Their Virgin Hostage Page 17

Every cell in her being nearly imploded. Nope. She didn’t have a problem with rough—except that she wanted more. Could see herself coming to crave it.

Dominic’s tongue surged as Law’s fingers played. Fire licked along her skin. Her knees actually shivered. Pleasure threatened to overtake her. She felt dizzy and stunned and euphoric. She’d never known anything like this, never realized her body could tighten and quake from the inside.

“Make me stop,” Dominic pleaded, his lips playing along hers.

“Don’t, baby,” Law said, kissing her temple. “Don’t make us stop. Can’t you feel how right this is? How much we want you?”

She could feel a number of things. From freedom to pride to a sense of herself as a woman for the very first time. She practically drowned in pleasure. Law’s fingers still played in her pussy, and he could have no trouble discerning how wet she was. It would be embarrassing…except that the lubrication helped his fingers move against her. And it made him groan in her ear. Which made Dominic kiss her even more feverishly.

Hot. She was so hot. In fact, she’d never been this hot—not even close. Her skin sizzled. There was nothing gentle about Dominic, even the way he kissed. He took over. He ruled. She found her body arching toward him in offering and aching to give into his demands. Though he felt different than Law, he felt so very right, too.

“God, that’s sexy.” Law’s deep voice conveyed his satisfaction. “You look good together.”

She was kissing another man, and he was happy. Because she was enjoying it? Because it fulfilled her? Or because his “brother” was getting what he needed while he was a part of the experience? Probably all of the above. Their way of looking at the world might be completely different, but it was still desire, need…and maybe more.

All the while Law’s clever fingers played inside her. He parted her labia, sliding through her folds, to find the little nubbin that suddenly seemed to control her whole being. Her clitoris was filling up with blood. Urgent desire spread through her. With every flick of his fingers, he lit her up until she panted and moaned in Dominic’s mouth. The way they played her should embarrass her or make her feel uncomfortable. But no. Just a searing, soul-freeing desire filled her.

Dominic tugged her shirt free from her skirt, and she felt his warm palm against her skin. He released her lips, kissing her nose and cheeks. “Spread your legs for Law.”

Vaguely, Kinley figured she should at least ask why, but her thighs seemed to have a mind of their own. They obeyed Dominic’s command without question, spreading wide for Law until he stepped between them.

“She’s wearing panties,” Law said. “Those white cotton things. I don’t like them.”

“She’s going to stop that. That’s one of our rules, Kinley. No panties. Nothing covers your pussy except our hands, our mouths, and our bodies when we fuck you.” Dominic’s voice was a dark rumble. “Do you understand? If I find a pair, I’ll throw them away. You’ll get a spanking if you try to wear more.”

Every word that came out of his mouth seemed to ratchet up the temperature—and her arousal—another notch. She ached and burned and needed. But his words confused her. Why did he have rules? And why did the idea of him or Law smacking her backside make her feel antsy and restless—and not in a bad way?

“You guys talk about spanking a lot,” she managed to say in between kisses.

Riley had talked about putting her over his knee and not letting up until she understood, too. At the very thought of him, Kinley wished for his sharp wit and hard body. Then she shoved the thought away. Law and Dominic wanted her. Riley had cast her as a villainess. If he didn’t want her, then she didn’t need him. She’d played that game for too long to continue.

“These panties are in my way,” Law groused.

Kinley frowned. How? He didn’t seem to be having any trouble. He’d just pushed them to the side and shoved his fingers deep in her pussy to work magic on every one of her sensitive spots. Her blood heated, her heart raced, her pleasure swelled, her breath caught. He pressed one big finger inside, against some nerve-laden spot she’d only ever read about. Kinley gasped.

“Make her come, Law,” he growled against her ear, his teeth nipping at her lobe in a sharp little bite that flared into something beyond pain. She shivered against him.

Dominic reached under her shirt and bra until he cupped her breast, plucked at her nipple. Heat flared. “You’ve never come, have you? Tell me, and don’t you lie. I know you haven’t had a man inside you. We’re going to change that, but I want to know everything you’ve experienced so far. Have you ever brought yourself to orgasm with your fingers? Have you ever rubbed yourself until you screamed, until your eyes rolled back in your head and your whole body shook? Tell me. I want to know if this is your first.”

Kinley could barely find her breath. Law’s finger still caressed her insides, massaging that deep place, while his thumb rolled over her clit. She couldn’t stop her hips from rolling against his hand. She wanted more friction, more of that heating, building sensation that was firing urgently between her legs. She wanted to figure out where this road led.

Dominic tweaked her nipple. The sharp pain brought her back from the brink of something new. She keened in protest and need.

“Answer me,” Dominic demanded. “When you do, Law will use his hand to make you come for us. Do you understand?”

She managed to gasp. “Please…”

“What sweet begging. I’m going to watch you come and hear you scream. And I will watch your pussy clench around Law’s fingers. But you answer me first. I’m the top here.”

He wasn’t on top. She was on top of the counter, but she didn’t have time to wonder about his odd phrasing because he pinched her nipple again.

“Never,” she panted. “I’ve never come before. I tried a couple of times, but I don’t think my body works that way.”

She’d touched herself in the middle of the night a couple of times, but found every incident both embarrassing and frustrating. More than once, she’d tried to find the magical spot that would send her soaring to sexual Shangri-La. If the whispers she’d heard were true, other women seemed to be able to get themselves there. Kinley had never even come close.

“Oh, it’s gonna work. Your pussy is so wet, baby.” Law pressed in a second finger as he stared down at her. She felt helplessly impaled, his stare, stretched and wanting and poised on the edge of something she desperately needed.

She groaned low as he shoved those two fingers inside her as deep as he could. He packed her so full. She liked the slight burn of him stretching her.

Law’s entire focus was right between her legs, watching his fingers disappear inside her before he pulled the slick digits nearly free, then shoved her full again. “I know who and what you are, Kinley. You just need something extra, and we can give it to you. Dominic, tell her to come. Order her to do it.”

His words made her heart thump in her chest. Yes. She wanted to be told, to be commanded. She wouldn’t have to think, just obey—and feel. That demand would compel her, remove the stress of wondering if she could and how she would from her mind.

“Fuck his fingers, pet. Hard. Move your hips against him. That’s right.” Dominic continued to toy with her nipples, twisting and pinching, sending crazy little beams of pleasure all through her system. His words clouded her brain. “Do it now.”

Everything made sense then. Kinley gave herself over to his words and just obeyed. Every cell in her body responded to them, to their actions and words, to the sound of their deep voices. Something important lay just within her reach, hovering right before her… And now she had permission to take that pleasure for herself because pleasing her would please them.

She shoved aside any self-conscious thoughts and thrust against Law’s hand. His thumb circled her clit, pressing down and around. Over and over. With a cry, she writhed, taking his fingers even deeper than before.

Dominic tangled his hands in her hair and jerked, snapping her gaze up to fall into the snare of his. “Beautiful, pet. That’s exactly what we want from you.” He looked back to where Law’s fingers disappeared into her body. “Do you feel how wet your pretty pussy is? That’s perfect. We want you sopping and desperate for our cocks. Then we’ll fill you up.”

His words made her whimper. She couldn’t form a coherent reply.

Dominic’s smile was both triumphant and wicked. “Listen to me and listen well. You’re going to come for me and Law—all over his hand. Let it go, pet. Now. We’ll catch you.”

Law stroked her again, the sensation igniting inside her. His fingers pressed up, circling inside, his thumb scraping over her clitoris. Dominic drank from her lips.

And she fell over the edge with a smothered scream.

Pleasure bloomed across her flesh, a wild rush of energy and pounding sensation that had her gasping for breath and shaking, gyrating against Law and holding onto Dominic for dear life. Her body burst, her soul opened, and she surrendered to the moment completely.

As the sensations crested then slowly lulled from electric to tingling, then finally to lazy satisfaction, Dominic’s hand softened at her breast. His kisses became sweet and gentle. “Beautiful, pet. So fucking gorgeous. That’s what I wanted. Tell me how you feel.”

She felt free. She felt open. She felt incredibly alive.

“Amazing.” A happy little grin tried to stretch across her lips.

Law smiled back, his face more open than she’d ever seen it. His eyes were lit with something that looked a lot like joy, and Kinley warmed at the thought that she’d contributed to his pleasure.

“She’s going to be so tight, Dom. I could barely fit two fingers inside. We need to prep her. As soon as possible. God, I can’t wait to fuck her.” Law withdrew his hand. The digits were soaking, and he didn’t care. In fact, he licked his fingers, sucking the cream from them. He let loose a sexy groan. “Hmm, she tastes as sweet as she looks.”

Her whole body throbbed with residual sensation and a new flare of desire. Her heart still chugged, even as languid pleasure coursed through her. Time slowed.

Law’s hands had been inside her body. Now he was tasting her essence and he seemed to love it. He’d known exactly how to please her. Both of them had, actually. Now just looking at them both amazed and aroused her. Though she’d been kidnapped, dragged away from her wedding—albeit one that she deeply suspected would have ended in her death—and she sat on a kitchen island with her legs spread for the men who had ripped her life apart, Kinley was happy.

What was wrong with her? What would people think? Magazines wrote about her family. Her kidnapping would be all over the news. If anyone learned what had just happened, the fact that she’d allowed her captors to touch her would be plastered all over America.

Horror flooded her system.


Dominic jerked back, yanking his hands to his sides. His face closed down. Just seconds before he’d been flushed with desire. Now he looked stony cold again. Though they were still standing close together, there seemed to be miles between them.

“Changed your mind, huh, pet?”

She closed her legs and scrambled away from them, trying to regain some form of dignity. Her hands were shaking. What had she done?

“Kinley?” Law reached for her. “Baby…”

She couldn’t listen or trust herself at the moment. She was too emotional to make any decisions now, much less one to surrender her virginity to two of the men who had whisked her across the country against her will.

No matter how sweet they had been to her. No matter how they were very likely saving her life. No matter how much pleasure they had given her.

No. No! She couldn’t listen to those voices. She couldn’t trust them. Like all of her female parts, they screamed that being with these men was right. That she would be safe with them.

Her clitoris had Stockholm syndrome.

“I need to be alone for a while.” She had to think. Figure out how to put this embarrassing catastrophe behind her and never fall prey to the lust they roused in her again. What kind of woman fell for her captors?

If she stayed here, she would make a complete fool of herself. They wanted information, assistance. They didn’t really want her. She was nowhere near their league. They were gorgeous and undoubtedly good in bed. She was plump, naïve, and inexperienced. If she slept with them, she would forever be the debutante who’d been dumb enough to spread her legs for her kidnappers.

“Kinley, let’s talk about this, baby.” Law stepped up, his big, masculine, oh-how-hot-would-he-look-naked body blocking her way to the door.

She shook her head. “Move. Please.”

“Let her be, Law,” Dominic warned. “You don’t want to give her any reason to say we forced her. It’s exactly why we should have stayed away. I lost my fucking head.” Dominic gathered the papers from the table she’d sat at earlier, before Law carried her to the island and nearly seduced her.

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