The Young and the Submissive Page 38

“I’m desperate to touch you, love,” Liam murmured as he smoothed the dark hair from her face.

Raine clung to him, gripping his shoulders, then gliding over the tops until she thrust a hand in his hair. “Please.”

Liam took her chin in his hand and tilted her to his descending lips. Their kiss was somehow raw and tender at once. Hammer couldn’t ignore the devotion flowing between them. He’d been completely against the two of them at first…and now he couldn’t deny that Raine had grown immensely because Liam had nudged and demanded that she emerge from her shell. Hell, he’d all but walked through fire for her. And she’d finally responded, giving them both the chance to see the stunning submissive just under her skin. But Raine had also been good for Liam. He’d never seen the man so centered, committed…in love.

Tearing off his coat and shirt, Hammer littered the carpet with the garments, then stalked back to the bed, drinking in the sight of Liam and Raine tangled together. Maybe it should bother him, but he knew she hadn’t given him any less of herself. She’d climbed an emotional mountain for them tonight. As much as he hated to admit it, Hammer wasn’t sure he could have managed this much progress with her this quickly if he’d been working alone. He knew Liam couldn’t; it was why he’d uncollared her. If they both truly held a part of her heart, then nothing short of working together to make her whole would do.

Raine gripped Liam’s neck as he began to ease away. “Don’t leave me.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he promised, propping himself on his elbow beside her. “We’re both here.”

Hammer crowded along the other side of her body, pressing his lips to hers again. He closed his eyes, and she put her small palm to his chest. He groaned. So sweet. And when he looked into her eyes again, she smiled with her soul. Damn it, the girl had always touched his heart, but now he could feel her holding it, squeezing it, feeding it.

“So beautiful,” Liam said thickly before he took her mouth again and cupped her breast, flicking the hard pink nipple with his thumb.

Something between a groan and a gasp fell from her lips. Her body trembled. So delicate, so eager… Hammer covered her neck in kisses, then dragged his lips down, laving his way over the full swells.

“You are, precious,” he whispered into her skin.

Her eyes slid shut, and the look of utter bliss on her face went straight to his cock. She arched, and her nipple brushed his lips. Fuck, he wanted to suck her in and take her deep, hear her moan, feel her scratch at him for more. With a shuddering breath, he barely managed to refrain.

A glance up showed Liam watching, poised, tensed. He dragged his thumb over her other nipple again. Another of Raine’s little feminine cries slipped free.

Hammer hung onto sanity by the barest of threads. “If you want more than a kiss, say it.”

“Use what we taught you today,” Liam seconded.

Her eyes flew open. Her gaze pinged between them both. “I need more. My nipples ache. I ache…”

“Do you?” Liam whispered right over the bud. “I might need to hear you beg for it.”

Hammer licked a path just around her nipple, not yet giving Raine what she wanted. “Plead sweetly, precious. Tell us what you want—in explicit detail.”

“Please put your mouths on my nipples. Suck them,” she panted. “I’m dying…”

He and Liam exchanged a glance. His friend grinned, then down they went, their heads descending to her breasts together. The most delicious sense of conspiracy filled him. And as they drew her hard tips into their mouths, Raine gasped in desperation, curling a clinging hand around each of their napes. An abiding sexual thrill plowed through him. Jesus, she was going to burn them alive.

Her nipple hardened even more against his tongue. Under them, she moved restlessly, her hips lifting, her legs spreading. God, what he wouldn’t give to lower himself down there and lick her juicy cunt before he fucked her senseless. He could smell her. Surely Liam could, too. But somehow, they were going to have to hold themselves at bay. This was her reward, not a chance for he and his pal to get off. Besides, as naked as they’d stripped her psyche today, they couldn’t push her too far. Despite Raine’s strength, her spirit would be breakable tonight. They couldn’t risk her when they still had so much work to do. The sex would happen another day—at least he hoped and prayed so. Because the idea of sinking his cock deep inside her again in any way absolutely lit him on fire.

Right now, he just didn’t know how much further he could push his control.

“Yes!” she cried out. “You’re both sucking and it’s…oh, it’s jolting straight to my clit.”

“Do you like it?” Liam tormented her with a rough whisper. “Do you want more?”

“Do you need more?” Hammer added, stroking a hand down her belly, his fingertips playing where he’d shaved off her landing strip just hours ago. The heat rising from her cunt left him no doubt how needy she was.

When she shifted and tried to tempt him to touch her slick folds, he delivered a little slap to her pussy. “Are you supposed to manipulate or communicate, Raine?”

“Communicate. Sorry, Sir,” she gasped. “Please touch me.”

Hammer dragged his palm back over her stomach. “I am, precious.”

“As am I,” Liam added, pinching and twisting her nipples. “You’ll have to be more specific.”

“Touch my pussy, Sirs. Both of you. Please,” she choked out. “Please…”

Across her body, he exchanged another glance with Liam. But they were on the same page; he saw it in the man’s midnight eyes. Neither of them could deny her now.

Scooping his hand between her legs, Hammer petted her drenched pussy, then worked a pair of fingers into her tight opening. Goddamn it, she was so swollen. Instantly, she clenched down on his digits, and he could just imagine how fucking good it would feel to bury his cock there.

Dragging in a breath and praying for restraint, he filled her, rooting around for her most sensitive spot. He found it in seconds, thrilled to feel her sink her little nails into his arm as she gave them a long, dazzling groan.

Liam cupped the pad of her pussy and began rubbing a slow, torturous circle. As soon as he did, she looked up at him with an imploring stare.

“What is it, love?” he prodded.

“I’ve been on edge all day,” she squeaked out.

“As have we.” Liam pressed and kneaded the flesh just above her clit. “Touching you is a beautiful hell.”

“Burn for us,” Hammer demanded. “Ache, need, writhe, and whimper so we can soak it in.”

Raine did. She flushed and cried out, tensing, body bowing, hips wriggling. Around his fingers she swelled and clenched, squeezing even tighter. The flutters of her cunt rippled along the digits. He sent a warning glance at Liam, but his friend was already pulling back.

“No! No, please…” She breathed so hard, her words were broken.

“Ask us for it,” Hammer growled.

“Please… Let me come, Sirs.” She squeezed her eyes shut. Tears of need leaked from the corners. Her breathing was shallow. Her whole body yearned.

He’d never seen anything so fucking gorgeous.

“All right, then. Come for us.” Liam’s smoky whisper warmed her breast before he took her nipple deep between his lips again.

“Look at us, precious.” Hammer plunged his fingers deeper. “And scream.”

In seconds, her eyes flashed wide. Every muscle in her body sat poised on the edge. As Liam rubbed at her clit once more and Hammer grazed his fingertips across the smooth bundle of nerves, Raine opened her mouth and let loose a high, belting mewl of satisfaction. It filled the room, jerked at his cock, and provided the most amazing soundtrack to the epic bucking of her body as orgasm gripped her, endless and incredible. Her blue eyes glowed with desperate love.

Raine’s ecstasy jolted a shaft of heady satisfaction through him. They had done this for her. He felt every inch like her Dom. A glance at Liam told Hammer that his old friend felt exactly the same.

A long minute later, the bliss released its hold on her. Raine sagged back to the bed, eyes closed, panting, shaking, and spent. Moments later, tears began to fall. Then sobs wracked her, dredging up emotions he suspected she’d long buried and wrenching them from deep inside.

He and Liam closed around her, each trapping one of her thighs under their own, wrapping an arm around her middle. Liam pressed soothing kisses to her lips gently as she wept.

“Beautiful, love. You’ve given us everything we’ve asked for and more. I’m so proud of you.”

“Perfect,” Hammer breathed, wrestling his urge to claim her. “I’ve never received that much raw honesty. It’s a gift I will never forget.”

“I’ll never forget it, either. Thank you both.” Her voice shook.

He cradled her cheek and pressed his lips to her temple, her nose, her lips, then circled back again. Liam whispered to her, taking turns at her mouth as she clutched them like they were her lifelines.

Slowly, her crying quieted. Peace began to settle into her. With the sweetest touches, she stroked their faces, shoulders, arms, sending them tremulous smiles. God, he wasn’t even going to come close to fucking her now, and yet he would count this as one of the most meaningful nights of his life. Raine just moved him. She always had. Even if she went back to Liam after she healed, she always would.

The thought was a machete to the heart. Never feeling her again…it just wasn’t an option.

“It’s our pleasure to take care of you,” Hammer assured Raine. Then before he could give into the urge to yank his zipper down and seat himself deep inside her, he rolled away and stood. “I’m going to bring you some water. I’ll be right back.”

As he shrugged on his shirt, Liam stood as well and bent to recover his clothes. “I’ll run you a fresh bath. Do you need anything else, love?”

Raine rose to her hands and knees and scrambled off the edge of the bed. Hammer watched with a frown as she dashed toward them, staring up with the most earnest plea. Submissive need oozed from her pores. She glowed with it. Trembled with it.

Then she sank to her knees. “I don’t need water or a bath. I don’t need anything except to give back to you, Sirs.”

She bit her lip. The pulse at her neck fluttered. Hammer couldn’t stop himself from tangling his fingers in her hair.

Beside him, Liam cupped her chin. “What is it you want?”

“To give you pleasure.” Her voice shook. “I want to touch you…make you come. Please, Sirs.”

Hammer looked Liam’s way. He’d yearned to see her willingness to submit, but he’d been afraid to hope that she would need to yield herself so totally. For a long moment, he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak. Liam looked as bowled over as he did.

“Say something?” she begged.

Liam bent and caressed her cheek. “Oh, love…”

“Please. I need to be needed.” Tears shimmered in her eyes. “I have to give you the pleasure you gave me. You don’t have to say a word or even touch me. Just let me…”

Raine reached up. Through the material of his trousers, she fitted her hand over Liam’s cock, curling her fingers around his length. He almost stumbled as he tossed his head back and groaned. Then she did the same to Hammer, stroking his length through his pants. Blood rushed to his dick like a flash flood.

“Do you need a breath of fresh air, mate?” Liam managed to grate out as Raine’s delicate hand clutched at him.

“Me? No.” Hammer shook his head and arched into her other palm. “Fuck no. You?”

“Air is the last thing I’m thinking of.” Liam pressed his hands over hers and made her grip him tighter.

The relief on her face was excruciating—and sexy as hell.

“Yes, you can please us, precious.” Hammer’s voice turned rough. “Open that sinful little mouth and take every fucking inch we have to offer.”

He peeled her hand away from his cock. Liam did the same, then they extended a hand to help her from the floor. Raine’s slender fingers curled around his, sending a jolt of demand through his veins. Together, he and Liam sat her on the edge of the bed. He could almost feel the anxious hum rolling off her.

In unison, they unzipped and released their swollen erections. Liam fisted his thick shaft as he stepped between her legs, kneeing her thighs wide before cupping her chin. With a rapt stare, Hammer nearly groaned as Raine looked up, begging Liam in a silent, blue-eyed plea.

“Oh, love…” He slipped his swollen cock between her waiting lips.

They moaned together. Hammer could almost feel the silken fire of her mouth as she suckled the head of Liam’s cock, then worked down and laved the shaft in a slow push to the base. She filled her mouth, hollowed her cheeks.

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