Crave Page 96

But it was when she put on the new, ultra sexy bits of black lace she’d bought specifically for tonight that her confidence level zoomed up several degrees. As she gazed at her reflection in the full length mirror, she ran her fingers lightly over the plunging demi-bra, miniscule thong, ruffly garter skirt, and sheer, seamed stockings. Tessa gave herself a naughty, satisfied wink in the mirror.

‘There is zero chance - Z-E-R-O - that he’ll say no to anything you suggest when he sees you in this, girl,’ she told herself with a chuckle. ‘In fact, he’s going to get on his hands and knees and beg you to do him any way you want. Too bad that’s not the position I have in mind for tonight.’


“Let’s drink a toast to Ian’s birthday, shall we?” suggested Nathan. “Here’s wishing you a very, very happy one, and I’m only hoping that I’ll be in half as good a shape as you are when I turn forty.”

Julia snickered. “Well, I’ll definitely drink to that!”

There was laughter all around the table as the four occupants drank from their champagne flutes. They were enjoying pre-dinner cocktails in the lavishly appointed lounge area on the top floor of the Gregson Hotel. The cocktail lounge was adjacent to the four-star gourmet restaurant where they would be having dinner shortly.

Ian had chosen the venue for his birthday celebration quite intentionally, knowing that not only would the food and the service be superb, but that he could depend on the full discretion of the staff. Even though Tessa no longer officially worked for the company, they had agreed to keep something of a low profile for awhile, at least here in San Francisco. Neither of them wanted speculation to start about exactly when their relationship had begun.

But for now he refused to worry about any of that, or anything else for that matter. Tonight was a night to relax and enjoy a fine meal with friends, and of course with the gorgeous love of his life who was seated to his left.

His jaw had dropped when he’d seen her for the first time tonight, walking with slow deliberation down the long, winding staircase of the house. And while Tessa always looked utterly beautiful and irresistibly tempting, tonight she was beyond dazzling. In the black, V-neck Herve Leger bandage dress with its sequin embellished panels, she was a bombshell - really no other word came close to describing how sizzlingly sexy she looked. Her golden hair fell in thick, bouncy waves past her shoulders, her lush mouth looking positively sinful glossed over in a deep red. The only jewelry she wore were diamond solitaire earrings and a diamond cuff bracelet, with nothing around her neck to distract from the tantalizing display of her cleavage.

Ian hadn’t missed all the admiring, covetous male glances directed her way, and he intended to keep her very close to his side the entire evening. In fact, probably the only male in the lounge who hadn’t stared lustfully at his girl was Nathan, and that was because he had his own ultra-sexy woman sitting next to him. Julia had caused more than a few jaws to drop herself, garbed in a strapless ivory chiffon cocktail dress with a jeweled waist, and very high heeled ivory satin shoes with a rhinestone strap. Every time Ian happened to glance across the table, the engaged couple were touching each other in some way, or kissing. Even now Nathan was dipping his head to whisper something in her ear, and Julia giggled in response.

“Care to share the joke, or is it a private one?” drawled Ian in amusement. His arm circled Tessa’s shoulder, his fingers splayed over the bare, warm flesh of her arm. He felt the little shimmer of awareness that traveled through her body and he smiled, pressing a kiss to her temple.

Nathan and Julia were holding hands, clearly as enamored with each other as he and Tessa were. Nathan indicated his head toward the bottle of champagne Ian had ordered, a particularly fine vintage of Perrier Jouet.

“I was just reminding my lovely fiancée here that we happened to be drinking the exact same champagne on the night of our first - uh, I guess you could call it a date,” shrugged Nathan.

Ian smiled and offered up his flute in a silent toast. “Well, I’m very glad I chose something that brought back happy memories for you.”

Nathan grinned, his fingers brushing against the nape of Julia’s neck. “Julia loves champagne, don’t you, baby? Especially when she’s in the mood to be -”

Julia clamped a hand over Nathan’s mouth. “Don’t you dare. Behave yourself, Nathan Atwood. You’re going to embarrass me in front of Ian and Tessa.”

Nathan winked knowingly at Ian. “Nothing either of them hasn’t heard before, baby. Besides, it’s pretty obvious they’re as crazy about each other as you and I are.”

Ian caught and held Tessa’s gaze, smiling as he noticed the becoming blush on her cheeks, and the way she shyly returned his smile. “I am crazy about her,” he murmured huskily. “I waited a very long time for this woman, but it was well worth it.”

A hint of tears shimmered in Tessa’s eyes as she touched his cheek. “And I’m crazy about you, too,” she whispered. “Happy birthday, my love.”

He gave her a sweet, soft kiss, then glanced up to find Julia’s smiling gaze upon them. He was somewhat surprised to realize Julia’s green eyes were also shiny with unshed tears.

“Oh, you two are so perfect together,” she murmured. “And it’s so romantic how Ian waited for you, Tessa, how he didn’t want anyone else if he couldn’t have you.” She reached up and pressed a kiss to Nathan’s cheek. “I know the feeling.”

“Jesus, you’re going to make me cry in a minute with all this sappy stuff,” grumbled Nathan. “I’ve got a much better idea - more champagne all around.”

Everyone laughed as Nathan refilled their flutes, and the subject was changed. They headed to dinner shortly thereafter, being shown to the best table in the place. There were, after all, a great many perks to being the owner of this hotel, and therefore the restaurant, and this was definitely one time Ian was more than content to avail himself.

It was a wonderful evening all around, and Ian was hard pressed to remember a night when he’d enjoyed himself so much. Nathan and Julia were delightful company, and it was obvious that Tessa felt very comfortable in their presence. She was far more outgoing and talkative tonight than he’d ever seen her, and it made his heart sing to see her so happy and relaxed. Of course, he’d been plying her with a tad more wine than she normally drank, while still taking care to make sure she didn’t overindulge. Getting her tipsy was one thing - there was no way he’d permit her to get drunk. Not on his bloody fortieth birthday, when he was extremely optimistic that she would feel like celebrating in private once they finished dinner.

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