Crave Page 81

She shrugged. “In the end, does it really matter? Whether I was there or not, all of my things were destroyed. Again.”

He twirled a loose tendril of her hair around his finger. “At least you wouldn’t have experienced the trauma I’m certain you must have felt at running for your life. Can you tell me exactly what happened - how you got out?”

Tessa took a deep breath before nodding. “I’d gone to sleep a little earlier than normal. I, well, I figured the sooner I fell asleep the sooner it would be today when you’d be coming home. Silly, I know, but -”

“No.” He kissed her cheek. “I was counting the hours until I could see you again, so I understand. Continue, love.”

“The smoke detectors woke me up. I know most everything else in the apartment is old and dilapidated but at least those worked. Very loudly, too. Then there was banging on the door, and the firefighters were hustling me out of there. I didn’t have time to grab my phone or purse or even shoes.” She stroked her hand over his chest, covered in a navy cashmere pullover. “I’m sorry about the phone. I know it was expensive.”

“Shush.” He hauled her onto his lap. “A phone is replaceable. All of the things you lost in the fire are. You, however, are completely, irrevocably, irreplaceable. When I couldn’t reach you on the phone, I imagined all sorts of dreadful things had happened to you. And when Simon and I learned about the fire, when I was running around in a panic trying to find you - all I could think about was making sure you were safe and unharmed.” He tipped her chin up to meet his gaze, which was so filled with tenderness that her own eyes filled with tears. “Nothing else matters if I don’t have you, Tessa. All of this - the house, cars, things - it’s all meaningless if you aren’t here with me.”

“And you know it’s the same for me,” she whispered. “I’ve only ever cared about you, and not the things you give me.”

He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “Ah, but now you’re going to have to let me give you more things. I’ve been busy making all sorts of arrangements so far this morning. Your replacement phone will be delivered this afternoon. Andrew is having a new corporate ID badge sent over by messenger later today. And I made an appointment for tomorrow for you to replace your driver’s license.”

She kissed his cheek. “You think of everything, don’t you? Thank you. I’m not sure I can remember much of anything right now.”

“Leave it to me then, love. I’ve told you more than once - there’s nothing I won’t do for you.”

Tessa forced a lightheartedness into her voice that she certainly didn’t feel right now. “Well, it looks like the fire did cheat you out of doing one thing you’ve threatened to do for a long time now.”

He looked at her quizzically. “And what exactly would that be?”

She chuckled. “Tossing my raincoat into the fireplace. I’m just assuming it burned with everything else.”


As Tessa left the bathroom after washing up for the night, she paused upon entering the bedroom, feasting her eyes on the truly magnificent sight of her man. He was sitting up in bed, his back propped up against the pillows as he read something on his tablet. He’d stripped down to just his black briefs, and her mouth watered as she took in the beautifully defined muscles of his chest, arms and shoulders. His body, she thought dreamily, was truly a work of art, so finely and powerfully sculpted that the gods themselves would envy him such a physique.

Since he’d been at home with her all day, he hadn’t shaved, and she longed to run her nose along the dark stubble that covered his cheeks and chin. He was so sexy this way, much more raw and primitive then when he was clean shaven and dressed in one of his expensive designer suits. Not that he wasn’t equally as yummy that way - this was just different. Both parts of his persona - the elegant gentleman and the lusty lover - turned her on to the same degree. And while she’d been far too upset and almost catatonic last night to enjoy him, there was absolutely no way that was going to happen again tonight.

Tessa smiled when she thought of how caring he’d been today, how concerned for her wellbeing, and so attentive to her every need. He’d fussed over her all morning, worried when she wouldn’t eat, until she had finally, reluctantly, nibbled on a scone, mostly to satisfy him. Throughout the day he had continually given her hugs, pressed kisses to her cheek, tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear - so many tender, caring little gestures that it had nearly brought tears to her eyes. She had never in her life felt loved this way, never had someone as strong and devoted as Ian to look out for her. And despite the fact that she’d lost everything in the fire last night, Tessa knew she’d been lucky enough to find a far greater treasure in the beautiful man she continued to stare at in fascination.

A smile tilted the corners of her mouth as she recalled how concerned he’d been when they had visited the doctor this afternoon. The physician - a kind, but somewhat impersonal man in his late fifties - had examined Tessa thoroughly enough for her own peace of mind, but Ian had been far from satisfied at the relatively brief check-up. In his usual commanding manner, he’d asked the doctor a dozen or more questions, insisting on definitive answers, and by the end of it, the older man had looked more than a little frazzled. Tessa had felt a bit sorry for him, for no one had evidently warned him ahead of time that Ian Gregson was not a man willing to accept less than someone’s absolute best effort.

He glanced up at her then, and her heart soared at the smile that lit up his arrestingly handsome face. He set his tablet aside instantly and extended a hand towards her.

“Come here, love,” he told her in that deep, husky voice that always, always aroused her. Without the slightest hesitation, Tessa walked over to the bed and let Ian tug her up beside him. She sighed contentedly as his arm went around her shoulders, cuddling her close against his nearly nude body. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face against that firm, broad chest, inhaling deeply of that overtly masculine scent she loved so much.

“Mmm, why do you always smell so good?” she murmured, her lips caressing a path across his pectorals. She heard the slight indrawn hiss of his breath as her hand followed her mouth, her thumb brushing over his flat male nipple. Ian twined his hand into her hair and took a long, deep inhale.

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