Taking Chase Page 6

Cassie laughed. “Everyone in town seems to be familiar with her insurance and what it covers.”

“Well yes.” Art blushed. “She’s gotten into a few fender benders. But she really is a nice woman.”

“So I’m told. And yes, I’ll need a car if I won’t have one for at least another week.”

He completed the paperwork and she drove off half an hour later to the grocery store. But when she parked, she saw the small bookstore just a few doors down and decided to head over and check out the job lead.

“Miss Gambol.”

Shit. The giant hottie of a sheriff came walking toward her. Stalking, like something big and bad but graceful too.


His eyes didn’t miss anything on their slow circuit of her body. She knew that he knew she was holding back. “Please, call me Shane. How are you doing today?”

She resisted the urge to shift from foot to foot. “I’m all right. Just a bit sore. But I’ve got a rental and Art is taking care of my car.” She shrugged. Cassie tried not to think about how his skin was so work-hard and firm and nicely sunkissed. She smelled him from where she stood. A bit of cologne, man and clean sweat.

Cassie doubted she looked as good. The heat made her skin feel clammy and her hair most likely hung like a limp rag. She chewed her lip, knowing the lipstick she’d applied first thing was gone. And then she smacked herself for even thinking it. No way. No more controlling men with power issues. And clearly this one had that in spades. He took up far more of the sidewalk than he physically occupied. His presence was overwhelming. And certainly he’d be hot in bed, but she was not going to find out. Oh no. Not her. She wouldn’t even think about how he’d look naked and laid out on her sheets waiting for her. Damn. Were vibrators legal in Georgia? Yeah, she’d need to look that up online.

He was talking and she blushed when she realized she’d lost half of what he’d said. “I’m sorry. I missed part of that.”

He smiled, with white predator’s teeth. Oh my. Okay, thinking about sex again! Stop it!

“I was saying that you should be on the look out for a visit from my mother. She’s still upset over what happened last night and she wants to make it right. Which means she’ll hound you until you let her. I suggest you don’t try to resist. It’s pointless anyway. She might be small but she handles four very big sons with one hand tied behind her back.”

Suddenly he was so charming he totally disarmed her and she laughed. “I see. Like the Borg? Only with big hair and a bigger handbag?”

He cocked his head and grinned. “You got it. You settling in all right? Can I help you with anything? You shouldn’t move any of that furniture so soon after the accident. I’d be happy to help.” Her heart sped up as his gaze pulled her in. He was thinking something naughty wasn’t he? Or maybe she was projecting.

Wetting her lips nervously she shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll be all right. Thanks.”

His long pause alarmed her until he blinked slowly and cleared his throat. “Uh, okay. Well, I have to go. It was nice seeing you again. You be sure to call me at the station or go and get Matt if you need anything, all right?”

“Thanks again.” Stepping back from his body made her feel a bit better. She could breathe without smelling his skin. It had to be the heat that made her feel so lightheaded.

With a wave she steered around him and headed into the bookstore, leaving him standing there, watching her.

Shane unfisted his hands as he took in her sway before she disappeared into Paperbacks and More. Nervous as a cat that one. Why? And where in hell did the persistent need to protect her come from? She was in his town carrying something she didn’t want him to know about with her. That made her a threat. But he didn’t see a threat when he looked at her.

He saw the shadow of fear in her eyes. He saw the lines of stress around her mouth. And what a mouth. That mouth of hers was made for kissing and other things he shouldn’t be thinking about doing with a woman like Cassie Gambol.

He’d done a quick check on her that morning when he’d gotten to work. Not much to be found and that made him nervous. No one got to be their age without something. No speeding tickets, no fingerprints on file, he didn’t find anything about her in any newspapers from Southern California either. It was like she just came into being a few weeks before. A woman built for a hell of a lot of naughty fantasies, made from smoke with fear in her eyes.

In his town. And if he had any say in it, he’d find out who the heck she was and what she carried so close to the vest.

Cool air hit her skin as Cassie walked into Paperbacks and More. Being away from Shane and out of the heat, she found she could finally breathe again. Wandering through the store, she noted the cozy seating areas in the different sections and a good variety of genres. It was bigger than she’d thought it would be. The kind of bookstore she’d have found herself in every payday back in college.

Finally, she sighted the counter and smiled at the woman standing behind it. “I’m looking for Penny.”

“You found her.” The woman, dressed smart in a lightweight summer skirt and blouse looked Cassie up and down. “Hmm, you don’t look like an IRS agent and my personal relationship with the Lord is my business.”

Cassie laughed and put her hands up in surrender. “I’m Cassie Gambol and I’m not peddling anything. Well, that’s not entirely true. I’m looking for a job. I’m new here in Petal and Maggie Chase said you might be looking for someone.”

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