Their Virgin Hostage Page 28

“Yes,” he answered her, his tone low, husky. He wanted her to take as much or as little as she could. There would be time enough later for her to service him. Tonight, he wanted to give to her. He wanted to be a part of her first night as a woman.

The Dom inside him chafed to mark her with some symbol of his ownership, but the man simply needed to feel her with him, around him. He needed to know that, good and bad, she wanted and accepted him.

Hell, he needed a wife. He hadn’t realized it until the moment he’d held her. He’d been waiting for so long for the right woman to bring him closer to the brothers of his heart and make them all an official family.

He needed Kinley.

She moved over him, awkwardly at first. She spread her legs wide, straddling him, dropping her gaze to look at that place where she would take him inside her luscious body. Kinley took a long breath, then gripped his cock, holding it up.

“Hey, baby, condom first. Until we’re ready.” Law passed her the little foil wrapped package.

She took it with the faintest hint of a smile on her face. “Yes, Law.”

Dominic gritted his teeth as she opened the condom and placed it on his cock with a bit more finesse than expected.

“Where did you learn that, pet?” he rasped out.

“I was getting married, so I took a class.” She pinched the tip and started to roll the rest down his length. “But we used bananas. You’re bigger than my banana.”

God, he hoped so. She was killing him. He had to close his eyes as she stroked him, rolling the rubber down his length. She was so careful, taking her time and easing it down his screaming flesh inch by torturous inch. He gritted his teeth to stop himself from coming in her hand like a damn teenager.

“I got it.” She sounded so proud of herself, and all he wanted to do was force her down on his cock and pound every inch inside her.

It took everything he had not to move as she positioned herself over him. Her little hand caressed his cock again, ensuring the condom was in place. He tightened every muscle of his body to stave off the mind-blowing feel of her touch.

And then she was poised on top of him. She closed her eyes for a moment, then her lashes fluttered up, opening those vibrant eyes to him as she lowered herself. He looked right at her as he gripped her hips and began to surge up, a promise, a vow to always care for her.

Heat and pressure gripped him. He’d been right. Law hadn’t taken her innocence, and he couldn’t either. She was still as sweet as she’d always been. Anyone who tried to take that purity from her would find himself flattened by Dominic Anthony. He would defend her innocence to his dying day.

She took him in bit by delicious bit. He watched, not wanting to forget a moment of the experience. He memorized the tiny changes in her expression as she worked her way down his cock. He noticed how her breasts moved with every breath and gasp, the feel of her hips in his hands when she spread them wide to accept him. And he couldn’t keep his eyes off her pussy. The sight was burned into his brain. Her pink flesh opened for him, sinking on to him as his cock disappeared inside her heat.

Tight. She was so fucking tight. He had to grit his teeth against the pleasure as she gripped him hard.

He would never last. Feeling Law take her virginity had nearly been enough to send him off. Actually being inside her was just about to kill him.

“He never does this, baby.” Law was watching, his eyes slightly hooded with desire.

Kinley started to move in small slides. Up and down, going deeper each time. “I think he’s probably done this a lot, Law.”

His friend chuckled. “I mean, he’s never given up control like this. Not once in all the years I’ve known him. You’re special.”

Kinley stared down at him, her eyes going soft. She caressed his cheek, her palm sliding across the bristle of his five o’clock shadow. “You’re both special to me. I won’t ever forget you.”

She wouldn’t have to. He’d be as slow as she needed, but Dominic intended to introduce her to an entirely different world. He would make sure she understood the joy of submission.

He reached down to toy with her clit, his fingers finding slick cream there. “I’ll make sure you can’t forget me, pet. And by tomorrow, you’ll understand.”

By then, he would be her Master. There was no going back now. He would have her collared and at his side before she realized what was happening. She would belong to him and Law. If Riley finally pried his head out of his ass, he would be welcome to join them.

Law had been right; she was the one.

Her eyes widened as he pressed down on her clit, working that sensitive nubbin of flesh. “I can’t. Not again.”

“Yes. Again. You’ll come as many times as I tell you to. You’ll take as much pleasure as we can give you, pet. Come for me now.”

He pressed down hard even as he thrust up, forcing her onto his cock completely.

Kinley’s mouth opened. Her eyes widened. She came on a keening cry, pulsing around him, her skin flushing magnificently. She was a sight to behold, and knowing that he’d given her this pleasure only ramped him up more.

And then Dominic couldn’t stop himself. He flipped her over to her back, gripping her hips, and pistoning deeply over and over like a man possessed. Whatever soreness she experienced, he would make it up to her. But damn it, he needed to be inside her completely now. He needed to fuse himself to her.

Holding her close, he meshed their mouths together as he fucked her. He went as high as he could go, turning and twisting to find the right spot, then her nails sank into his back. Her breath hitched. Her whole body tensed.

She came again, her pussy clamping down on his cock, sending him straight over the edge into a drowning pool of pleasure he never wanted to be rescued from.

Dominic’s spine tingled. His balls drew up close to his body and the heat swelled, overtaking him, finally firing off in a burst so supernova he’d never felt anything like it. His whole body coalesced, every cell alive in that moment.

He collapsed on top of her, his head in the crook of her neck, his cock still embedded deep in her pussy.

Dominic had decided; he was never going to let her go.

Chapter Twelve

After crawling over the foot of the bed so she didn’t disturb either Law or Dominic, Kinley stretched and eased out of the bedroom door. The guys were still asleep and darkness had finally fallen, but she couldn’t seem to drift off. Jet lag, the time zone change, and the sun’s abbreviated absence each night had thrown her body into confusion.

She should be comatose—or at least at rest. After more orgasms than she could count, Dominic and Law had gotten her into a hot tub with Epsom salt to help ease her soreness. The warm water had relaxed her, but as they’d all fallen into the bed, sleep hadn’t come for her. Instead, her stomach rumbled, sending her looking for a late night snack. All the vigorous activity had added to her appetite.

Despite the fact that no one was looking, she blushed as she walked down the hall wearing nothing but Dominic’s T-shirt. As she rounded the hallway to the kitchen, Kinley caught sight of the faint glow of a monitor and the sound of a familiar voice talking.

My wife is missing. I don’t have time to talk about something as ridiculous as that lawyer’s claims. I’m going to sue him for defamation of character. If he really knew Kinley, he would know that she would never walk out on her family. She’s too pure to be interested in torrid affairs.

“Of course I didn’t have any interest in torrid affairs. I didn’t know what I was missing. And I am not his wife,” she grumbled to herself.

It turned her stomach that Greg preened for the cameras while pretending to care about her. And what the devil did he mean by “pure?” What century was he living in?

As she stepped into the room, Riley zipped his stare in her direction, his blue eyes raking her from head to toe. “Do you need something, Kinley?”

She turned on the light. “Looks like I’m not the only one who can’t sleep. Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. I just came to make myself a sandwich and check on Gigi.”

Riley stood, his face guarded. He’d taken a shower recently and now wore nothing but his low-slung jeans and a pair of socks, baring every muscle and corrugated ripple of his torso. His hair was still wet. He’d brushed it away from his face. It hung longer than Law’s or Dominic’s, curling around his ears. Riley was beyond masculine and so beautiful standing in shadow that Kinley had a hard time breathing.

“Uhm, I think they tired themselves out.” He nodded toward a comfy-looking dog bed in the corner. Gigi’s head was resting on Butch’s shoulder and the bigger dog was wrapped around her.

Kinley herself had been a little like that, all cuddled up with Law and Dominic. Every time she’d turned, one of the men would wrap her up in his arms so she felt warm and safe. Until hunger and restlessness had sent her from the cozy bed.

“I guess I should get used to mutts. I can’t imagine Gigi coming out of this without a litter.” Butch and her Yorkie looked so cute together, she couldn’t help but smile.

“Well, I guess you’re used to mutts by now after a couple of hours with Law. Dominic’s a thoroughbred, but you should know that my brother and I come from nothing.” His handsome face was a complete blank, but he spoke the words like a taunt.

“Wow. That is a mighty big chip you have on your shoulder. Who was she?” Because no man got that cynical without a woman being involved.

He shrugged. “I’m just being honest.”


The way Riley sneered at her got her back up. “Your brother is one of the kindest men I’ve ever met. I won’t let you call him that. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with mutts. I’m going to love every pup from Gigi’s litter.”

“Sure you will, sweetheart.”

She’d had just about enough of his attitude. “Don’t call me that.”

His brows rode up sharply. “Why not? Law calls you ‘baby’ and you don’t mind.”

In the past she would have just taken his crap. But having sex seemed to have had a positive effect on her self-confidence. Now, she refused to put up with his snide comments, especially because he was the one standing in the way of any sort of tomorrow with Law and Dominic. It couldn’t work without Riley.

If she could convince him to tone down the douchebag routine, that would be a start. But if she wanted any shot at keeping her men, she was going to have to fight for it. What had Dominic told her? She couldn’t get what she wanted if she never went for it.

“I am Law’s baby. And apparently I’m Dominic’s pet. I wouldn’t have said that ‘pet’ could be a sexy endearment, but I love when he says it. You don’t get to call me sweetheart because you don’t mean it.”

“Fair enough.” He took a long breath and walked to the fridge. “So you really like my brother?”

She was pretty sure she was madly in love with his brother. “I do. I like Dominic, too.”

“I knew you would like Dominic.” He yanked open the refrigerator and looked in. “I’ll make you a sandwich. We have ham and turkey.”

“Turkey, please. With mustard if you have it. And why would you automatically assume that I’d like Dominic? He was kind of scary at first. But I’ll confess that my affection for him has grown since he stopped threatening me.” And started kissing her. And giving her crazy-good orgasms. Just the thought of his deep voice had her shivering again.

Riley grabbed the turkey, some mustard, and veggies, then walked back to the island. “I knew you would like Dominic because you come from the same world. He’s got money and all.”

She was getting a little sick of Riley’s attitude. “I don’t care about the money.”

“Bullshit. You were marrying Jansen for his bank account. You might lie, but your actions don’t, sweet…Kinley.” He grabbed a loaf of whole wheat bread from the nearby pantry, then slammed the door.

Just like that, the glow from her lovemaking with Dominic and Law vanished and reality crashed back in. “Because I thought my father was sick. I thought he needed treatment. And my charity was going to go under. I couldn’t stand the thought of Hope House being shut down after my mother worked so hard to build it up. The homeless community depends on it. I wasn’t marrying Greg for shopping sprees and trips around the world. I was doing it to help my family.”

Riley didn’t look up as he started slicing tomatoes and spreading mustard. “I’m sure it makes you feel better to think about it that way.”

She wasn’t going to win with him. Not ever. There had been a moment when she’d felt like she could have it all, but she should have known it was just a fantasy. Riley wanted something else in a woman. Kinley didn’t know what, but it wasn’t anything she could offer. She wasn’t the girl people loved. Even her own family had cared so little, they’d been willing to kill her off for a buck.

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