seat in a limp way that made him swear to himself that he would allow her food and rest before he seduced her.

That noble intention lasted until he got her into his room at the brothel.

“Go to bed,” he said, pointing at the bed that had, thankfully, been made up since they had last used it. “I will fetch some food.”

“I have a hotel room—” she started to protest weakly.

“Bed,” he said firmly, and with Gary in one hand, and the RC truck in another, he went downstairs.

“I take it I’m de trop again,” Gary said conversationally, wagging his eyebrows. “I know you said you don’t like onlookers, but how do you feel about a threesome?”

“I don’t share my women,” Constantine responded, amused despite himself.

Gary’s eyebrows went into overtime. “I wouldn’t actually be interested much in Bee, charming though she is. I mean, I like women, I truly do. I’m totally in touch with my feminine side. I even like some of them more than others, if you know what I mean. But not Bee. She’s like a big sister to me.”

“Bee doesn’t strike me like the sort of woman who is willing to share, either.” Constantine made a mental note to tell Bee just how Gary viewed her. He had a feeling she would find it as entertaining as he did.

“That’s a shame,” Gary said sadly.

Constantine thought for the time it took to trot down the flight of stairs to the ground floor. “Although I can recommend a light dragon who might be willing to entertain your offer. Baltic’s friend Pavel is back at Dauva keeping it safe from any attacking red dragons, but he is like you—he enjoys both sexes.”

“Hmm. I’ll remember that if I’m ever in the area.” Gary heaved a dramatic sigh. “It’s just a shame that you couldn’t expand your circle of experience to include me, but if you insist…”

Constantine ignored the hopefully coy look the head was giving him, and instead stopped by the brothel office and requested a pair of scarves, which he proceeded to use to strap Gary onto the RC truck, tucking the remote joystick under one of the ties, but within reach of Gary’s mouth.

“Whee!” Gary said, zooming down the hallway in a ragged line. “Whoops, drifting to the right… my apologies sir. Er, madam. Oh, you’re both? Apologies, nonetheless. Woohoo, freedom again! This is even better than in the ball! You go ahead and love up Bee, Connie, and I’ll catch you in the morning. Beep beep! Coming through! I wonder if I could do a wheelie? Hey, guys, I’m back! And what an evening I’ve had. I’ll tell you all about it, but first, check me out! I’m burning rubber!”

By the time Constantine collected food, made arrangements for Gary, and told reception not to disturb him unless the zombie apocalypse hit (and then only if the zombies were within biting distance), and made it back to his room, he expected Bee to be fast asleep.

He wasn’t disappointed.

She lay facedown on the bed, fully clothed, covered in soot, dirt, and plaster dust, one shoe on the floor while the other dangled from her toes. Her mouth was open, and she snored slightly.

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