The Young and the Submissive Page 52

Hammer grunted, clutching her hip in a death grip, tugging on her hair as he fought for restraint. With a blistering stare, Liam watched her and groaned. The soundtrack merely added fuel to her fire. Everything inside her body beamed with ecstasy.

Slowly, the shattering stopped. She caught her breath. Hammer gentled his hold. Liam pulled away with a curse, tumbling to the floor and fumbling in that little black bag. Moments later, he ripped his jeans off and kicked them away, then sheathed himself. He clambered back onto the bed, teeth bared. He dipped under her and grabbed her hips, urging her onto the mattress to straddle him.

Raine climbed slowly, careful not to dislodge Hammer or disrupt his tight grip. Together, they positioned her over Liam’s swollen, angry cock. She fell forward on her hands and knees. Hammer pushed her down with his next stroke, driving Liam straight inside her, one agonizing inch at a time until he filled her completely.

The dual invasion stretched her. She felt stuffed, impossibly penetrated. At the same time, it changed every perspective she’d held about pleasure. This was…beyond.

“Are you all right?” Just from his voice, the effort to ask that question clearly cost Liam.

“Fine, Sir.” She stared down into his eyes. “Don’t stop. Please.” She didn’t bother to disguise her pleading. She needed what only they could give her too badly.

“Look at us,” Hammer commanded behind her, still sounding like he fought for control.

Raine turned her head to peer into the mirror Liam had positioned. She’d almost shied away from it earlier. Without Liam, the picture hadn’t been complete. But now… The image seared itself into her head and blew her away—her between them, looking so much fairer, smaller. Them surrounding her, muscled, male, and determined. Possession stamped their faces. Determination tightened their bodies as they pushed their way into her, alternating strokes, setting up a rhythm that kept the tingles skittering under her skin, the need pooling in her pussy, and the lava flowing in her veins. Love poured out in every direction as they gripped her, filled her, gave their all to her.

This didn’t feel like the one night she’d asked for. It felt like forever.

Another orgasm threatened to overtake her, and she looked at Liam, torn between panic and supplication.

As he ground up into her, sweat dripping from his temples with effort, he fused his stare with hers. “Don’t you hold out on us.”

Frantically, she shook her head, then cried out when the force and cadence of their thrusts notched up again. She wasn’t going to last. Neither were they. And she wanted to weep. This couldn’t end, not when she knew in her heart they could have so many more tomorrows together.

In seconds, the ecstasy would send her hurtling into the heavens. But she wanted to make one thing clear first.

“I love you both. Always.”

Liam gripped her waist and forced her down onto his surging cock. “I love you, too. I’ll never stop.”

“Yes, precious!” Hammer bellowed. “I said it. I meant it. I love you. It’s the fucking truth.”

The insistence of their words, the pounding of their bodies, the way they all breathed and swayed together—it felt like total devotion, like nothing less than love.

Her entire body gathered, pooling and swirling. The power of this climax buzzed in her head. Raine glanced in the mirror one last time. They moved as one, the ebb and flow of breaths and limbs, of thrusts and gasps and heartbeats all converged.

Deep inside her, she felt them swell, heard their cries of passion as orgasm gripped them. They held her tighter and shouted her name, hearts pounding against her as they seemingly poured everything from their souls into her.

The explosion hurtled her, a cataclysm that broke and remade her, remolding her into not just a woman, but their woman. As they fell into a heap together on the bed and the men murmured and caressed her, Raine knew that, no matter what, she’d feel like theirs for the rest of her life.

Raine curled around Liam, her soft exhalations whispering on his neck. Her sighs and cries of ecstasy still played in his head. With them, she’d been giving, open, honest—revealing the dazzling submissive and woman he’d always imagined. Raine had drowned in the bliss of their tandem assault, bravely rising again and again for more, taking them both deeper into her body, her heart, with such splendor it had left him stunned and breathless.

The night had been beyond his wildest fantasies. No comparison with what he, Hammer, and Juliet had shared once long ago. That had been a sex act. This? Adoration and worship. Love should feel every bit this connected and necessary. The reality blew his mind, and he drew her closer, sliding a gaze over to Hammer softly snoring beside her, a coveting hand on her belly.

The room hung heavy with their combined pheromones until every lungful of air stirred the replay in his head again. Closing his eyes, he let it flicker through from beginning to end again, every moment, every sigh, scream and shudder of bliss indelibly carved forever in his memory. She’d loved every second of it, bursting into life and love in a way she’d never done with him alone.

Part of him grieved for what would never be again. Now that ecstasy wasn’t ripping through him, so many of his insecurities came crashing back. Did Raine need Hammer because he alone wasn’t enough for her? Would having Hammer back in the picture mean that she eventually wouldn’t need him? Liam couldn’t forget the way his friend had pounded into her soft body so roughly at times. Liam had nearly stopped him once or twice. But Raine’s moans hadn’t been of distress. Far from it. As much as he hated to, Liam wondered where that left him in her heart.

The buzz of his phone in the pocket of his jeans had him easing away from Raine. He searched the floor for his pants. Who the devil would be calling him now? Everyone who mattered to him was under this roof.

Seeing the light spilling from the pocket, he slid it free as he walked with it into the bathroom and closed the door quietly, answering quickly before the sound woke the other two.


“Where are you Liam? The people at this Shadows club won’t tell your wife where to find you.”

Bloody hell.

“Ex-wife.” She was in Los Angeles? At Shadows? “What do you want, Gwyneth?”

“You, of course. I need to see you. Now.”

Romance | Vampires | Fantasy | Billionaire | Werewolves | Zombies