Crave Page 135

Tessa tried in vain to shove him off of her, wishing that she was wearing a pair of her stilettos so that she could drive a spiked heel through his foot. “Guess what, asshole? Ian doesn’t share. And there is no way in hell you’re putting your disgusting hands on me.”

Jason laughed, an ugly, menacing sound. “And exactly how are you going to prevent me from doing that, sweet thing?”


“Sir, we have a problem.”

Ian glanced up in irritation as Andrew approached him, an anxious look on his face. “Can it wait? The break is up in less than ten minutes, and I’m really not looking forward to hearing all the grumbling from the troops when they listen to my budget talk.”

“Jason is unaccounted for. Shelby was supposed to be keeping track of him but, well, she does tend to get distracted easily.”

Ian swore beneath his breath. “How long?”

Andrew hesitated. “At least fifteen minutes, Mr. Gregson. We think he slipped out before the break started. Shall I go look for him?”

Ian shook his head and handed Andrew his stack of notes and reports. “No. I’ll go take care of the matter. For good this time.”

“Very good, sir. Should I delay the start of the meeting then?”

Ian clapped Andrew on the shoulder. “No. I want you to start the meeting. You know every damned fact and figure in those reports better than I do, not to mention exactly what I’m prepared to say about them. Now all you have to do is get up there and deliver.”

Andrew looked shell shocked. “Mr. Gregson - I don’t think -”

“I do. Don’t let me down, Andrew. I’ll be back as soon as I kick that bastard’s arse. Which shouldn’t take very long at all.”

Before Andrew could protest further, Ian was striding out of the meeting room, nearly breaking into a jog as he headed towards his suite. He had no doubt whatsoever that Jason had gone in that direction. He only hoped Tessa hadn’t encountered the bastard, or that Jason hadn’t gone a little crazy and attempted to harass her in any way. Ian’s hands clenched and unclenched as he continued on his way, almost hoping for an opportunity to put his fist solidly in Jason’s mouth, to shatter his jaw as he’d vowed to do all those months ago.

But the very last thing he’d expected to find when he burst inside the suite was a trembling Tessa rubbing her right hand and grimacing in pain, while an astonished Jason was gingerly feeling his nose, blood pouring down between his fingers.

Ian slammed the door to the suite shut decisively, and held out an arm for his beloved. She rushed to his side and he held her close against him, silently offering her comfort. He grimaced as he noticed the dark bruise around her left wrist, but then couldn’t help grinning when he saw the reddened knuckles of her other hand.

“Got him good, did you, love?” he asked in amusement. “What was it - a right hook?”

Tessa shook her head, wrapping her arms around his waist and burrowing her face against his shoulder. “Upper cut,” she mumbled.

He stroked her hair tenderly. “Well, that is your best punch, after all.”

“Fucking bitch broke my nose,” muttered Jason. “I need to go have this looked at.”

Ian’s voice was like a whip crack. “You’ll stay where the hell you are. I don’t give a damn if you bleed to death. I’ll deal with you in a minute.” Turning to Tessa, his voice became warm and gentle. “Now, I’d like you to go wait for me down at the beach, all right? I’ll be along in just a moment. Jason and I need to have a little talk.”

She shook her head, touching his cheek in concern. “Don’t. He’s not worth it. Please.”

“Shh.” He pressed a kiss to her brow. “Let me deal with this, darling. I promise everything will be fine. Now go, please. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Slowly, reluctantly, Tessa grabbed her beach tote and exited the suite onto the patio. Once she was safely out of sight, Ian grabbed a dish towel from the wet bar and flung it at Jason.

“Here. Try not to bleed all over the furniture, will you? And quit sniveling. If she’d actually broken your nose, believe me, you’d know it.”

Jason glared at him. “So are you going to finish the job for her then?”

Ian smiled, a cold, calculating smile. “Are you challenging me, Jason? Think I won’t do it? I believe I made it very, very clear what I’d do to you if you ever touched Tessa again.”

Jason flinched as Ian grasped his jaw between powerful, capable fingers. With his other fist, Ian tapped Jason on the jaw almost playfully.

“Such a weak, almost fragile jaw you have. Never realized it before now. Hmm.” Ian pretended to study him more closely. “Really wouldn’t take much more than a tap or two to shatter this. Ouch. Now that would hurt.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” hissed Jason. “I’d sue your ass off, have you arrested for assault.”

Ian gave a hoot of laughter. “Is that right? It’s almost tempting to try. Don’t forget, this is my hotel, my employees. There’s not one person here who wouldn’t back up my story if I were to state that you were assaulting Tessa and I was simply trying to protect her. You wouldn’t have a leg to stand on, Jason.”

He released his grip on Jason’s jaw, satisfied to see the imprint of his fingers on the other man’s skin. “But not to worry. I realize you’re flying home to your children tomorrow, and it wouldn’t do for them to see their father beaten to a bloody pulp. Besides, I’ve decided that breaking a few of your bones isn’t a fitting punishment for you. After all, bones do heal after a time, don’t they? And I intend for your pain to continue for a long, long time.”

Jason eyed him warily. “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. I suppose you’ve gone soft, hmm? Your hot piece of ass has you good and pussy whipped, does she?”

Ian growled, shoving Jason up against the wall and holding him firmly in place with an elbow to the gut. “Shut your filthy fucking mouth. You don’t get to talk about Tessa - ever. How dare you speak about her like she’s one of your dirty whores? Just remember, Jason. I don’t actually have to break any bones to cause you pain, a great deal of it.”

Jason threw up his hands in surrender. “My apologies. So tell me, mate. Where are you shipping me off to this time? Wherever it is you won’t hear me complain, because anything has to be better than where you’ve got me now.”

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