Crave Page 55

At his terse instructions, Tessa continued to watch him in the mirror as he swiftly undressed, her breath escaping in a short, staccato rhythm until he was nude. At that point, her gaze dropped to his immensely swollen cock, staring at him with unabashed desire.

“Oh, God,” she whispered, almost in disbelief. “God, Ian, you’re so…”

“Starved for you,” he rasped, pressing himself against her back, his hands grasping her hips. “And what about you, love? Are you as ready as I am?”

She cried out plaintively as his hand slid inside her lacy panties to where she was dripping wet, and desperately needy for his touch. He had barely penetrated her creamy slit, his thumb grazing over her swollen clit only briefly, when she began to fall apart. Ian wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her up against his body as the orgasm shook her hard, and still he urged her to watch herself in the mirror.

“No, don’t look away, Tessa,” he demanded. “This is what I wanted you to see - how beautiful you are when you find this bliss, when your body just takes over and all you can do is feel. Watch, love, see what I can do to you. Yes, yes, just like this.”

Their eyes met and held in the mirror as he continued to pump his fingers deep within her body, prolonging her climax until she was almost limp with exhaustion. He withdrew his fingers slowly, bringing them to his lips with deliberation, and carefully licked her juices off.

“Delicious,” he whispered, his breath hot against her ear. “Later, when I take you to my bed, I’m going to have a much longer taste of you, Tessa. This is just the beginning, love. Now, take off your panties. Quickly.”

She had just kicked the fragile scrap of black lace to the side when he guided the broad head of his penis to her slick, tight pussy. The sound of his groan mingled with that of her gasp as he pushed himself inside of her until he was buried to the hilt, his immensely swollen balls slapping against her ass as he worked himself in even deeper.

“Watch,” he instructed, grasping her chin and holding her head still as he began to fuck her harder. Her blue eyes were stormy as they gazed back at him in the mirror, while his own eyes were blazing with the force of his emotions. “Watch me take you, Tessa, see how much pleasure it gives both of us this way. See how this brings us to the very edge, and then watch as we plummet over the side.”

He drew both of her arms up to clasp around the back of his neck, a motion that pulled him even closer against her. And then he couldn’t summon up the words to speak, could only feel as he continued to thrust into her with increasing force, holding onto her hips as she moved with him. She was hot and wet and, Christ, so damned tight, and he’d never, ever felt this much before - desire, pleasure, possession, love. And still she continued to obey his instructions, to watch the erotic, sensual picture they made as they fucked wildly. Even as the orgasm slammed into her she forced her eyes to remain open, locked with his, watching herself fall apart just as he’d promised her. And then he was the one who had to force his eyes to remain open, his body racked with spasms as he emptied himself inside of her, giving her everything he had.

They both slid to the floor when it was over, too spent physically and emotionally to move for several minutes. He gathered her up against him, holding her tight as they both continued to shudder in the aftermath. Finally, he was able to summon up the ability to speak as he murmured hoarsely against her damp cheek.

“Every time we make love I think it can’t possibly be any more satisfying, that I can’t feel more than I already do. But I continue to prove myself wrong.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “That was - indescribable, Tessa, the most extraordinary pleasure I’ve ever known. You are extraordinary.”

She caressed his cheek, now heavily covered with stubble. “Ian.”

That was all she said, just his name in that soft, breathy voice he adored, but it was more than enough to touch him deeply. And he knew, just knew, without her ever having to say the words, that she loved him every bit as much as he did her. For now, at least, that knowledge was more than enough.



Chapter Eleven


“Time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty.”

Tessa groaned and burrowed her head deeper into the pillow, trying her best to ignore Ian’s gently cajoling voice. His bed was so comfortable, so inviting, that she loved sleeping as late as she possibly could whenever she stayed with him.

But Ian was persistent, brushing the hair from the nape of her neck and nuzzling her with his nose. “On any other occasion, I’d be sliding back under the covers with you, love,” he murmured suggestively. “But you did say you’d like to attend your yoga class this morning, so if that’s still your intent you’d best get this lazy little arse in motion.”

She heaved a sleepy sigh, belatedly recalling that she had in fact told him about wanting to attend Sasha’s class this morning. She rolled onto her back, stretching her arms and legs in opposite directions, and reluctantly opened her eyes.

Her gorgeous man was sitting on the edge of the bed, already dressed in his own workout clothes. She smiled to note he hadn’t shaved, and knew it was because of her, because she found his stubble so sexy. She reached up and touched his cheek.

“Thanks for not shaving,” she said softly. “I hope you don’t mind.”

He chuckled, turning his head to press a kiss into her palm. “I don’t mind in the least, love. Especially when I know it pleases you. And especially when I know it turns you on. Now, I know you probably can’t eat or drink much before your class, but I’ve brought you some tea and one of the protein bars I like to have before my workouts.”

Tessa took the steaming cup of tea from him gratefully, noticing that he’d used one of the oversized white mugs that she liked. She marveled at how thoughtful he was, how he noticed every tiny detail, and how he went out of his way to take care of her. He even peeled the wrapper off the peanut butter flavored protein bar before handing it to her.

She took a small bite and smiled at him as she chewed, then washed it down with a sip of tea. “Thank you, it’s good,” she told him. “Some of the other bars I’ve tried taste like cardboard but this one is actually tasty. But you’re spoiling me, Ian, bringing me breakfast in bed this way.”

Ian shook his head. “This hardly counts as breakfast, darling. As for spoiling you, nothing gives me greater pleasure. And when we go away for the weekend, we’ll be sure to have a proper breakfast in bed and laze the entire morning away.”

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