Taking Chase Page 57

His voice was slightly breathless, staccato even, as he continued to move within her. She felt, for the first time, the full power of his thighs as his muscles flexed against the back of her thighs. Felt the strength in his arms as he held her, the uncoiled desire in his movements and heard it in his voice.

And there was no fear. This wasn’t how Terry used her. He’d used this strength against her to hurt her. Shane used his strength for her, on her to bring her pleasure. Even with the strength he had, he did not abuse it, he kept it under control and she gave into her need to moan and cry out as he built the pleasure within her.

“Pleasepleaseplease,” she whispered.

“Please what?” His voice wavered a bit, she knew he was close and she wanted him to come deep inside her. More than she’d ever wanted anything and she wasn’t quite sure why. She just knew she wanted him to find pleasure inside her, to know her body gave him safe haven when he needed it. When he wanted it.

“Please come inside of me, Shane. I want that so much.” Her words escaped her mouth in a quick flow before she could worry that he’d be disgusted by her brazenness.

“Hell…” His word was stuttered as he pressed once and then once again, deep into her, his fingers holding her hips tight as he pressed deep, his c**k jerking within her as he came.

Long moments later, he kissed her neck and left the room. Returning in moments, he helped her into bed after he’d taken her shoes off and removed her garter belt and stockings.

“You’ll wear those again, right?”

“I couldn’t deny you the chance to see my legs wrapped around your waist with them on.”

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you. I haven’t always been the nicest man to women, you know. But you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you, Cassie.” He kissed her deeply, pulling her against his body.

Chapter Fifteen

Cassie paused as she picked up the cashmere sweater from the table where it’d been stacked in a pile of folded luxury. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end and a chill settled at the base of her spine.

She turned and looked around the area but nothing seemed amiss.

“Cassie? Honey, are you all right?”

Shaking off the dread, Cassie turned and found herself looking into the face of Edward Chase.

“Edward, hello.” She kissed his cheek and he gave her a hug.

“You looked upset just then. Is everything okay?” He looked around the area much as she had.

“It just felt like someone was watching me. Probably because I’m here buying Shane’s Christmas present.” She tried to believe the lighthearted laugh she gave but couldn’t.

“Sugar, you should tell Shane. Do you think he’s found you?”

“I don’t have any reason to think that, Edward. My brother is keeping in regular contact with the investigators and they’re all in contact with me and Shane. He hasn’t surfaced since the summer. Maybe he’s given up.”

Edward looked at the charcoal colored sweater she held in her hands. “Shane will like that. Can I take you to lunch?”

Cassie really liked Edward Chase. She definitely enjoyed Polly but Edward was quiet and insightful and Cassie treasured their conversations on everything from post modernism to baseball.

“Sure, why don’t I meet you at El Cid in fifteen minutes? I just need to pay for this.”

He kissed her cheek and agreed, heading out while she went to the cashier to pay for the sweater and the shirt she’d found. With the assistance of a local artisan, she’d made Shane a bracelet of pounded copper and silver that she hoped he liked. The sweater and shirt were nice and all, but the bracelet had taken her a lot of time and effort. She’d never done anything like it before and wanted to create something that fit his personality perfectly. But now she had a new skill and had taken to working with silver to create earrings and necklaces that did very well.

Edward was waiting with fresh chips and salsa and waved as she caught sight of him.

After they’d ordered and the food arrived, Edward told her that he’d been looking into how she could go about practicing under her new name with her medical license.

“I don’t want you to think I’m presumptuous but I’m asking around. The state board is going to want to have the ability for your patients to know who you are. This name change project has been around for several years but it’s still hard to get professional licenses in the new name for many women.”

“I appreciate that, Edward. I’ve been thinking on it long and hard. I miss medicine a lot. I know I’ll have to go back to get more training but if I mean to make my life here, I’ll need to figure out what I want to do. I like working at the bookstore and all, but it’s not what I’ll do forever.”

“So you plan on making Petal your home then? Pardon my nosiness but my son loves you very much. The change in him is remarkable. I’d hate to see his heart broken.”

Cassie reached across the table and squeezed his hand. “I never thought I’d want to be with anyone else again. I swore the last thing I needed was a big, domineering man and look who I went and fell for. I want to be where Shane is. He gets me. Like no one ever has. He understands me and makes room for my quirks and works around my crazy stuff. I adore him.”

“Good. That’s good to hear. I like you, Cassie, I like you being in my family an awful lot.”

After lunch, Cassie went home and wrapped the presents and checked to be sure Brian’s flight was on time. He was flying in for the weekend to celebrate Christmas with her and the Chases.

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