Crave Page 115

But, as they fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, both Tessa and Ian had never felt closer, or more intimate with the other, than they did on this particular night.



Chapter Twenty-One

It would have surprised most people who met her to learn that Joanna Gregson had spent the majority of her sixty-seven years largely in the company of men. After all, she was a dainty, exquisitely feminine woman, always perfectly coiffed and dressed to the nines. No one looking at her now would ever envision her as a scruffy tomboy who’d roughhoused with her three brothers, and who’d played competitive field hockey during her school years.

Fate had decreed that all three of her children would also be boys, despite her secret longing for a daughter. But Joanna doted on her sons, and they in turn were completely devoted to their mother.

Hugh, the eldest, had been a placid, easygoing boy, very much like his father. He’d never given his parents a moment’s worry, always the dutiful son, and in later years the quintessential company man. He had married Victoria, the girl he’d fallen in love with at university, and they had presented Joanna and Edward with four beautiful grandchildren - all boys.

Colin, her youngest, had been the complete opposite of his eldest brother - rambunctious, constantly getting into mischief, and rarely doing what he was told. He’d been the wild child who’d grown up - if one could call it that - into the notorious, womanizing playboy. Joanna had wrung her hands in near despair over him for years, shuddering to learn about his latest escapade or see the most recent photo of him in the tabloids, usually in the company of some actress or model. But Colin had finally settled down in recent years, once he’d been assigned to the Asia/Pacific regional headquarters in Hong Kong and met his future wife there. Even Joanna, who wasn’t easily intimidated by anyone, was rather in awe of her regal, confident daughter-in-law, the one woman it seemed who’d had the power to rein in the previously untamable Colin. Selina had given birth a little over two years ago to their first child - another grandson.

But it had always been her middle son - Ian - who had given Joanna the most concern over the years. Oh, definitely not because of his behavior or relationships or lifestyle. Unlike easygoing, affable Hugh or mischievous, fun-loving Colin, Ian had always been quiet, composed, and in complete control - the perfect gentleman. Joanna couldn’t recall ever seeing him really lose his temper or betray his emotions. The only times she’d ever seen him let loose a bit had been in the boxing ring at school. And even then Ian had always been in total control, besting opponent after opponent, due not just to his physical strength and conditioning, but to his ability to block off his emotions at a moment’s notice.

Even when Ian had become engaged to Davina, he’d maintained his air of reserve, never displaying overt affection towards her or seeming truly happy. It had hardly been a shock to Joanna when the ill-fated engagement had ended after less than six months.

Since that time, and to the best of her knowledge, Ian hadn’t been serious about a woman. When she and Edward had visited him in San Francisco, he had either escorted one of three or four different women, all of whom he treated more like a business associate than a girlfriend, or gone without an escort altogether. And during his visits to London, or family gatherings at the villa in Tuscany, he had always been alone - and lonely.

Joanna had always been puzzled about Ian’s reticence with women, for he was undeniably the handsomest of her three sons, and she’d very clearly seen the way women vied for his attention. But when she’d quizzed him on the matter on multiple occasions, he had always dismissed her concerns, assuring her he was more than content with his lifestyle, and joking that no woman would put up with his schedule anyway. She hadn’t been especially reassured, however, and continued to fret over the fact that he was now forty, unmarried, and alone. He was too good a man, too kind and generous a person, to not have someone special in his life, someone to love and care for him the way he deserved. She had hoped and, yes, prayed, for years now that Ian would finally find the right woman to share his life and bring him the sort of happiness he deserved more than anyone she knew.

But when Edward had broken the news to her last month that not only had Ian apparently fallen head over heels in love, but that the woman in question was also living with him, Joanna had been immediately concerned. The very last trait she would have ever attributed to her middle son was that of impulsiveness, and this very sudden, unexpected action on his part seemed completely out of character.

The alarm bells had really begun to ring, however, when Edward had told her the final two bits of news. The woman in question - Tessa was her name - was not only a former employee of Ian’s, but a very young one at that. Upon hearing that this young woman was a full fifteen years Ian’s junior, Joanna had immediately pegged the girl as a fortune hunter, an opportunistic gold digger, and had fretted and worried about all the ways the girl must be taking advantage of her son.

Edward, however, had only chuckled about the whole matter and dismissed her concerns. “My dear, this is Ian we’re talking about after all, and not Colin. Or your thrice-divorced brother Gavin, who unfortunately was one of Colin’s role models. Ian is the most sensible, level-headed person I’ve ever met, and lovesick or not there is no possible way he would let anyone take advantage of him. Have some faith, Joanna. After all, it does seem that all of the praying you did for him over the years has finally shown results.”

“My prayers didn’t include a twenty-four year old floozy who’s only interested in his money,” grumbled Joanna. “Well, it’s a good thing we’re paying a visit next month so we can see for ourselves what’s going on. Hopefully it’s not too late to save Ian from this little schemer.”

No amount of reasoning on Edward’s part had served to change Joanna’s mind. And since she wasn’t about to accuse Ian over the phone of taking up with an eager little fortune hunter, she was obliged to keep her opinions to herself during their conversations. He did sound extremely happy, far more so than she could ever recall, and he assured her that she was going to fall in love with Tessa as quickly as he had. Joanna had to bite her tongue on those occasions, and rather stiffly tell her son that she was looking forward to their visit very much.

But now that they were actually here in San Francisco, their luggage being loaded into Ian’s town car by Simon, Joanna found herself dreading what she feared was going to be an awkward and unpleasant encounter. If this young woman was in fact the greedy, opportunistic little tramp that she feared, it was going to make for a very long, uncomfortable visit.

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