Crave Page 60

“Did I frighten you?’ he asked in concern, making sure to keep his voice low, belatedly aware that anyone could try to enter the room and wonder why it was locked. “God, please tell me I didn’t do that, darling.”

Tessa’s hands were resting lightly on his chest. “No. You just, ah, surprised me. I didn’t expect you to walk in like that and then - well, we’re at the office after all.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I know. This is possibly the most insane thing I’ve ever done, there are dozens of people on the other side of that door. If any one of them suspect we’re locked in here together…”

Her hands smoothed down his lapels, adjusted his tie. “It would be very bad, wouldn’t it? So we should really look at that spreadsheet so we can -”

Ian chuckled. “Ah, my beautiful, naïve girl. There is no spreadsheet. At least none that I have a question about. I just needed an excuse to get rid of that little - pimp, for lack of a better word. And I wanted a few minutes with you. It’s been three entire days since we’ve been alone.”

Tessa sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. “I know. I’ve missed you, too.”

He held her against him gently, his hand stroking her back. “This is quickly becoming an obsession for me, Tessa. You are becoming my obsession. I think about you constantly, can’t focus on work half the time. These days and nights away from you are just too damned hard. It’s not nearly enough to see you around the office briefly, or exchange texts or phone calls. You need to -”

“To quit my job and move in with you,” she finished. “I’m working on that, I promise. Please be a little patient with me, Ian. I promise it won’t be very much longer.”

He sighed. “I find when it comes to you that I have no patience whatsoever. At least not in terms of how long I have to wait before I can see you again. I’ve never craved anything the way I do you, love. It’s a feeling of utter desperation at times.”

She nodded. “It’s the same for me. I can’t even begin to think about next week when you have to leave for London.”

“Well, trust me, I have, and I’m damned sure not looking forward to it, to say the least,” he growled.

“At least we have this long weekend coming up,” she consoled him.

Ian hesitated. “Would you consider - that is, I’ve got this bloody dinner tonight with those German tourist board members. But I was hoping you’d be agreeable to spending the night? I can have Simon pick you up at your place and bring you to the house. The thought that you’d be there waiting for me when I got home - I can’t tell you how much that would mean to me.”

“Yes.” She agreed easily, without the slightest fuss or argument, a trait he adored about her. “I’ll spend the night - happily. Just tell me what time to expect Simon.”

Ian grinned broadly, his good humor instantly restored. “Probably around eight, but I’ll text you with the exact time.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Thank you, darling. I’m just - especially needy for you today. The thought of having to wait until tomorrow night to be with you again was driving me mad.”

“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” she teased. “Especially after you terrified poor Kevin that way. I’d hate to think of you fixing that glare on anyone else today.”

His phone buzzed at that moment and he dug it out of his pocket impatiently. “Andrew,” he mouthed to Tessa before asking brusquely, “What is it? Yes, I’ll be right there. No, everything’s fine now.”

He ended the call and pocketed the phone, shaking his head. “At times I wish he wasn’t quite so damned efficient. I have an overseas call I need to take. I’ll see you at the meeting shortly, hmm?”

Tessa nodded. “Of course.” Then, as she glanced over at the massive conference table, an odd expression crossed her features.

He regarded her curiously. “And what does that particular look mean?”

She looked away hastily, as though embarrassed by her train of thought, and resumed setting up for the meeting. “Oh, nothing, just something silly. You’d - ah, better go take that phone call.”

Ian waved a hand dismissingly. “It’s only some annoying clerk from the London offices calling to go over the schedule of meetings with me. He can damned well cool his heels for a minute longer. Now, I want to know what this silly thought of yours was. That look you had on your face - as though you were remembering something.”

Tessa fidgeted, clearly ill at ease with this topic. “It was just - kind of a strange dream I had once. A few months ago, actually. I don’t even remember most of it.”

“Liar,” he taunted. “You know you need to tell me about it now. My curiosity won’t be appeased until you do.”

She was completely flustered now, refusing to look at him as she reluctantly replied, “I was - God, this is really embarrassing.”

He leaned back against the table, crossing his arms and raising a brow. “I don’t have all day, Tessa. Out with it now.”

She began to twirl a lock of hair around her fingers. “I was laying on the table. On my back. With - ah, with my arms and legs spread out.”

Ian was instantly intrigued. “Nude?” At her nod, his voice deepened. “Bound?”

Her eyes flew up to his. “Not exactly. I mean, it felt that way but the bonds were - well, invisible, I guess.”

“And were you alone in the room during this dream?”

“No.” She shifted from one foot to the other in agitation. “Er, you were here, too.”

His smile deepened. “Was I naked?”

“God.” She closed her eyes. “No, you - you were dressed. Except for your jacket and tie.”

He stepped in close to her, trailing his fingers up and down her arms. “And what was I doing to you? Was I touching you?” She nodded and he pressed on. “Kissing you?”


“Where? Here, perhaps?” He touched her full, lush mouth. “And I think of course here.”

His hands cupped her breasts, squeezing them lightly. Tessa gasped, even as he slid one hand down to gently cup the juncture of her thighs.

“And here. Was I kissing you here?”

Her cheeks were a deep, rosy pink as she uttered a small moan. “You were - just about to. Then I woke up.”

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