Their Virgin Hostage Page 30

He tensed around her. “What are you doing?”

“Offering you what Simone didn’t. She didn’t deserve the three of you. I know you miss her, but you need to let her go and find someone who will love you. The three of you deserve a woman who will stand at your side and proudly be wife to you all. Don’t compromise or settle, Riley. This is your forever. You have to fight for it. I just learned that. Don’t let anyone take it away from you.”

Riley blinked at her in silence, his expression incredulous.

She eased back enough to look into his eyes. “Find someone who makes all of you happy. I know I’m not her because you’re not interested in me, and when the time comes, I’ll step away quietly. Just let me have a few days with them. Let me know what it means to have a lover. By the time we have to return to the real world, I know it will fall apart, but can’t you and I be kind to one another until then?”

He held his hands up, shoving himself out of her embrace. “What are you doing? I’ve been horrible to you.”

“I’m being true to myself. You’re hurting, and I’m not the kind of person to ignore that. So I’m offering you comfort.”

She slid against him, her eyes downcast because she didn’t think she could stand to see censure in his stare. To her shock, when she pressed closer to him, she discovered that his cock was stone hard.

A little voice inside her prodded her. If Dominic and Law were interested in dominating a woman and they usually all took her to bed together…maybe Riley wanted some control, too. “Sir.”

“Fuck.” Suddenly, he wrapped one arm around her, yanking her against him in a tight embrace. The other hand wound through her hair, his fist closing around the strands. When he tugged and forced her to meet his stare, she hissed. “You’re insane, Kinley. It won’t work. It can’t.”

She could feel his heart pounding against her, his cock hardening even more against her belly.

Her heart rate tripled as she met his gaze with beseeching eyes. “It can. Don’t give up. The right woman, one you all can love, is out there.”

“And what if that woman couldn’t possibly love me? What if I’m the one who fucks everything up?”

“You won’t. Just believe and give her a chance.” She wanted to be that woman so badly. Her whole body was softening for him.

Riley said nothing for what seemed like an eternity. He just stared into her face, as if trying to read her heart and mind. The tension drew tight, thick. Her belly coiled up. Excitement throbbed inside her body. “Will she give me a chance?”

“If she’s smart, she will.” Kinley forced herself to close her eyes. He didn’t mean her, and she needed to extricate herself from his embrace and step away or she was going to make a fool of herself.

He swallowed thickly. “Give me a chance, Kinley.”

His mouth descended toward hers.

* * * *

Time seemed to stop just for a moment as Riley covered Kinley’s lips with his and kissed her for the first time. It would probably end badly. He’d avoided the pull between them for as long as he could, but now he felt utterly helpless. He’d completely lost his resistance the moment she’d wrapped her arms around him and called him Sir.

She couldn’t possibly know what that did to him, the place that sent him to. Dominic might have introduced Law to that world first, but Riley had come to crave it. As a kid, everything had happened to him. He’d had no say for so much of his life that being in control now was paramount. He could cede some decisions to his brother and Dominic, but he needed to feel like he was in charge of his own destiny.

And he hadn’t liked the truths Kinley had pointed out.

Need raged inside him. He had to take charge of it. Of her. Conquer this desire so it didn’t control him for another second.

Riley crushed his mouth against hers, his cock twitching the minute she softened underneath him, accepting him.

He’d been awake all fucking night, studying her. He’d read articles about her, watched the newscasts about her kidnapping, stared at pictures of her—anything to get his mind off the fact that she was in a bedroom with his brothers, making love.

When she’d walked in, he’d used all his restraint to keep himself from hauling her into his arms and taking his fair share. He’d tried to anger her, scare her away, but she’d seen right through the smoke screen, through to the core of him. Instead, she’d given him compassion.

How the fuck was he supposed to resist that?

He cupped her lush breasts. Damn, he loved these. She tried to hide them away in punishing bras held up by metal wires. Even so, they were achingly soft and weighty in his palms. Though she wore a cotton T-shirt, he couldn’t escape how warm and luscious she felt through the fabric, how her feminine curves moved against him.

Riley delved beneath her shirt, desperate to get his hands on bare flesh. Now that she was in his arms, he couldn’t make himself stop.

He found her breasts, palming them in turn as he crowded her against the kitchen table, plunging his tongue deep inside her mouth. Her nipples were hard little pebbles against his hands and her skin so damn soft that he groaned.

Kinley wasn’t turning him away. In fact, she clutched him, filtering her fingers through his damp hair like she still wanted him. Like he still had a chance. Right now, he didn’t even want to question whether he wanted that chance. It didn’t matter. He just wanted her.

He skimmed his hands around her to find the cheeks of her perfect, round ass and dragged her up against his cock. He rocked against her, loving the way she gasped into his mouth. His whole body pounded with arousal. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d wanted a woman this way. But Kinley eclipsed everyone else in his memory. With Simone, there had been a desire for sex, a hope for something lasting—nothing more. With Kinley, he felt a pulsing lust he couldn’t deny. And a pang in his chest he couldn’t ignore. Riley didn’t even bother trying.

“Get ready, sweetheart. I’m going to lay you out on the kitchen table and fuck you. If it breaks under both of us, I’ll just fuck you on the floor.”

Kinley pulled back, her lips swollen from his kisses, her chest heaving. “I can’t.”

He felt as if the floor dropped out from under him. She couldn’t? Yeah. Not with him at least. What the hell had he been thinking?

Riley jerked out of her arms. The damn teapot started to whistle. She’d come here for a sandwich, not to be fucked again. He’d totally misinterpreted the situation and made a complete idiot of himself.

He forced himself not to look her way, to concentrate on the task at hand. As quickly as he could, he’d get her something to eat, then retreat to his own room, masturbate, and wonder if he would ever be able to look her in the eyes again.

After pouring her tea into her mug, Riley ignored the cup she’d prepped for him. He didn’t need fucking tea. He needed a metric shit ton of Scotch.

Drawing in a shuddering breath, he steadied himself and turned. “Your tea is…”

Kinley knelt on the floor before him, minus the shirt she’d been wearing. Her creamy skin was on full display. In the low light of the kitchen, she practically glowed, a pearl that shone in the night. Her honey hair flowed around her shoulders, and her eyes were steady on him. “I don’t want the tea. I want you, but I’m too sore for sex on the table. Your brothers really did a number on my, uhm…”

“Pussy?” The word slipped out without thought. In fact, all he could think of was her, naked, luminous, and presenting herself to him.

“Yes.” She blushed. “I need a day or so before I take you there.” She glanced at his fly, then licked her lips nervously. “I’ve never done this, but I want you to be my first.”

Riley damn near dropped her cup. He had to steady his hands and put it down. Was she saying what he hoped? He didn’t want to assume and make an ass out of himself again. Time to be smooth, romantic. “Are you talking about a blow job?”

Really fucking smooth, moron.

Her luscious lips curled up. “I believe that’s what people call it. I might not have a ton of experience, but I know the words, Riley. Blow job. Fellatio. Hummer. I want to take you in my mouth and swallow you down.”

Just like that, his cock got so hard it hurt. “Kinley, you don’t have to do that.”

Her eyes went wide. “You don’t want me to?”

God, he hadn’t meant that—at all. Actually, he hadn’t meant a damn word he’d said all night. “Yes! I want you to. I want you to so bad I just might die if you don’t.”

She relaxed slightly, then bit her lip uncertainly. “I might not be good at it.”

“I can teach you.” The idea that she’d never had a cock in her mouth made his spine tingle. His brothers might have had her first, but they hadn’t taken everything. This first of hers would be for him. “You’ll be good at it, Kinley. You’re good at everything.”

“I don’t know about that.”

He’d just spent all night really studying her. “You are. When you want to do something, you do it. You feed and clothe the homeless. You’ve made my brothers smile. You arouse the hell out of me.” He moved closer. “I want you to take my cock out.”

Kinley blinked up at him, then her hands fluttered to the waistband of his jeans, those perfectly manicured fingers working on the button of his fly. She was awkward at first, but her earnestness was so sweet. Nothing about her was artificial. Every bit of apprehension and desire to please she felt was written all over her face.

So was her submission. She was offering him something that always aroused him, and not just physically. Something about watching a woman take him in her mouth brought out all of his dominant instincts. And with Kinley, he wanted nothing more than to tangle his fingers in her hair and feed her the hard length of his dick, inch by inch, and claim this part of her.

Slowly—so slowly he thought he would scream—Kinley unfastened the button and started to ease down the zipper. His cock pressed against his boxers as if trying to get closer to her.

“You’re wearing underwear,” Kinley said with a little frown. “I’m not allowed to wear underwear. I don’t think you should either.”

Little sub thought she got to make the rules? “You don’t know it yet, but if you keep talking that way, there will be spankings in your future.”

How would she handle a true spanking? The thought of her naked body over his lap made his groin tighten again. Jesus, so much of the blood in his body had rushed south that he felt dizzy.

She wrinkled her nose and sent him a saucy stare as she pulled his boxers down his hips. “I can handle it. Law gave me a couple of swats earlier because I forgot to call Dominic ‘Sir.’”

Dominic was insistent on protocol, but that wasn’t Riley’s thing. “I like to hear my name, Kinley. And I won’t just give you a couple of swats to make your ass blush. I know this will surprise you, but Law is the soft one when it comes to this.”

“It doesn’t surprise me. He’s very sweet.”

Sweet? Law had killed more men than she could imagine. He’d done it in service to his country, but… “Has he talked to you about his military service? If not, you should know that he’s only soft with you. Law is a trained killer.”

“No,” she protested. “He’s a trained protector.” She pulled his boxers down and wrapped her fingers around his cock—finally. The softness of her touch nearly undid him.

And he kind of loved that she saw them through different eyes. In fact, he liked being with her, just talking to her when no walls stood between them. “Maybe you’re right, sweetheart. Maybe we should all take a second look at how we view the world, but you should understand that I’m more like Dominic than Law when it comes to sex. I’ll get you over my knee. I won’t let you up until you beg me to stop. Even then, I’ll make you come before you’re allowed to leave. You’ll feel my hand on your ass all the next day. Just like you’ll feel my cock in your pussy.”

Eventually, yes. But for tonight, he would be satisfied with her mouth. And with being the man who taught her.

Her face had flushed, a sure sign that his words had either embarrassed or aroused her. Given the fact that she was still there and still staring at him with wide brown eyes, he was banking on the latter. But he had to be sure. “Touch yourself.”

Her eyes flared with surprise. “What?”

“Touch yourself, Kinley. Drag those fingers down to your pussy and touch yourself. Play with your clit until I tell you to stop. I want to watch you.” She was so prim and proper, and Riley couldn’t wait to strip that veneer right off her and get to the woman under the surface. “Or I could show you my version of a spanking.”

He was okay either way. In the end, she would do what he wanted because she wouldn’t be able to help herself any more than he could.

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